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for shashi

Post by bitch » Mon, 12 Jun 2006 3:08 pm

hi shashi...sorry to say that there is no english translation website for the clinic webbie.
I happen to stumble upon this website while searching for all taiwan plastic surgery clinic and i think someone from the forum did mention about the sappho clinic too..but i am not sure if anyone from here has been there for the ops...but i am quite confident with the clinic as it show that these is the only clinic with quite a number of taiwan celebrity going there and also the infamous transv from korea was there for ops as well..

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Post by leenaaaa » Mon, 12 Jun 2006 3:20 pm

Last edited by leenaaaa on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 8:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by leenaaaa » Mon, 12 Jun 2006 3:59 pm

Last edited by leenaaaa on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 10:25 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Post by leenaaaa » Mon, 12 Jun 2006 10:25 pm

Last edited by leenaaaa on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 8:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by shashi » Mon, 12 Jun 2006 10:32 pm

leenaaaa wrote:I just came back from my consultation with Dr H.

Although consultation and medication cost me $658.04, I feel far more confident with him than with Dr K. Apart from his extraordinarily high charges, I found Dr H very detailed, examined my face very carefully, intelligent, easy to talk to, and most importantly he listens to the patient!

However I feel incredibly upset now.

Dr H told me that one of my eyes open 1 mm larger than the other, and that one crease is 1 mm bigger than the other. Also he said that it is highly likely that after the swelling has gone down, I will have a barely visible crease! (I specifically requested for a medium height crease!) He said that this was done intentionally by the surgeon. Also, he said that there isn't much difference in terms of the epicantoplasty procedure. I might need to have steroid injections to reduce the scarring. I can probably only have my eyes fixed earliest in 3 months. I will probably need to have a fat graft or fillers to my eyes too.

Also, he said that my implant is crooked to the right because it is too long. He also said that the implant seems quite thick (I specifically asked for a slight augmentation). In terms of the nasal tip, it is droopy (took long like I feared). He said the cost to redo everything is about $15,000. I could barely hold back the tears when he said this. There is no way that I can afford this!

As for my chin, he said that it is slightly uneven because Dr K prob didn't customize the implant to fit my slightly lopsided chin. He also said that the stitching in my mouth is uneven and although the stitches haven't come undone, the stitches doesn't look like it is holding together very well.

I couldn't answer all his questions about my surgery and about the material used because despite asking Dr K numerous times, he cannot be bothered to tell me.

He recommended for me to go back for a check up in a week.

I really do not know what to do now. All I know is that I can't afford to do anything at the moment and definately can't go to him for a revision. Unless I win the lottery or something!
Dear Leenaaa,

I'm appalled at the attitude of your PS, so irresponsible and arrogant. I feel for you as well for all that you've put yourself thru. Is there nothing you can do against the PS? Maybe you can write to the Board of Plastic surgeon in Korea to file a complain against him, ask for some compensation or to re-do for you untill it's fixed at no extra charge. After all you have hard evidence and 2nd opinion from another PS (DR H). He can back your claim. As for his charge of $15,000. It's really too much. Maybe you can travel to Yanhee and ask Dr Sukit how much he will charge for revision jobs.

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in reply to leenaa

Post by bitch » Mon, 12 Jun 2006 11:51 pm

hi leena after hearing your story, i can relate to your feeling right now..maybe you can wait for the whole swelling to subside before you take further action? well the surgery for double eyelid in taiwan is roughly SGD1.5k ermm for revision i am not very sure...if u can understand chinese, i'm sure there should be links to the number you can call and whereas for mail i am not sure...

All the best and speedy recovery ya.. :)

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Post by ahmeilover » Tue, 13 Jun 2006 1:01 am

Hey cremer!! hows ur nose gng? :D

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Post by leenaaaa » Tue, 13 Jun 2006 12:36 pm

Last edited by leenaaaa on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 10:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by dolphin » Tue, 13 Jun 2006 1:34 pm

Dear Lenaaa,

How many days has it been since you had the surgery?

I had a friend who had her nose done in Korea and spent around $8k incl airfare, accomodations etc

For the first few days, she wrote me some really depresing email about how much she regretted it and when she came back on the 8th day, she seemed to be very frantic and doing all kinds of research on the net about revisions, rates, which doctors to go to etc

In the end, she did go to see two local PS doctors...The first waved her away after 15 min and gave her some medication... She really liked the second one because he seemed knowledgable and listened to what she had to say first before he said anything himself... In all, she spent several hundreds and still seemed pretty determined to go back and get revision done by the second doc....

Well, it's been a month since and after all that swelling ( she also has uneven swelling that makes her nose look bumpy? ) seems more or less stabilized, she is now very happy with her new nose!! And no more thoughts about strangling the doctor who did her op and no more worries of where to get money for revision etc

I told her it's pretty funny since she was so angry with the doc who did her op and so adamant about getting a revision and what's more, she spent hundreds on 2 other consultations since she came back ( she laughed and said she had to do it, she considers the hundreds spent as "peace of mind" )

In the end, all she needed was 1+ mth....

I know this has been along post here but I guess what I'm tryng to say is you're not alone in feeling angry and depressed after surgery... Trust me, my friend had some really mean and terrible things to say, plus she didn't want to cry because the tears would hurt her nose ( ? ).... It was an awful time but she's really really happy now!!! And no regrets at all.... ( the bumpiness in her nose is all gone ---> uneven swelling )

Just hang on in there, wait it out alittle..... continue venting on friends she said it helped her alot ) and after a month, you might be surprised you even considered having revisions done....

BTW, One of the surgeons my friend really considered on having a revision done was Dr Jung Dong Hak from Korea... He's apparently an ENT doctor and specializes in all things to do with rhinoplasty and performs the highest number of rhinoplasties in Korea...He charges US $5k for revision jobs..... After factoring in acomodation and flight tickets, it was almost the same price as what that second doctor was going to charge her :) Well, in the end, she didn;t need anything done, and maybe you won't need too!!

Good luck lady, hang on in there!!!

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Post by leenaaaa » Tue, 13 Jun 2006 6:02 pm

Last edited by leenaaaa on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 10:27 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by Lass » Tue, 13 Jun 2006 8:41 pm

Hi jovin,

Pls may i know which clinic you visited in JB to perform meso-botox injection?

The price you mentioned seems very reasonable.

I am interested in going there too.

Are you able to give me the telephone number and address of the place please?

Thanks a lot!

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Double eyelid procedure

Post by Lass » Tue, 13 Jun 2006 8:51 pm


By the way I'm planning to do my double eyelid procedure next month in Singapore. It'll cost around $2000 or so (although I know i can do it at a much cheaper price in other countries) - i'll treat it as buying hope for me.

Quite worried that i'll have Keloids (scar) formed on my upper eyelid area. Wouldn't that make me worse off than before? Any of you had that kind of problem? Kind of scared.

Think I'll ask the doctor to prescribe me Sinecc like some of the earlier posters have mentioned.

Will update you all when I have mine done.

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Post by black_creamer » Tue, 13 Jun 2006 10:06 pm

Hi Ah Mei lover,
Its been about 1 month since my rhino - its all recovered now. :)
Like I mentioned, it doesn't look much different than before, so I am quite irritated by that, but also thankful that it didn't turn out worse....I would have liked to have gotten an alarplasty as well, but come to think of the risk and possible external scarring, maybe its just as well that I didn't.
How is your recovery coming along?

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Post by aznyvonne » Wed, 14 Jun 2006 2:25 am

leenaaaa wrote:I just came back from my consultation with Dr H.

Although consultation and medication cost me $658.04, I feel far more confident with him than with Dr K. Apart from his extraordinarily high charges, I found Dr H very detailed, examined my face very carefully, intelligent, easy to talk to, and most importantly he listens to the patient!

However I feel incredibly upset now.

Dr H told me that one of my eyes open 1 mm larger than the other, and that one crease is 1 mm bigger than the other. Also he said that it is highly likely that after the swelling has gone down, I will have a barely visible crease! (I specifically requested for a medium height crease!) He said that this was done intentionally by the surgeon. Also, he said that there isn't much difference in terms of the epicantoplasty procedure. I might need to have steroid injections to reduce the scarring. I can probably only have my eyes fixed earliest in 3 months. I will probably need to have a fat graft or fillers to my eyes too.

Also, he said that my implant is crooked to the right because it is too long. He also said that the implant seems quite thick (I specifically asked for a slight augmentation). In terms of the nasal tip, it is droopy (took long like I feared). He said the cost to redo everything is about $15,000. I could barely hold back the tears when he said this. There is no way that I can afford this!

As for my chin, he said that it is slightly uneven because Dr K prob didn't customize the implant to fit my slightly lopsided chin. He also said that the stitching in my mouth is uneven and although the stitches haven't come undone, the stitches doesn't look like it is holding together very well.

I couldn't answer all his questions about my surgery and about the material used because despite asking Dr K numerous times, he cannot be bothered to tell me.

He recommended for me to go back for a check up in a week.

I really do not know what to do now. All I know is that I can't afford to do anything at the moment and definately can't go to him for a revision. Unless I win the lottery or something!

Hi Leenaa.. Would you mind telling me who did you head for your plastic surgery? Hoping u could share abt this. By the way, sorry to hear that u might have to udergo for a re-op

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Post by aznyvonne » Wed, 14 Jun 2006 2:51 am

I am thinking of heading to Taiwan to have my nose and eyes done.. Was wondering if we need to bring along some ideal pictures so that the surgeon would have an idea of the kind of nose of eyes we want? Pls advise!

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