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Re: For myself

Post by spankie » Tue, 17 Oct 2006 3:46 pm

katy wrote:
Hi tanjhj,

Man you do sound like the man I wouldn't want to be with lol.

Well let me reiterate that I know he loves me. That's a fact. He can't be with me based on my looks cos frankly I am not what you'd call a pretty girl. His trespasses of looking at other girls, that is something I can learn to accept cos after all, I don't want him to jump on my back if I check out other men. I just want PS to make this a more even playing ground -- that maybe if more men look at me he'd spend more time looking after me than at other girls LOLs[/quote]

He will dump you the moment he finds a prettier one.

Trust me, I am older and more experienced.

Men who goes for looks will ALWAYS stray. because they cant help falling for beautiful things.

If you are smart, you will dump him before he breaks your heart.

Having plastic surgery because he makes u feel lousy ?
I think thats the first step to disaster..

DOn't hate me for what i just said. I'm just speaking my mind, I'd have said the same thing to any of my girlfriends in the same situation as you.[/quote]

Hi Katy,

Thanks for your concern. I don't hate you for what you'd said, no worries :)

But since this is a PS forum, let's stick to the subject. If I need relsp advice, I'll go to the relsp one.

Frankly, I'm doing this for myself. Men are men, and women are women. Who's to say who'll stray and who'll not? The ugliest woman may find a faithful lifelong partner and the pretty one not. What I do know right now is that I'm not good looking and yet he's with me, so I know for sure that while he enjoys looking at pretty things, it does not mean that he'll go for them. And I do know that even before me he's had prettier girls and still can have them, but I'm assured of his fidelity. Of course, there's no guarantee that 10 years later he'll stray and break my heart, but there's no guarantee that I'll not do the same to him either.

I need help to make myself feel more confident, so I won't feel so shitty about myself. And PS could be a solution and thus I've turned here.

I do appreciate all the concern, but I'm 29. I'm realistic about what PS can achieve and what it can't. It's not gonna make my bf love me more, but it will make myself love me more, and that's the end point isnt' it?

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Re: Singapore Cosmetic Surgery Conference 2006 (SCSC) !!!! k

Post by gartheven2000 » Tue, 17 Oct 2006 4:18 pm

I thereby announce a tentative call for the veterans and the sincere rookies for a friendly chat and meet at (SG Cosmetic Surgery Conference) SCSC 2006 !!! Call for participants!

Those whom i count tentatively inside:
iamdanny, jennifer, spendalot, gartheven2000, spankie.....

babyevil and ur frens.....interested in signing up?
The rest??

Probably it'll be a Sat or Sun dinner yah...
Those who have tight timetables pls suggest suitable dates lor...
and do give ideas for venues..

Can i be the Chairman den?? hehehe... :lol:

Thanks, Ocean! Pls be the chairman :D I'm serious abt this yah....

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Re: Singapore Cosmetic Surgery Conference 2006 (SCSC) !!!! k

Post by gartheven2000 » Tue, 17 Oct 2006 4:26 pm

Jennifer Lee wrote: have u ever tot that girls may not feel as comfortable like guys in this type of meeting? sure it sounds easy 4 u to suggest. mabbe a online group will be nice. how about an online messenger session on a regular basis?

i had my breast implants! i'm sure guys will keep looking at me for the wrong reason.... :mad: not that i have a prob. since my visit from somsak there are guys looking at me.

*smiling sweetly*
for the gals interested in attending pls do not be put off. We guys are gentlemen okie! People who stare w/o permission or comment rudely will be whacked. keke :)

By the way Jennifer, you had breasts implants because you want guys to notice you. So that's the right reason isn't it? And from ur tone/content, i would say: Bring it on! keke

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Re: Singapore Cosmetic Surgery Conference 2006 (SCSC) !!!! k

Post by spankie » Tue, 17 Oct 2006 4:27 pm

gartheven2000 wrote:>>
I thereby announce a tentative call for the veterans and the sincere rookies for a friendly chat and meet at (SG Cosmetic Surgery Conference) SCSC 2006 !!! Call for participants!

Those whom i count tentatively inside:
iamdanny, jennifer, spendalot, gartheven2000, spankie.....

babyevil and ur frens.....interested in signing up?
The rest??

Probably it'll be a Sat or Sun dinner yah...
Those who have tight timetables pls suggest suitable dates lor...
and do give ideas for venues..

Can i be the Chairman den?? hehehe... :lol:

Thanks, Ocean! Pls be the chairman :D I'm serious abt this yah....
So it seems that there are more guys than girls? I'm surprised!

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Post by spendalot » Tue, 17 Oct 2006 5:06 pm

I am more for the idea of an online group. I am not so comfortable meeting guys too haha....and its so weird to meet up with so many people at the same time and having people scrutinising at your every feature (I assumed this as afterall, its our interest)
Who are the gals here? If wanna meet up then PM me hahaha....otherwise lets have the MSN online group ba.

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Post by aznyvonne » Tue, 17 Oct 2006 10:45 pm

candy_t wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
candy_t wrote: Heard Dr. Martin Huang at paragon is great in skill with regards to rhinoplasty.

If facin budget constraint or the surgeon's skill is ur concern (which are my 2 big issues before mine was done) then how abt goin to thai for the job?? With the quotes fm Yan Hee, the airlines and the 2-stars hotel, I'd worked out the cost to be less than SGD1,500! But the actual cost for all, which included my surgery + 8 nights' stay + room svc most of the time + cab fares: airport-hotel-YH-hotel-YH-airport,etc worked out to an additional 300+!

Only main prob if u r an employee: if u can hv ur 9 days' leave approved! :wink:
thx a lot for ur reply, my concerns is exactly the same as urs.. i wld like to know more abt ur thai visit. can i know who did ur surgery, and are u satisfied with it? wat are the ways i can contact the surgeon? thanks again.

i heard abt martin huang too, but i think he will go beyond my budget.
Mine's done by surgeon Dr. Sukit Worathamrong M.D. His email [email protected]

Alternatively u can enquire thru d hospital cust svc officer by name of Mr. Nomar, a very friendly and well-organised guy via this email: [email protected]

Nomar wld b d one to arrange appointmt for ya or u can ask him all ques or $ u need to know.

All d best!
Hi Candy, would u mind contacting me at [email protected]. I would like to ask your advice on the nose job as I am heading to Bangkok this yr

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Re: rhinoplasty

Post by aznyvonne » Tue, 17 Oct 2006 11:04 pm

txbmandy wrote:hi!

can find my postings on pg 20-jun23; pg 22-jun27; pg 25-july06.


Anonymous wrote:txbmandy

Look through page 20 cannot find your posting. Can tell me the date?

txbmandy wrote: sorry. its page 20, not 26! :lol:
txbmandy, congrats on having such an amazing nose. My email add is [email protected]. I would like to ask you on some advice as I will be heading to Bangkok this yr. I was wondering what would happen if you have the tendency of sleeping

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Re: rhinoplasty

Post by aznyvonne » Tue, 17 Oct 2006 11:06 pm

txbmandy wrote:hi!

can find my postings on pg 20-jun23; pg 22-jun27; pg 25-july06.


Anonymous wrote:txbmandy

Look through page 20 cannot find your posting. Can tell me the date?

txbmandy wrote: sorry. its page 20, not 26! :lol:
txbmandy, congrats on having such an amazing nose. My email add is [email protected]. I would like to ask you on some advice as I will be heading to Bangkok this yr. I was wondering what would happen if you have the tendency of sleeping by the sides? Secondly, would the scars be visible?

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Post by spendalot » Tue, 17 Oct 2006 11:17 pm

Anyone who did their nose has got a sensitive nose? I am prone to sniffing and always has lotsa mucus i.e when there is dust, when there is haze, when I dont have enough sleep etc....
I used to have sinus problem, now I dont get the runny nose every morning but when I am sick or when its sensitive, the mucus just flows.
Do you think I can do the surgery? Or maybe the surgery can even correct my problem?

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Re: For myself

Post by tanjhj » Wed, 18 Oct 2006 1:50 am

katy wrote:
He will dump you the moment he finds a prettier one.

Trust me, I am older and more experienced.

Men who goes for looks will ALWAYS stray. because they cant help falling for beautiful things.

If you are smart, you will dump him before he breaks your heart.

Having plastic surgery because he makes u feel lousy ?
I think thats the first step to disaster..

DOn't hate me for what i just said. I'm just speaking my mind, I'd have said the same thing to any of my girlfriends in the same situation as you.
agree, but i dun want to sound so harsh as like that not fair to me and ther man, inclusive of jennifer's. lolz

well, as a man, if i go for a woman who is not pretty is usually due to three things:

1)love that woman. 10%
2)cant find a better woman due to lack of capability or confidence. no fish, prawn also can, for some, even no prawn ikan bilis also can. 50%
3)get a woman 1st while looking for a good one. 40%

man are born to look for good looking woman. more so than woman. hehehe

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Post by babyevil85 » Wed, 18 Oct 2006 4:12 am

i am okie for a meet up , Hmm my email is : [email protected]

Pls Add me in ur group :D i am sure this is nice .. I am okie and open to talk in the phone too :D anyone LOL ?

Jennifer Lee
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Post by Jennifer Lee » Wed, 18 Oct 2006 6:33 am

spendalot wrote:I am more for the idea of an online group. I am not so comfortable meeting guys too haha....and its so weird to meet up with so many people at the same time and having people scrutinising at your every feature (I assumed this as afterall, its our interest)
Who are the gals here? If wanna meet up then PM me hahaha....otherwise lets have the MSN online group ba.
Have u seen the masculine talks above? BRING IT ON. I m scared oreadi.
Jennifer Loves Daniel

Jennifer Lee
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Post by Jennifer Lee » Wed, 18 Oct 2006 6:37 am

it proves 1 thing. at the lowest end of the gender scale, the female declares 'i'm a female' & the males will fight to mate. it is dangerous - imagine a rapist telling a judge tat it's nature instinct.

it is not tat i m wanting man's attention.

i think i m intelligent in the 1st place. tat make a big difference from me & silly girls. now i feel reasonably attractive, i wun be a bimbo, but i dun want that attention too. i have very small breast 4 my body. implants was definately reconstructive than aesthetic.

Girls pls. i really dun 1 guys to tell me about this. we know guys more than they noe themselves.
Jennifer Loves Daniel

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Thailand this Jan, anyone?

Post by im4Gin3 » Wed, 18 Oct 2006 11:27 am

I am thinking of getting a nose job done in Thailand, BKK... Yanhee Hospital (I had some friends that had some form of surgery done in that hospital and the comments I got and saw was fantastic.) I will be heading there most probably in Jan... going to take ard 17 days of leave... Anyone interested in joining?

PM me for details :j

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Re: For myself

Post by katy » Wed, 18 Oct 2006 11:49 am


Hi Katy,

Thanks for your concern. I don't hate you for what you'd said, no worries :)

But since this is a PS forum, let's stick to the subject. If I need relsp advice, I'll go to the relsp one.

Frankly, I'm doing this for myself. Men are men, and women are women. Who's to say who'll stray and who'll not? The ugliest woman may find a faithful lifelong partner and the pretty one not. What I do know right now is that I'm not good looking and yet he's with me, so I know for sure that while he enjoys looking at pretty things, it does not mean that he'll go for them. And I do know that even before me he's had prettier girls and still can have them, but I'm assured of his fidelity. Of course, there's no guarantee that 10 years later he'll stray and break my heart, but there's no guarantee that I'll not do the same to him either.

I need help to make myself feel more confident, so I won't feel so shitty about myself. And PS could be a solution and thus I've turned here.

I do appreciate all the concern, but I'm 29. I'm realistic about what PS can achieve and what it can't. It's not gonna make my bf love me more, but it will make myself love me more, and that's the end point isnt' it?[/quote]

Ok, I'm glad you sound mature and know what you are doing :)

I'm all for ps if it makes u feel more confident and beautiful !
Just dont do it for other people.

One other note, there will always be more beautiful women around, but there is only one YOU.
So remember YOU are special and he is lucky to have YOU :D

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