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Post by zenneon » Sun, 22 Oct 2006 10:51 pm

Hope you'll update us when you're back.

Don't forget to note down all the info... :D

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Post by spendalot » Sun, 22 Oct 2006 11:21 pm

hi crozogirl,
just thought that I would warn you if you back to work only after 1 week, it will be very obvious to people that you went to do your nose. Can you live with that? You need at least 3 weeks to look somewhat normal.

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Post by crozogirl » Sun, 22 Oct 2006 11:24 pm

hi spendalot

do i really need that long? cuz from what i read from some of the others...they seem ok to go out and all from just few days after. i am worrying. but i still have to do it. how badly will they be roughly? sorry but did u track ur progress?? maybe if posible would u like to email me some of ur pics before, during and couple days and prob up to 3 weeks after?

Sorry i am asking only now...or anyone who can help me with their progress report please send me your pics so i am prepared.

Please email to [email protected]

thanks for being so sweet to point it out to me spendalot! thank u!

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Post by zenneon » Sun, 22 Oct 2006 11:28 pm

I think, 1 week is too optimistic.

Personally I believe for an injury to heal would take around 2 weeks. But I'm not too sure about plastic surgery.

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anyone know bout "rapid Prototyping surgery" techn

Post by cupid^n^starz » Mon, 23 Oct 2006 2:34 am

i want to share my experiences,
I have done some researches for the best doctors in thailand who is able and already common for doing my cranofacial surgery. Because this procedure i want is not a common cranofacial surgery which is the common procedure for thailand doctors ( FFS). what thailand doctors commonly do is by reducing the forehead or FFS procedure, or even if it is added, only for the middle forehead to upper.
What i want for the brow bossing procedure for male is very different with female forehead. i have consult with via email with many doctors in thailand, but only a few can give a satisfied answer rationally without giving fakes hopes.

and also i already asked dr somsak with email and got the reply from his assistant (chrisholm) and i really aprreciate with his honest for not able to do my procedure because to him it is very dangerous to fill this area (my lower forehead till supra orbital ridge or browridge) with an solid implant.

Actually, there are many doctors in thailand who amazed me, because of their ability, even some of their answer is not satisfied me and make me blur without answering all my expected question. there are so many great doctors in bangkok with great price and also great quality, who are not exposed via internet, i mean they do not have website or maybe clinic, or unfamous hospital like bumrungrad, but also accreditated (eg : samitivej, piyavate, or bnh, phuket international, etc)
as for your information, if anyone interested with thailand doctors with reasoanble price and with great quality service, you can email me and i hope i can help you. from my personal opinion, the reason i choose thailand for the surgery because of the price is cheaper than other country. why i have to pay thousand dollars for single procedures and travel to thailad if the cost is similar with my country or maybe western country.
But overall, i'm satisfied.
Suprised me there is some doctors in Thailand, who recommends High modern techniques for the procedure I want, and what amazed me these doctors are compete for offering to give their best price and best services, and doctors are not the training certicate doctors. what make thy are great doctors because of their education background and also expreiences. let say the example is Dr. P
what i want to ask now is, I havent heard about this technique, bone cement or metyl metacrylate. as far as i know, it can be used by spreading it on the surface of the forehead bone when doing the operation without building the mold first.

For brow bossing augmentation procedure,He uses "rapid prototyping " method ,the most accurate but more complicated operation.the process is the patient have to do CT scan for facial bone and He will use the data from CT SCan to creating 3 D graphic and use computer graphic to design what shape of the forehead I want then builiding the mold made from metyl metracrylate(spending time for 2 weeks to create mold).

He said, rapid prototyping method is the most accurate , because the molding implant, will be fit with my forehead bone without any dead space ,the inside of the mold will form just like the contour shape of my forehead bone
the thickness can be 1cm. or more depending my information and my design I want ,that will be sent to their technician who will use data file from CT Scan and the design that I give them as I want to create mold made from methyl metacrylate.
The mold is solid and it is built by computerized machine under control of the engineer and technician.the mold will be built successfully before the operation .

He said,in the operation : bicoronal incision is recommmended for my
operation and in some patient can have very small amount of hair loss at
the incision scar,then He place the mold on my forehead and orbital rim
,fixing mold with special absorbable screw .
the cost is 4000USD net.

His experience done with this technique is about 15 cases . the others technique like using silicone sheath with lipo fat filling in eyebrow is about 30 cases.

Is anyone have any information about this technique ? or ever heard even familiar?
any information would be appreciated it.

Jennifer Lee
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Re: anyone know bout "rapid Prototyping surgery" t

Post by Jennifer Lee » Mon, 23 Oct 2006 2:49 am

cupid^n^starz wrote:i already asked dr somsak with email and got the reply from his assistant (chrisholm) and i really aprreciate with his honest for not able to do my procedure because to him it is very dangerous to fill this area (my lower forehead till supra orbital ridge or browridge) with an solid implant.
i was amazed as well. hu is dr. p? i tink 4 ur nids, u can contact a neuro-surgeon, they r the true expert 4 these forehead implants thing.

but e procedure is rare. u must be sure if u 1 him to handle u - he ve onli 15 cases. nt enough 4 me who seek veri experience surgeons. tat is why i choose somsak.
Jennifer Loves Daniel

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Post by vitamins » Mon, 23 Oct 2006 3:07 am

i'll be going to Yanhee mid nov or latest around mid dec.

i was thinking.. any girls planning around this date too if you're looking for ppl to go with, feel free to msg me.

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Post by crozogirl » Mon, 23 Oct 2006 8:49 am

hi cupid n starz

good to hear you done so much groundwork and you managed to find a doc that has sort of met your needs.

I am unable to PM you at the moment, would you like to email me at [email protected] and let me know which of the docs you have spoken to at either Yanhee or Bumrungrad or even Sriraraj that you think are very highly recommended.

Reason is although my surgery is not as complex as yours, but I am going to be doing probably 3 types at once, so I need one that will be capable enough and trustworthy enough of handling the situation should any complications arise. :(

I do have a budget but I am willing to pay more if I think it is worth it. Reason now i am picking Yanhee still is because I am going for the price,,it is the cheapest so far among the reputable ones, but from calculation Bumrungrad is also the same price for rhinoplasty.

Since i also need cheek liposuction and eyelid surgery, I am not sure which doc can do all three types at once for a reasonable quality. IN this case, I think i prefer a more experienced doc.

Jennifer Lee:

How are u recovering now? Is your jaw fine?

I would like to ask about Dr SOmsak. Did you see any patients who did eyelid surgery and nose at his place?? Please let me know yah? I truly appreciate it. If you could, maybe you could email me your pic before and after as my reference if you don;t mind. Thanks!

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Re: anyone know bout "rapid Prototyping surgery" t

Post by gartheven2000 » Mon, 23 Oct 2006 10:53 am

hi cupid^n^starzi,

pardon me but just to clarify...if i din get it wrong, this surgery ur looking for is meant to increase the height of ur brow ridge in order to give the face a more 3D contour?


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Post by jOdiEe » Mon, 23 Oct 2006 11:04 am

Hi! i am not from sg but i am planning to do suture method in sg for my eyelid but i duno wher is best place to go.
i am going to sg in jan 07 for 3 weeks. anyone haf recommendations?? plz let me noe!
i relly want to get it done while i am there coz in perth (where i am from) its too costly n unreliable coz the doctors are all guais.

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Post by tanjhj » Mon, 23 Oct 2006 4:51 pm

crozogirl wrote:hi spendalot

do i really need that long? cuz from what i read from some of the others...they seem ok to go out and all from just few days after. i am worrying. but i still have to do it. how badly will they be roughly? sorry but did u track ur progress?? maybe if posible would u like to email me some of ur pics before, during and couple days and prob up to 3 weeks after?

Sorry i am asking only now...or anyone who can help me with their progress report please send me your pics so i am prepared.

Please email to [email protected]

thanks for being so sweet to point it out to me spendalot! thank u!
lolz. a few days? i think u missed their full posting or misread it leh. they felt ok to go shopping after a few days but the nosey is still swollen and bruised.
here, we have Iamdanny who is a guy, and a guy healing rate is generally faster than gals but he is into his 3rd weeks when his bruises and swelling subside to a more "Normal" look.
i sincerely suggest u take at least 2 weeks leave and remember to get the drug sinech or something to aid in the recovery of the swelling nose. and also eat more "shen yu" to aid healing. i am quite used to surgery and mum always cook shen yu for me during my recovery and i believe it helps alot as mum said.

trust me, i believe u would felt like dying if your colleagues see ur healing & changing nose...

cheers :D

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Post by crozogirl » Mon, 23 Oct 2006 5:59 pm

hi tanjhj

thanks for your advice...i just cant afford really to take like 2 weeks off work. and i guess facing the office pp is the only choice i have

lucky i guess i work at TUAS and far away from everywhere and so dun have to meet much pp in the meantime. BUt i guess i have to live with my decision. i have to be brave adn think positive. suffer for 3 weeks...but then hoopefiully going forward i have a better days ahead! :shock:

can anyone tell me where i can buy some of that Sinoeech medication? And if possible please tell me where i can get them out of office hrs..because it is too inaccessible for me to run out during lunch to buy. can only buy after i finish work and i usually dun leave the office till after 7pm. sigh. hard life i know. but this has to be this way to pay for my vanity! :cry:


is it possible to send me ur pic before and after??? sorry i have to ask...justdat u did urs with dr sukit and i would like to have a reference. thank u!

to everyone who has been contributing...thank u so much and I appreciate all your posts...this has been very supportive in me making this decision.!!! :)

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Post by crozogirl » Mon, 23 Oct 2006 6:00 pm


anyone can make sgood recommen dations on where to stay for 7 nites in bangkok...and cannot be too ex la....cuz i am sponsoring myself and quite a long time also...but hopefully comfy enuf for me to recuperate and internet access qwould be such a bonus!


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Post by zenneon » Mon, 23 Oct 2006 6:04 pm

trust me, i believe u would felt like dying if your colleagues see ur healing & changing nose...
this is one psychological barrier which I can't overcome yet.
So...what is your suggestion?

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Post by tanjhj » Mon, 23 Oct 2006 8:06 pm

crozogirl wrote:hi tanjhj

thanks for your advice...i just cant afford really to take like 2 weeks off work. and i guess facing the office pp is the only choice i have

lucky i guess i work at TUAS and far away from everywhere and so dun have to meet much pp in the meantime. BUt i guess i have to live with my decision. i have to be brave adn think positive. suffer for 3 weeks...but then hoopefiully going forward i have a better days ahead! :shock:

can anyone tell me where i can buy some of that Sinoeech medication? And if possible please tell me where i can get them out of office hrs..because it is too inaccessible for me to run out during lunch to buy. can only buy after i finish work and i usually dun leave the office till after 7pm. sigh. hard life i know. but this has to be this way to pay for my vanity! :cry:


is it possible to send me ur pic before and after??? sorry i have to ask...justdat u did urs with dr sukit and i would like to have a reference. thank u!

to everyone who has been contributing...thank u so much and I appreciate all your posts...this has been very supportive in me making this decision.!!! :)
since u going to take it "face on", i would like to commend your bravery nevertheless expect the worst scenario so that u will be more mentally prepared. if the reaction is not that bad, than it will be a bonus. lolz
as for sinnech or something medication, u better get it via a local doctor coz if i remeber it, someone with amazing recovery took it on the day of operation and contd for a few days. her swelling was better than expected and the doctor did remark on her fast recovery. of coz, it may be due to her own body recovery, however, i believe the "sineech or something" did help her physically and mentally to a certain extend. thus i deem it a "good to have" for all those aspring to go 4 PS.

anyway sineech is a medication for swelling and wounds healing. nevertheless, do let ur doc noe that u will be taking it.

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