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Post by devilsmaycry » Tue, 12 Dec 2006 10:21 am

u are my inspiration jovin =) been missing in forum for a while until past few days! was waiting for u to post again ~

but yes i think the same as u.. i will also be saving up a sum of money for facelift, brow lift, IPL, laser botox etc whatever keeps me going .. whatever keeps me happy

U look very good as well and i think i have seen u in person before haha cannot tell done anything at all.. very nice :)
jovinliu wrote:Yo PS-buddy! Why you want to do eyes again? The current one not nice ah? Yah yah age gracefully.... fat hope man. I am setting aside a sum of money for facelift lah, IPL lah blah blah blah! No way i am going to age gracefully, or rather, I do not want to age gracefully. I want to preserve my youth, just like preserving salted egg lah, century egg lah etc etc etc... hee.

ocean11 wrote:ya.. i know wat u mean.. when i told my frens i am going for eyelids ps.. they scolded me i am out of my mind...i tried to explain, becos of my 'OLD' age.. i really have to do something b4 it too late... but they just simply don understand and said i can age to age gracefully without all the botox and PS in furture??? hehehhe.. :P

btw, i know nuts about eyelids, cos nvr tot of doing it last time. wat is parallel crease.. how does it look like?? got any website to see?? i go and ragki ragki..
devilsmaycry wrote:yea u are a pretty lady, actually dun need more stuff, BUT everyone gg for it these days..
so we start to wonder..
Hey if we stop and be the beauty we are born with, one day these plastic beauties will be prettier, and just looking at examples, all the guys are going gaga over them at car shows, on tv, protesting for their "idol" that "no she didnt get anything done, the breast grew on its own, the sticker taped till it became natural crease"
all crap..
cannot lose to normal beauties
must always be one level above..
So .. yes i know where u are coming from.. we will continue to be
pretty ladies.. walking down the street.. making heads turn :lol:
plastic beauty.. so what about it.. u can be one too ~

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Post by devilsmaycry » Tue, 12 Dec 2006 10:28 am

=) sounds nice..
feeling excited for u already! if i'm interested in gg for dental i can join yea.. haha
tanjhj wrote:Dear babes of this forum,

I intend to arrange a Trip to Dr Sukit for a 9 days PS getaway.

Before i start, i need you to confirmed whatever procedure u need to do with Dr Sukit personally and kindly booked ur surgery on Sunday 4th Feb.
Email: [email protected]

This trip will be on Friday 615pm departure.
Surgery and 1st consultation on the Sunday...
Sunday to next Sat = Shopping and makan!
2nd consultation on next Sat
back to Spore on the Sunday

The date will be either before CNY or after CNY.

My budget for each person will be sgd1200 based on below assumption:
include Nose Surgery (I implant only), hotel stay and air tix and taxes
any other procedure please add the amount.

Hotel: Watana Mansion 3 stars apartment hotel (one person each room)
Airline: Either Tigerair or jetstar. which ever is cheapest.
Food: bk fast = hotel, lunch and dinner = own.
Shopping: own

No of seats: max 4

date est: after CNY

closing date of appliction: By end of 3rd week of jan. include tix booking..

Note: plz do not book if u are not confirm doing with dr sukit.
plastic beauty.. so what about it.. u can be one too ~

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Re: Really?

Post by ecoli » Tue, 12 Dec 2006 10:30 am

Morning Yen,
Wahhh... is it that good.. hmm.. so tempted...but you mention that he will show the your new nose before he stitch back, are you not worry to see the bloody sight of your nose?..scared scared..
how much they charged? anyway do they have an email that i can ask them regarding my nose.. I need alar sugery too.. sob
yen2006 wrote:
yen2006 wrote:hi,
Berecca lai is not lai yi ling.

I remember seeing 2 covergirl wearing bikini on one the the magazine this mth or last mth, BereCca Lai looks like one of the covergirl.

Not very sure of what magazine, maybe FHM or ??

just want to confirm whether Berecca & the covergirl is the same person?
Hi tanjhj/ecoli

just called my friend & she told me she is very happy with her new nose done @ KALO by the china doctor, she recommaned 5 friends there & they r all happy with the job.

my friend told me that the doctor will ask you to see your new nose implant before he does the stitches,if u find the implant to low or to high he will shape according to your request until it fits.

any advice?

yen :D

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Re: Really?

Post by tanjhj » Tue, 12 Dec 2006 10:54 am

ecoli wrote:Morning Yen,
Wahhh... is it that good.. hmm.. so tempted...but you mention that he will show the your new nose before he stitch back, are you not worry to see the bloody sight of your nose?..scared scared..
how much they charged? anyway do they have an email that i can ask them regarding my nose.. I need alar sugery too.. sob
yen2006 wrote:
yen2006 wrote:hi,
Berecca lai is not lai yi ling.

I remember seeing 2 covergirl wearing bikini on one the the magazine this mth or last mth, BereCca Lai looks like one of the covergirl.

Not very sure of what magazine, maybe FHM or ??

just want to confirm whether Berecca & the covergirl is the same person?
Hi tanjhj/ecoli

just called my friend & she told me she is very happy with her new nose done @ KALO by the china doctor, she recommaned 5 friends there & they r all happy with the job.

my friend told me that the doctor will ask you to see your new nose implant before he does the stitches,if u find the implant to low or to high he will shape according to your request until it fits.

any advice?

yen :D

lolz no lah ecoli, they dun cut your nose off.. they show u the implant which they want to insert into the nose...


sori that i am rather doubtful over kalo so far, coz msian is like that one. we dun really trust msia clinic coz we know the horror and risk.. however i am glad ur friend all going there and enjoy it.. but it seem ur tai tai friend 1 do all do.. wah the PS damn rich liao.. should give u all discount.. seriously.. why didnt ask for discount? also i can see that ur mind is more or less made up to go there liao. just need encouragement..lolz

goretex is shape according to the needs of ur nose instead of premanufactured thus is is customised. according to sukit I silicone implant also can customised. this is something new i learn.

however the essence of korean style is not goretx or goretex shaping.. it seem u misunderstood what korean style is liao. Goretex is just a portion of korean style. the korean doctor can use any material they think it is good.

korean style nose is open incision surgery. goretex or I implant for the bridge and softbone for ur nose tip. however, they may also op on the soft bone in your nose to create the desire overall effects for nose surgery.

thus i need to ask your friends is that, did the doctor did a open incision? work on the ear grafting to create a better nose tip, work on the alar cartillage etc.. if they only did close incision using goretex, than it will be a modified Standard nose surgery and the result will be quite limited.

however, for some ppl who doesnt really need much changes to the nose, those who just need a higher bridge and sharper tip can choose this techniques..those with garlic nose or fleshy nose or wanna change the nose shape quite alot.. die die will need open incision..

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Post by yen2006 » Tue, 12 Dec 2006 12:14 pm

Hi tanjhj,ecoli,

Kola told me tat i will be operate inside the nostril.
After inserting the implant into the nose the doctor will ask you to see mirror whether you like the shape or height,if not then he will remove the implant & do cutting or reshaping until it fits.

Kola encourages patients using L shape korea is divided into 2/3 parts- soft at the tip & abit harder at the bridge for more defined shape,and its also lighter compared to US & Germany.
Most important after PS,the nose will look high & very natural.
I'm also considering US gortex for very sharp nose but it is not soft at the tip & abit heavier.

I was told no blood/abit when the doctor ask patients to c their implant before stitching.
Very tempted rite? me 2 thinking of nose ps very day, cant wait to get it done. :lol: :lol:

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Post by jovinliu » Tue, 12 Dec 2006 12:23 pm

Hohoho... so you deciding to go and cut your eyes ah... you saw how much my eyes swell right... you really really deciding to go and cut ah??? No regrets??!!? hee hee hee...

Hmmmm, honestly i don't know what else to do leh, what u think? I actually promised my BF not to do anymore surgery liao, but thermage lah, IPL lah etc not counted. Wahahahaha!

Tao yan lah, promote me as Apple Hong... :oops: last friday i thought you will come with your strings of toy boys and housemen, but aiyoh so disappointed you didn't cum (opps, come i mean) leh...

I actually did toy with the idea of going back Taipei next year... I miss my Dr Hsu lah, Winnie lah, the food lah, the fruit tea at Rose Garden lah, the food at Lan Xin Mei's restaurant lah... wa lao i miss Taipei :( So far you also 1 of the best room mate i have! Except you can type all night talking with your toy boy when i usually knock-out and snore by 12:30am. Hee hee hee...

Going back to Dr Jiang or Dr Hsu to do your eyes?

ocean11 wrote:Aiya u know la.. the stitches one cannot make it lay.. don last very long... so i tot mabe just cut my bloody eyes once and for all la!!! den next time wouldnt headache liao.. should have do it the last time hor.. wasted money only..
ya boy, agreed! how to age gracefully without all the maintainance??
sista, u sound like 'qing shi wang' liao!! looking for bu lao yao izzit?? hohoho..
char bor, wan to do anything to ur face next year or not?? (not saying u not pretty now huh!! i ve been telling my guys frens, want to know Apple Hong or not??? they drooling liao!!! they even wan to go and meet u on fri at **** when u text me!! hahahhaha.... bloody hell, all desperate housemen!!!
mabe u itchy backside wanna to do something liao.. so let go to taiwan again mai???? hehehhee.. u are my best room mate so far! hehehhe.. kanna tempt bor??? :twisted:
jovinliu wrote:Yo PS-buddy! Why you want to do eyes again? The current one not nice ah? Yah yah age gracefully.... fat hope man. I am setting aside a sum of money for facelift lah, IPL lah blah blah blah! No way i am going to age gracefully, or rather, I do not want to age gracefully. I want to preserve my youth, just like preserving salted egg lah, century egg lah etc etc etc... hee.

ocean11 wrote:ya.. i know wat u mean.. when i told my frens i am going for eyelids ps.. they scolded me i am out of my mind...i tried to explain, becos of my 'OLD' age.. i really have to do something b4 it too late... but they just simply don understand and said i can age to age gracefully without all the botox and PS in furture??? hehehhe.. :P

btw, i know nuts about eyelids, cos nvr tot of doing it last time. wat is parallel crease.. how does it look like?? got any website to see?? i go and ragki ragki..
Hmmm... what should I do next? Cheekbone reduction maybe?

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Post by yca » Tue, 12 Dec 2006 12:36 pm

devilsmaycry wrote:mine sometimes triple both side, sometimes one side triple, one side double, sometimes, suddenly one side nothing..
but more importantly most of the time, unsatisfied because why cannot balance, why the double eyelid not as nice as those who had it done.

so just go for it if u cannot stand it.. because i have put up with this for the past 24 years and i think it's just time to get it fix once n for all..

yca wrote:Hi, i like to ask those who have done their double eye-lid ps, do u all do it bcoz yr had single eye-lids? Bcoz i'm thinking of doing my eyes too to make my eyes look bigger & balanced, though i already had double eye-lids (natural one, nv did anything before). But the thing is one side is 'triple eye-lid' & the other side though is double, but not deep enough, (eg when theres makeup/eyesshadow, u cant see the bottom colour) and anyway, even when w/o makeup, as one side is double, the other side is 'triple' so my eyes always look one side is bigger than the other side. (like one big one small, though not very obivous, but it pay very close attention then can see) Anyone w the same problem? If already have double eye-lids, can still do it ? Will it be a waste of money? And will the tripple eye-lid effect still come back aft the surgery? What do u think? :wink:
Hee :wink: !! U same situation like me! Anyone also same like us? So have you decide then whether are u gg to do eyes or nose first? (or together) Have u plan where to do yr ps? or by which doctor?

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Post by jovinliu » Tue, 12 Dec 2006 12:38 pm

Wahhhhhh *INSPIRATION* ah! :P

Errrrrrr, when and where did you see me before? Aiyah can come up and talk to me mah, i don't look that fierce right?

Yup 1 reason i keep promoting PS in Taiwan is because they always go for natural look... friends will notice you look different but don't know what's the difference.

I agree with tanjhj about the "if it aren't broken, don't fix it" philosophy. Fix the minimum (face and body), the rest (attitude, the way you carry yourself etc) will naturally come from within. If you don't even love yourself, don't expect people to love you. Think positive try to be happy, this will reflect into your environment as well. This is the "Cause and Effect" rule :)


devilsmaycry wrote:u are my inspiration jovin =) been missing in forum for a while until past few days! was waiting for u to post again ~

but yes i think the same as u.. i will also be saving up a sum of money for facelift, brow lift, IPL, laser botox etc whatever keeps me going .. whatever keeps me happy

U look very good as well and i think i have seen u in person before haha cannot tell done anything at all.. very nice :)
jovinliu wrote:Yo PS-buddy! Why you want to do eyes again? The current one not nice ah? Yah yah age gracefully.... fat hope man. I am setting aside a sum of money for facelift lah, IPL lah blah blah blah! No way i am going to age gracefully, or rather, I do not want to age gracefully. I want to preserve my youth, just like preserving salted egg lah, century egg lah etc etc etc... hee.

ocean11 wrote:ya.. i know wat u mean.. when i told my frens i am going for eyelids ps.. they scolded me i am out of my mind...i tried to explain, becos of my 'OLD' age.. i really have to do something b4 it too late... but they just simply don understand and said i can age to age gracefully without all the botox and PS in furture??? hehehhe.. :P

btw, i know nuts about eyelids, cos nvr tot of doing it last time. wat is parallel crease.. how does it look like?? got any website to see?? i go and ragki ragki..
Hmmm... what should I do next? Cheekbone reduction maybe?

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Post by tanjhj » Tue, 12 Dec 2006 2:19 pm

yen2006 wrote:Hi tanjhj,ecoli,

Kola told me tat i will be operate inside the nostril.
After inserting the implant into the nose the doctor will ask you to see mirror whether you like the shape or height,if not then he will remove the implant & do cutting or reshaping until it fits.

Kola encourages patients using L shape korea is divided into 2/3 parts- soft at the tip & abit harder at the bridge for more defined shape,and its also lighter compared to US & Germany.
Most important after PS,the nose will look high & very natural.
I'm also considering US gortex for very sharp nose but it is not soft at the tip & abit heavier.

I was told no blood/abit when the doctor ask patients to c their implant before stitching.
Very tempted rite? me 2 thinking of nose ps very day, cant wait to get it done. :lol: :lol:

it is like what i expected that dun sound like authentic korean nose suregry to me.. just a normal nose surgery but uses Goretex instead.. furthermore.. they dun do tipoplasty using the ear grafting. w/o tipolplasty, the goretex may not last and the nose tip is not really rectified.. if only like that, for sgd2k+, it is quite expensive.. however if u like it. i wont stop i know ur limitation on travelling, also since it is hard to find goretex now in spore.

however i heard there is this doc in Spore that uses goretex and does korean style. i posted his address and contact a few pages back.. prof lim at plastic & hand surgery..

as for me, yen, coz i doesnt have much commitment, thus i dun mind paying sgd 1k more for a real and full procedures korean nose at taiwan.

my suggeston is to cool it 1st. dun hurry go PS. take time to see since i predict more doctors will do korean style.. also BKclinic - dr kim is coming to spore to open his branch here. soon we can have korean style nose soon.

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Post by tanjhj » Tue, 12 Dec 2006 2:50 pm

i called prof ivor lim clinic.. dun bother liao.

so expensive.. 3.5k for korean mini incision.. his korean nose is also standard but using silmer silicone implant made in korea for asian.. also start from 3.5k..

go to taiwan and back plus eyes and nose also no $7k..

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Post by ocean11 » Tue, 12 Dec 2006 2:50 pm

really??!??! Dr Kim coming branches to sg??? when when?!??! den mabe i do it here instead of taiwan for my eyes liao.. hehehhehe..

ya la ya la.. don scare me la.. i wan to do la.. after that i don think i will do anything liao..
ya ya!! i missed taipei too!! really really miss... haiz.. so how? wan to go?? hehehehe..
tanjhj wrote:
yen2006 wrote:Hi tanjhj,ecoli,

Kola told me tat i will be operate inside the nostril.
After inserting the implant into the nose the doctor will ask you to see mirror whether you like the shape or height,if not then he will remove the implant & do cutting or reshaping until it fits.

Kola encourages patients using L shape korea is divided into 2/3 parts- soft at the tip & abit harder at the bridge for more defined shape,and its also lighter compared to US & Germany.
Most important after PS,the nose will look high & very natural.
I'm also considering US gortex for very sharp nose but it is not soft at the tip & abit heavier.

I was told no blood/abit when the doctor ask patients to c their implant before stitching.
Very tempted rite? me 2 thinking of nose ps very day, cant wait to get it done. :lol: :lol:

it is like what i expected that dun sound like authentic korean nose suregry to me.. just a normal nose surgery but uses Goretex instead.. furthermore.. they dun do tipoplasty using the ear grafting. w/o tipolplasty, the goretex may not last and the nose tip is not really rectified.. if only like that, for sgd2k+, it is quite expensive.. however if u like it. i wont stop i know ur limitation on travelling, also since it is hard to find goretex now in spore.

however i heard there is this doc in Spore that uses goretex and does korean style. i posted his address and contact a few pages back.. prof lim at plastic & hand surgery..

as for me, yen, coz i doesnt have much commitment, thus i dun mind paying sgd 1k more for a real and full procedures korean nose at taiwan.

my suggeston is to cool it 1st. dun hurry go PS. take time to see since i predict more doctors will do korean style.. also BKclinic - dr kim is coming to spore to open his branch here. soon we can have korean style nose soon.

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Post by tanjhj » Tue, 12 Dec 2006 2:52 pm


dun think it will be cheap.. i believe at least 3k onwards for eye.. go taiwan only <1.5k .. it is obsence price..

dr kim in his website said at least after june 2007. also, i suggest u go taiwan bah.. cheaper there and can shopping.. current weather there is good for healing..

Sorry spore.. got to let the thai or taiwan earn my $.. next yr do, 7% gst.. even more expensive..


Voix will be back to spore soon, so far so good on her trip to Korea..
Looking forward to her new look and confidence soon..
Last edited by tanjhj on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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eyelid surgery!

Post by sunkissed » Tue, 12 Dec 2006 2:59 pm

hi! i was thinking about having an eyelid surgery. roughly how much would the cost range from? also.. i was thinking of having bigger eyes through surgery.. is that possible? and what is the name of the operaton? would it be expensive? would be much appreciated if replied! thanks! :)

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Post by tanjhj » Tue, 12 Dec 2006 3:13 pm

Just learn something new today. To make ur eyes open bigger, u can operate on the levator muscle which voix is toking abt earlier.

u asked what can she do to further enlarge her eyes after cutting and kai yan toh..

* [BK Plastic Surgery Clinic] Reply (2006-12-12)

How are you?

There are three kinds of surgical procedures to make the eyes bigger.

The one is epicanthoplasty, but you already had it.

The others are;

You can have the procedure for correction of levator muscle, that is to make your eyes open bigger.

or you can have lateral canthotomy, that is to make your eyes wider to laterally.

Thank you

Dr. Kim, Byung Gun, MD,PhD.

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Post by tanjhj » Tue, 12 Dec 2006 3:47 pm

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