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Post by jared18 » Fri, 01 Sep 2006 1:38 am

i hear some of my girl friend who have their boob done... they are like complaining the pain after the surgery. but after they got big boob quite alot of guy start woo them, it does seem that girl with bigger boob does attract more guy. does any ger here have get their boob done? do u think is abit too fake cos is like so round n firm

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Post by cupid^n^starz » Fri, 01 Sep 2006 5:55 am

is there any one ever did a surgery with dr. somsak. can you pls share the experince with me. i'm thinking doing it with him in november

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Post by jovinliu » Fri, 01 Sep 2006 10:53 am


Ahhh, never heard of Dr 90210. About plastic surgeries? Hey, can lend to me to watch? :)

Hannah Lee wrote:Jovin,

I know what you mean. Life in plastic is really not that fantastic. But oh is it ever addictive. You keep wanting more and more. There really is no end to the madness. I've promised myself (and bf) that after botox for my jawline and a boob job (at some point in the future) I will stop. For good. But who knows what else I will find to fix later on?

The instant gratification that comes with plastic surgery is the hook that reels you in. There is no end. I guess at some point you just have to slap yourself and say STOP enough is enough.

Oh and I love Nip Tuck too. And Dr. 90210 (dunno if you get that here in sg)
Hmmm... what should I do next? Cheekbone reduction maybe?

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Post by jovinliu » Fri, 01 Sep 2006 11:07 am

Yup, at the moment not thinking of having anymore surgeries. Unless next time when i'm older and when my eyes starts to sag etc, then i'll have corrective ones.

leenaaaa wrote:Jovin,

Does this mean that you are not going to have anything else done?
Hmmm... what should I do next? Cheekbone reduction maybe?

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Post by jovinliu » Fri, 01 Sep 2006 11:10 am


I don't know, but you can try. But from my experience, he will be able to do a more in-detail analysis face-to-face, not through emails. Taipei doctors are not really keen on replying emails, but they have thumbs up on professionalism and skills.

perfectionista wrote:Hmmmm..okay. I emailed Dr sukit yesterday with my pictures and have just received his reply, and like what all of you said, he's only willing to do a subtle one.

This is an extraction of his reply to me by email:

"1. the bridge is really low and not difficult to make it higher by the implant
2.the tip is so broad because of the skin and some fat inside and you have to learn that this is the most difficult in asian patient to make it smaller and I think you have to accept that it may not be done
3. the alar base is not so wide but if you place the implant inside the nose the nostril may be smaller because the push by the implant above the nostril
4. alar reduction can be done in limited amount unless it will be too small and not fit to the broad tip and look ugly when you look at the nose as overall"

I THINK i get what he means, but then again i'm not a 100% sure. Is it not possible to sharpen my tip and make it less broad, or is it that he isn't willing to help me with it (well, judging from the comments the rest have given about dr sukit and his reluctant to do anything more than subtle). I want a smaller nose width and sharper nose tip, with also a higher bridge (the nose bridge btwn my eyes seems to not exist :-| ), but i dont think dr sukit is the right surgeon i need. I'm looking for something which isn't MJ-plastic, but i want something more than just a little change for my nose. :(

The problem is seriously annoying me. Sigh.

Jovin dear, think your taipei surgeon can help me with this problem? :)
Hmmm... what should I do next? Cheekbone reduction maybe?

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Post by voix » Fri, 01 Sep 2006 11:36 am

hey guys, dr kim quoted me us $350 for a full course of sinnech. does it cost that much? and what is a full course of sinech?

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Post by perfectionista » Fri, 01 Sep 2006 1:01 pm

Jovin, wont that mean i would have to make the trip to taipei in order to see if it could be done? :o

Oh no...what if i head there and he tells me the same thing.... T_T

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Post by black_creamer » Fri, 01 Sep 2006 4:17 pm

Voix - I did my rhinoplasty in Spore a couple of months back, and if i remember the pricing breakdown correctly, the sineech tablets cost me about $50 - full course I would assume to mean about 1 weeks supply? (There are specific labels on the tablets for Day 1, Day 2, etc..and for morning/afternoon/night).

Even if more expensive, it would be nothing close to $350! :???:

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Post by iamdanny » Fri, 01 Sep 2006 4:47 pm

anyone heard of this doc n his clinic in thailand b4?
Dr. Somsak, an american board certified surgeon who practice in Bangkok

the url is here

heard he's quite gd... and i email to medictbptravels n they stated dr sukit is nt accredited plastic surgeon in thailand... n dr somsak is better choice... confused here cos all along i tinking to seek dr sukit for nose surgery... hmmm those who had done surgery with dr sukit can verify is he accrediated platic surgeon in thailand?

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Post by iamdanny » Fri, 01 Sep 2006 4:58 pm

Char wrote:Hiya everybody,

Thank you for making me feel better. However, i was thinking of doing a few things other than the nose.

I wanna shape up my nose, liposuction on the thigh and ass. Hahaha.... Ermm.. maybe a boob job, although seconday.

Of course i feel sad, however i think and hope that it will make me more confident about myself. Hehe... *i doubt so* Whatever it is, i keep telling myself that anyway, i live this life only once - got thing just try and that exclude drugs...

Regarding my nose job, i've decided to do it in Singapore. Anyone can recommend any place in Singapore to do a nose job - with reasonable place + good surgical skill??

u can go to dr wong at gleneagles he charge 1.8k for a L shaped implant inclusive of everything... from all the sg docs i saw he seem the cheapest le... i tinking either let him do my nose or go thailand let dr sukit do... but the prob is i cant accept dr wong method wich is thru the mouth put the implant wheras other did it thru the nostrils... 1 gd thing abt dr wong is he do L shaped implant at relatively cheap price while dr sukit do only i shaped implant

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Post by iamdanny » Fri, 01 Sep 2006 5:02 pm

spendalot wrote:
perfectionista wrote:Hi spendalot! Thanks for the info. For the info on doctors that you're providing, do u recommend for nose surgery?

The one at BNH is expensive. :o But if it's good i dont mind saving up for it.

Anyone here has a nose surgery experience at yanhee before?? Please do share!! It will really help the rest of us considering nose surgery at yanhee make a decision!! Thanks! :)
Hi, if you would read back, alot of the people here have done it with Yanhee and specifically with Dr. Sukit. So despite my friend from Bkk saying that she would go to Dr Preecha (BNH) or Dr Greechart (Yanhee), I would most probably do it with Dr Sukit due to the many testimonials here and the price.

me tooo i most prob will do the surgery with dr sukit either durin this period 23 sept-1oct or after 5 dec cos these are my school vacations... dr sukit wil be most better choice due to many good testimonails....

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Post by jovinliu » Fri, 01 Sep 2006 8:17 pm

Full course, as in.... 1 pack? 4 days? Well, it costs about S$50 per pack.

voix wrote:hey guys, dr kim quoted me us $350 for a full course of sinnech. does it cost that much? and what is a full course of sinech?
Hmmm... what should I do next? Cheekbone reduction maybe?

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Post by jovinliu » Fri, 01 Sep 2006 8:20 pm

Yes my dear. But Dr. Hsu will try as much as he can, to do what you want. Unless it's not possible or it won't turn out nice.

perfectionista wrote:Jovin, wont that mean i would have to make the trip to taipei in order to see if it could be done? :o

Oh no...what if i head there and he tells me the same thing.... T_T
Hmmm... what should I do next? Cheekbone reduction maybe?

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Post by clownfish » Fri, 01 Sep 2006 9:00 pm

Hi Meow,

I try to reply you but unfortunately I am not qualify to do PM yet. FIrstly, the recovery rate differs from individual. I am someone that do not get bruise easily so I recovered rather fast because I was not badly bruise and I took sineech. Infact after the 5th day my bruises were already not visible. However, the stitches are still there and you need at least a week before you can remove them. Infact, it is better to have the stitches intact for afew more days. If you remove the stitches too early, the wound might open up and get infected. So it is better to remove the stitches only when the wound are pretty much heal. In my case I was up and running after 8th day from sugery. I hope that helps.



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Post by Hannah Lee » Fri, 01 Sep 2006 10:08 pm


I think you'd like Dr. 90210, its about docs in Beverly hills and their patients etc......I love plastic surgery shows! My bf tapes up all the episodes for me but too bad I can't bring it back here otherwise I will definitely lend u.... 8-)

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