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Post by spendalot » Wed, 30 Aug 2006 7:25 pm

perfectionista wrote:Hi spendalot! Thanks for the info. For the info on doctors that you're providing, do u recommend for nose surgery?

The one at BNH is expensive. :o But if it's good i dont mind saving up for it.

Anyone here has a nose surgery experience at yanhee before?? Please do share!! It will really help the rest of us considering nose surgery at yanhee make a decision!! Thanks! :)
Hi, if you would read back, alot of the people here have done it with Yanhee and specifically with Dr. Sukit. So despite my friend from Bkk saying that she would go to Dr Preecha (BNH) or Dr Greechart (Yanhee), I would most probably do it with Dr Sukit due to the many testimonials here and the price.

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Post by medictbp » Wed, 30 Aug 2006 7:34 pm

spendalot wrote:Here are comments from an acquaintance in BKK:

DR. Kuson ( Facial Clinic at The Mall Ngamwongwan )
- This doctor can make your look change a lot, there are many actress did their job here. The Price is 500$ up.

DR. Preecha at BNH hospital ( silom road)
- He can made a very good natural nose. price is at least 500$ up

DR. Greechart at Yanhee hospital
- if you go Yanhee you should specify to do with him.
Yanhee is cheaper than other doctor. Price here only 250$

For Bangmod hospital that i mention, DR. Surasit is very good to do Eyelid Surgery. price is high too.

i never do it myself but if i have a chance i will go to Dr. Preecha at BNH Hospital

That was her first reply. Then below is her next reply:
Top 4 Doctor for Surgery in Thailand

1. Dr. Preecha Teawtranont from BNH Hospital
2. Clinic DR. Jarun - at Sukhumwit Soi 35
3. Dr. Surasit - Bangmod Hospital ( i hear this doctor made very good eyes)
4) Dr. Kuson Prawichphaiboon from

i know one place
Suayngam Clinic , on Rattanatibet 12
Dr. Kitti
he came from Bangmod Hospital and now he open his own clinic. the price is unbelievable .. up to 170-200$ only.

I asked her about Dr Sukit, but she hasnt got back to me :) Hope these helps.
It's difficult to judge & absolutely no way to rate surgeons - most of us are so happy afterwards that unless the job is completely botched we become cheerleaders. I really don't recommend Yanhee for some reasons, I will recommend ( or Bumrungrad (

I'm inclined to recommend Dr. Somsak (an american board certified surgeon) to everyone. He specialises in cosmetic surgery with minimal scarrings (or no scars), he has practiced over 20 years.

The in-impressive website gives some amazing consultation (you can all try to ask, you'll know what I mean).

cupid^n^starz, I believe Dr. Somsak can do all those procedure listed. (He does a-lot of extremities procedures) and is probably the best choice of surgeon I can think for you.

I realised many people are into Rhinoplasty, don't be shock when your nosejob goes up to usd2,000 - usd2,500! the cheapest (and normally quoted price) is for nose implants. Nasal reduction, Nasal reconstruction will cost a-lot more.

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Post by perfectionista » Wed, 30 Aug 2006 9:02 pm

Hannah Lee wrote:Perfectionista.

alar reduction is just narrowing the nostrils. There will be small external scars at the sides of your nose. Rhinoplasty can include augmentation and lengthening, tip work etc.

I realize that alot of people are looking for a cheap and safe surgeon. In an ideal world complications would not exist and everyone would be happy with the outcome of their surgery. This is totally unrealistic. You should do your research but be aware of the possible dangers.

Here is an example of the worst case scenario: Silicone complications from Dr. Jung's site including contraction/extrusion/etc:

Obviously this doesn't happen to most people. But my point is that you have to weight the risks and benefits of it. There are no guarantees in life and surgery is no different. And if you have surgery overseas, you have to be prepared to fly back if anything goes wrong. I did mine in Korea and have no regrets, but I'm still aware of the possible problems that could crop up......
Hi hannah, thanks for the explaination. It gives me a better idea of what alar and rhino are. I'm aware of the dangers, and am quite worried actually. I know i really want to do this, but am not sure of how much i would have to set aside (accomodation, surgery, etc). Also, i'm worried about whether it would turn out the way i want it to (whether i will be satisfied with outcome of surgery).

You did a nose related op in korea? How much did u spend and what was the surgery which you did? TIA. :)

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Post by perfectionista » Wed, 30 Aug 2006 9:12 pm

hi medictbp,

any idea how much it would cost for the op at the one you recommended? TIA!

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double eyelid

Post by vaunei » Wed, 30 Aug 2006 9:26 pm

hi guys, so which would be the best recommendation for double eyelid surgery ? between thailand or malaysia.

will need your best advices as i'm plannin to do it next month!

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Post by medictbp » Wed, 30 Aug 2006 9:42 pm

perfectionista wrote:hi medictbp,

any idea how much it would cost for the op at the one you recommended? TIA!
vaunei, you can try consider Dr. Somsak too. he has done a-lot of eyelid procedures for asians.

perfectionista, it depends on the type of nose job that you need. You should ask for a consultation through his website and listen to his advise.

Most of the time, people realised that they were under-quoted (because they didn't thought they need some additional works). implants is implants, alarplasty is alarplasty too. Sometimes you may need nose reconstruction (but you got the nose implant's price). The safest way is to get a right advise (by consultation with photographs).

This applies to breast augmentation too! some people (especially of a certain age) thought breast augmentation is all they need, but, they probably need breast lift too.

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Post by spendalot » Wed, 30 Aug 2006 11:23 pm

medictbp. you kept saying that you do not recommend Yanhee for some reasons. Why dont you just tell us what those reasons are and let us judge for ourselves?

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Post by roxygerrr » Wed, 30 Aug 2006 11:34 pm

infinite wrote:hi all. i have been browsing this forum for quite some time. lots of recommendations of the yanhee hospital and i am thinking of going to yanhee to do a lip reduction. wonder which surgeon will do a good job.. anyone had done it there or in sg can share out their experience.

Hi infinite, i'm looking for a lip reduction surgery too. I've emailed a few doctors in korea/taiwan/thailand and only those in thailand replied me.. i might consider yanhee, but have no idea if it's good. maybe i'll go to PAI.

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Post by Hannah Lee » Wed, 30 Aug 2006 11:42 pm


I had a nose job with Dr. Jung in Korea almost 3 mths ago. I did alar reduction, augmentation with goretex implant and lengthening of my tip. It cost US$4000. I chose Korea cuz I like the "look" that korean actresses have. They all look amazing so I figured that the plastic surgeons in Seoul should be pretty good.

Good luck with your search for the best doctor. Everyone is different, has different needs/noses. There's no perfect surgeon. You just have to find the one that's right for you :)

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Post by Hannah Lee » Wed, 30 Aug 2006 11:52 pm

Just wondering why you guys want to get lip reduction surgery? I think big lips are sexy! I love my full lips and would never want them to be smaller :?

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Post by Char » Thu, 31 Aug 2006 12:00 am

Hannah Lee wrote:Just wondering why you guys want to get lip reduction surgery? I think big lips are sexy! I love my full lips and would never want them to be smaller :?
Hiya Hannah,

Yep, i kinda like my ful lips too. However, there has been some complaints from my bf that made me think otherwise suddenly. Maybe not really the fullness but the shape.

Do girls really look nice with thinner lips? I thought girls' lips shd be full to be sexy? What do you think? :)

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Post by koreangirl » Thu, 31 Aug 2006 1:42 am

Thin lips tend to make you look more "Western/Caucasion" See Dawn Yang's/Yeo's, before and after surgery photos to see what I'm talking about. She had her lips thinned out and it made her face look more delicate and she looks more Caucasion because of it. If she kept her puffier lips, she would look more ethnic, not necessarily Asian, but just less Caucasion.

I think big juicy lips are sexy! Angelina Jolie is beautiful with her big lips!

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Post by Char » Thu, 31 Aug 2006 2:02 am

koreangirl wrote:Thin lips tend to make you look more "Western/Caucasion" See Dawn Yang's/Yeo's, before and after surgery photos to see what I'm talking about. She had her lips thinned out and it made her face look more delicate and she looks more Caucasion because of it. If she kept her puffier lips, she would look more ethnic, not necessarily Asian, but just less Caucasion.

I think big juicy lips are sexy! Angelina Jolie is beautiful with her big lips!
Hiya Koreangirl,

I totally agree with your last statement.

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best surgeon bangkok?

Post by cupid^n^starz » Thu, 31 Aug 2006 4:20 am

hi medictbp

thx for your suggestion. does dr somsak is a good surgeon? cause i know that the procedures i wanna do is quite difficult and not every surgeon can do it. does dr somsak expensive? is there anyone here also has experience with dr somsak? pls share with me.
i also considering dr greechat from yanhee and dr preecha. what do u think medictbp? thx

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Post by perfectionista » Thu, 31 Aug 2006 6:53 am

Hannah Lee wrote:Perfectionista,

I had a nose job with Dr. Jung in Korea almost 3 mths ago. I did alar reduction, augmentation with goretex implant and lengthening of my tip. It cost US$4000. I chose Korea cuz I like the "look" that korean actresses have. They all look amazing so I figured that the plastic surgeons in Seoul should be pretty good.

Good luck with your search for the best doctor. Everyone is different, has different needs/noses. There's no perfect surgeon. You just have to find the one that's right for you :)
Hi hannah,

so were you satisfied with the job? And how did you come to know about the surgeon in seoul? I guess it must have been pretty expensive, since you've also got to pay for accomodation and all. Dd you stay there for a week or so to recover from the surgery afterwards?

What i'm wondering about is how to tell the surgeon what kind of a nose shape or changes you would like to be done. Is there a consultation session with the surgeon beforehand, and does he show you how the expected results of your surgery through an image or something?

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