Hi tanjhj,katy wrote:
Man you do sound like the man I wouldn't want to be with lol.
Well let me reiterate that I know he loves me. That's a fact. He can't be with me based on my looks cos frankly I am not what you'd call a pretty girl. His trespasses of looking at other girls, that is something I can learn to accept cos after all, I don't want him to jump on my back if I check out other men. I just want PS to make this a more even playing ground -- that maybe if more men look at me he'd spend more time looking after me than at other girls LOLs[/quote]
He will dump you the moment he finds a prettier one.
Trust me, I am older and more experienced.
Men who goes for looks will ALWAYS stray. because they cant help falling for beautiful things.
If you are smart, you will dump him before he breaks your heart.
Having plastic surgery because he makes u feel lousy ?
I think thats the first step to disaster..
DOn't hate me for what i just said. I'm just speaking my mind, I'd have said the same thing to any of my girlfriends in the same situation as you.[/quote]
Hi Katy,
Thanks for your concern. I don't hate you for what you'd said, no worries

But since this is a PS forum, let's stick to the subject. If I need relsp advice, I'll go to the relsp one.
Frankly, I'm doing this for myself. Men are men, and women are women. Who's to say who'll stray and who'll not? The ugliest woman may find a faithful lifelong partner and the pretty one not. What I do know right now is that I'm not good looking and yet he's with me, so I know for sure that while he enjoys looking at pretty things, it does not mean that he'll go for them. And I do know that even before me he's had prettier girls and still can have them, but I'm assured of his fidelity. Of course, there's no guarantee that 10 years later he'll stray and break my heart, but there's no guarantee that I'll not do the same to him either.
I need help to make myself feel more confident, so I won't feel so shitty about myself. And PS could be a solution and thus I've turned here.
I do appreciate all the concern, but I'm 29. I'm realistic about what PS can achieve and what it can't. It's not gonna make my bf love me more, but it will make myself love me more, and that's the end point isnt' it?