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Post by vitamins » Wed, 01 Nov 2006 2:19 pm

when exchanging emails with dr sukit he said will do alar n rhino for me. i booked everything le and now i re-confirmed with him he said for the alar, my nose will look the same after the surgery lo! no change except the implant at the bridge!

feel like banging the wall now!

"After carefully evaluate the alar I think that after the surgery your nose will be the same and don't look smaller because the main point is at the above of the alar and the skin thickness not the nostril. Many cases have the alarplasty and looked bad because the width of the nostril will be made smaller but the alar itself still big and don't have the good proportion. It's difficult to explain but in my experience with this kind of alar I never have a success case of alar reduction and this is the surgery of no return so I don't recommend my patient to do it unless she will upset with the new nose."
Last edited by vitamins on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 2:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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bigger eyes

Post by gartheven2000 » Wed, 01 Nov 2006 2:41 pm

btw hor a nose brige implant confirm can pull the inner eye fold out and make it look bigger too. Nose bridge and eyebrow ridge is what that does it for peepz wif naturally big eyes.

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Cheap hotels

Post by NIptuckk » Wed, 01 Nov 2006 3:48 pm

Anyone got a cheap hotel to recommend wich is near to the Dr Somsak HOspital?

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Can Cartilage replace Artificial Implants like Silicone?

Post by NIptuckk » Wed, 01 Nov 2006 4:07 pm

Anyone knows whether We can use cartilage from our body or donors instead of using silicone or gortex? I have seen it in some article and tot this method is more comforting as its more natural..

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Post by cyke69sg » Wed, 01 Nov 2006 5:24 pm


Well sure you can. But the only places where your cartilage is not essential is probably at the costochondral joints and the pinnae of the ear

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Post by NIptuckk » Wed, 01 Nov 2006 5:37 pm

Hi, if this is possible, why isnt people using this method?.. or perhaps very frew pple use this method? Is this due to the fact that Silicone implants is still the best way to acheive results?

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Post by cyke69sg » Wed, 01 Nov 2006 5:59 pm

I think the answer should be pretty obvious isn't it?

Ribs? That's gonna be painful.

Your Ear? Wel unless you really don;t like having ears.

To be frank use of cartilage to reconstruct tissue is used by plastic surgeons but usually in procedures done under GA in OTs.

Not office based aspirations and injections! :lol:

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Re: bigger eyes

Post by tanjhj » Wed, 01 Nov 2006 10:57 pm

gartheven2000 wrote:btw hor a nose brige implant confirm can pull the inner eye fold out and make it look bigger too. Nose bridge and eyebrow ridge is what that does it for peepz wif naturally big eyes.
i was thinking abt that too when after i saw the pictures. so that is kai yan tou. i believe when a person does rhino with implant high enough and the bridge protruding enough, will pull the skin can give a effect something like what kai yan tou does. nevertheless, it is still useful for those that wana enlarge their eyes w/o going for nose job.

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Post by tanjhj » Wed, 01 Nov 2006 11:04 pm

cyke69sg wrote:I think the answer should be pretty obvious isn't it?

Ribs? That's gonna be painful.

Your Ear? Wel unless you really don;t like having ears.

To be frank use of cartilage to reconstruct tissue is used by plastic surgeons but usually in procedures done under GA in OTs.

Not office based aspirations and injections! :lol:
guess u never see han fong ops video. the doc does a ear cartilage drafting for the nose job.. look quite painful to me nevertheless even dr jung prefer ear cartilage for the nose tip.

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Re: TO help in reducing swelling

Post by tanjhj » Wed, 01 Nov 2006 11:38 pm

tanjhj wrote:Good news guys, i just found something from other forum of a tip to reduce swelling. the average taiwanese took 1 week to reduce swelling. i guess it may be due to their weather and also te food they eat.

it is a kind of tea u can get from chinese medical shop. as follow:

耐心冰敷 (be Patient in applying cold pack)
還有喝蜈蚣草喔 (and drink "what" tea)
可以幫助消腫 (can help in reducing swelling )
去中藥行買就可以 (can buy at chinese medical shop)

also they said almond drink (buy almond powder) and black bean drink is also good for reducing swelling
almond can help in skin whitening too..

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Re: hi

Post by tanjhj » Wed, 01 Nov 2006 11:46 pm

babyevil85 wrote:hello Guys i Guess Thailand Yanhee Sukit Can't do anything which can be done to our face becuase he dun wan to Risk doing it . I guess i will not Continue Wasteing my time in Yanhee or thailand Anymore . i will Invest my Money on Han Fong in taiwan which is much safer and Even celebrites Did their Face there :D damn but the charge is expensive .. But i dun mind Spending a little more .

ANy wan Want to join me next Dec for hanfong "???
ok what, the price not that espensive compare to SG. 100000 twd (4.7k sgd) for double eyelid, nose and 3 botox. this is the price one gal she said she paid at Han Fong taiwan.

double eyelid alone is 25000 twd (1.15k sgd)

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Re: hi

Post by babyevil85 » Thu, 02 Nov 2006 3:56 am

tanjhj wrote:
babyevil85 wrote:hello Guys i Guess Thailand Yanhee Sukit Can't do anything which can be done to our face becuase he dun wan to Risk doing it . I guess i will not Continue Wasteing my time in Yanhee or thailand Anymore . i will Invest my Money on Han Fong in taiwan which is much safer and Even celebrites Did their Face there :D damn but the charge is expensive .. But i dun mind Spending a little more .

ANy wan Want to join me next Dec for hanfong "???
ok what, the price not that espensive compare to SG. 100000 twd (4.7k sgd) for double eyelid, nose and 3 botox. this is the price one gal she said she paid at Han Fong taiwan.

double eyelid alone is 25000 twd (1.15k sgd)

in that case why not ? we will just go hanfong and do , more asurance and more confident and safer .. I going on next year dec with my mother :D anyone intrested in joining me ?? i going not only for Ps and hoilday too LOL

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Re: hi

Post by jovinliu » Thu, 02 Nov 2006 11:41 am

I won't say they are expensive, if you compare the price they charge as compared to doing the same procedure in Singapore. So far i did my eyes and nose in Taiwan, nobody can tell they are fake. There are many plastic surgeons in Taiwan, you really have to choose the right one to go. Han Fong should be good, i have never done anything with them though.

Now it's cooling in Taipei, and i must it really helps in healing.

They are having botox promotion now, so you need, do all together.

babyevil85 wrote:hello Guys i Guess Thailand Yanhee Sukit Can't do anything which can be done to our face becuase he dun wan to Risk doing it . I guess i will not Continue Wasteing my time in Yanhee or thailand Anymore . i will Invest my Money on Han Fong in taiwan which is much safer and Even celebrites Did their Face there :D damn but the charge is expensive .. But i dun mind Spending a little more .

ANy wan Want to join me next Dec for hanfong "???
Hmmm... what should I do next? Cheekbone reduction maybe?

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Re: NOse Job with GOrtex?

Post by jovinliu » Thu, 02 Nov 2006 11:47 am

During a consultation prior to my rhinoplasty in Taiwan, the PS let me touch some silicon implants which some patients came to him to replace with Gortex. They are like.... hardened silicone glue, if you know what i mean.

In contrast, Goretex is soft, flexible, can bend somemore! If i have to describe, Goretex is like rubberband.

I have a.... well... waiting-to-undergo-sex-change-operation friend. "She" did her nose in Thailand. I didn't feel her nose, but it does look hard. It just doesn't have that soft and demure look.

I believe the good Taiwan PS are all using Goretex, not silicone.

tanjhj wrote:
NIptuckk wrote:Hi tanjhj can u tell me more abt Gortex implants and exactly how much softer is it compared to Silicone?.. Also, what are the other benefits?.. Whic doc practises using this material in spore or thailand?...Any Doc to recommend for Nose job? thx.
u better ask jovin.... i touch silicon nose before and i dun like the feel. well that nose i touch may be using a harder version from what i know..
Hmmm... what should I do next? Cheekbone reduction maybe?

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Post by mountain » Thu, 02 Nov 2006 12:02 pm

You did your eyes?
Do you have the smaller tapered crease or the parallel bigger crease
if you know what I mean?

The ps must be pretty good..I've seen some very unnatural
looking eyelides...

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