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Post by astar » Sat, 20 May 2006 11:56 pm

hey.. jus want to know.. if i want to do rhinoplasty in korea, how do i check out who's good and who's not?? cos its no use of i visit korean forums as they do not use our language.. unlike taiwanese.. at least can understand chinese.. so can anybody pls help? thanks!! PM me if possible! thanks!!

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Nose Job Bangkok May 2006

Post by amk » Thu, 25 May 2006 6:59 pm

Hi everyone,
I just had my rhinoplasty done on monday .... in Bangkok . Dunt expect to look like someone else , most important is you must understand our asian facial features and how to make it look better. Just let the doctor do the job . Although you can suggest how you would like to look. The best result is one that enhance your feature and looks "all natural ". I am sure you would not want to look weird.

I am very satisfied with my little ops done. No regrets and I only paid 17 thousand baht for it. Small price for anyone that needs some facial enhancement. With all the hotel, transport, shopping , meals + + + I ended up only spending 1k + sgd.

I followed the bulletin for a while and was deciding where should I do it. Local or away from home. Most important thing is you need a doctor that have alot of practice and mine was fantastic. And dunt have to worry too much as the more experienced doctor will know what you need once you see him/her.

Went to the hospital in the morning saw the doctor and told him I wanted to look natural and he pointed out exactly what I needed so I did not have to explain further, shortly ops followed and left the place by 3pm. They will give you some pills to relax yourself b4 the ops and than you will knock out once the nurse gives you an injection.

Rest well for the first night. Second day some swelling and continued to shop and have a great time. 3rd day on the way back to sg and today .... nose is already looking great.

Follow up is 9 days after ops but you can skip it ... smokers you have to refrain from smoking as the wound is still open. I had a few puffs on the second day and was 3rd day the same. Today back to the same habit liao.

Remember you will need to choose a doctor that have experience. Look at all the beautiful ladies that have gone through ops in Bangkok ... I am sure you will know what I mean.

You really dunt have to choose all the medication as they will know what you will need. So to those of you half hearted to go here or there. Just buy your partner a budget airline ticket so that someone can look after you on the first day and the rest is no problem liao.

No seafood just simple diet before and after ops and do eat something. Healing is a breeze.

Sorry I dunt have pics to show but ... I am male .... and 30+. If you are curious.

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Location: singapore

Post by Rabbit » Fri, 26 May 2006 2:01 am

Hi Leenaaaa,

Sorry for MIA for quite sometime. Just moved over to HK and it's REALLY busy for me. The flat that I rent is without a single pcs of furniture, need to shop from scratch and work wise also very busy.

Anyway, the long and short of it is. I like my new nose, improvement is definitely significant. BUT, my left nose is still giving me some problem here and there. It's still a bit pain (sometimes more pain, need some massage) in the tip and mid of the bridge. But at least no more headache. It's definitely not healing up as nice and the right side. But I'm sure my tip is my ear cartilage, so shldn't have any problem (ba...). Just hv to monitor the situation, probably may go back to Korea later part of the yr if situation didn't improve.

Other than the little pain and still stiff tip (did on 14 Apr), everything is gd. But my wound of the open rhino, don't know why, the scar is still quite obvious... probably I took soya source ba... sigh.. will put whitening stuff when I'm fully recovered. Since my nose is lengthened, if I don't turn up my chin, the line is not very obvious. So while healing, open rhino goer shld avoid talking to pple shorter than you... ha ha ha..

Other pts to note:
My mum, whom I last meet in early Apr (then back to SG). After 3 mins.. suddenly she popped a question, "you done smthg to your nose arh? Why so much higher?" Then I pushed to say that I lost a lot of weight cos I don't cook in SG... she half suspect, but didn't ask anymore. For my HK colleague who last saw me in early Apr too, didn't realize anything. So the moral of the story is, your family member wld know... but it's still very natural.

I met a HK friend recently, she is a very experienced person in the beauty industry, she also said it's natural, better than those that done in HK. ^_^

Just hope my left nose can be good soon, then I'm in heaven! At least when I close my coffin lid (I mean someone close for me la), I won't feel regret that I have a piggy nose.


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Post by leenaaaa » Fri, 26 May 2006 9:05 am

Last edited by leenaaaa on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 10:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Nose Job Bangkok May 2006

Post by prince » Sat, 27 May 2006 1:04 am

amk wrote:Hi everyone,
I just had my rhinoplasty done on monday .... in Bangkok . Dunt expect to look like someone else , most important is you must understand our asian facial features and how to make it look better. Just let the doctor do the job . Although you can suggest how you would like to look. The best result is one that enhance your feature and looks "all natural ". I am sure you would not want to look weird.

I am very satisfied with my little ops done. No regrets and I only paid 17 thousand baht for it. Small price for anyone that needs some facial enhancement. With all the hotel, transport, shopping , meals + + + I ended up only spending 1k + sgd.

I followed the bulletin for a while and was deciding where should I do it. Local or away from home. Most important thing is you need a doctor that have alot of practice and mine was fantastic. And dunt have to worry too much as the more experienced doctor will know what you need once you see him/her.

Went to the hospital in the morning saw the doctor and told him I wanted to look natural and he pointed out exactly what I needed so I did not have to explain further, shortly ops followed and left the place by 3pm. They will give you some pills to relax yourself b4 the ops and than you will knock out once the nurse gives you an injection.

Rest well for the first night. Second day some swelling and continued to shop and have a great time. 3rd day on the way back to sg and today .... nose is already looking great.

Follow up is 9 days after ops but you can skip it ... smokers you have to refrain from smoking as the wound is still open. I had a few puffs on the second day and was 3rd day the same. Today back to the same habit liao.

Remember you will need to choose a doctor that have experience. Look at all the beautiful ladies that have gone through ops in Bangkok ... I am sure you will know what I mean.

You really dunt have to choose all the medication as they will know what you will need. So to those of you half hearted to go here or there. Just buy your partner a budget airline ticket so that someone can look after you on the first day and the rest is no problem liao.

No seafood just simple diet before and after ops and do eat something. Healing is a breeze.

Sorry I dunt have pics to show but ... I am male .... and 30+. If you are curious.
which doctor did u go to?

Posts: 49
Joined: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 12:50 am


Post by gartheven2000 » Sat, 27 May 2006 11:23 am

well lena wish u the best :) the doctor wld probably point out to u if there is a resulting imbalance in facial features due to nose augmentation, juz my feeling.

btw rabbit can private mail us the before/after images? Thnaks!

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Joined: Sat, 27 May 2006 2:41 am


Post by doveyess » Sat, 27 May 2006 3:31 pm

Hi!! I'm new here...I would like to go for rhinoplasty with Dr. Sukit Worathamrong MD...

Is there anyone who wants to go together??? Pls pm me...Give each other moral support!! :D

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Re: Hi!

Post by angelbleu » Sat, 27 May 2006 9:17 pm

I'll be going on the 17th June with another member here.. Our appt date with Dr Sukit is on the 18th June Sunday..

doveyess wrote:Hi!! I'm new here...I would like to go for rhinoplasty with Dr. Sukit Worathamrong MD...

Is there anyone who wants to go together??? Pls pm me...Give each other moral support!! :D
Dont't Worry...Be Happy!!!

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bumping lor

Post by gartheven2000 » Sat, 03 Jun 2006 3:43 pm

this thread used to be red hot and serves as a very useful information laden thread for cosmetic surgery seekers. Just bumping it and hoping to consolidate all queries and replies yah...thanks :)

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Post by young_princess » Sun, 04 Jun 2006 7:12 pm

lena, good luck on ur update us when u get back.. :D


Post by Guest » Sun, 04 Jun 2006 7:52 pm

Hi guys,

Just wana ask if theres such a thing call facial liposuction. Theres like a bit of fats on my face that makes me look a bit stuffier in the overall face as well as the area betwween the jaw and neck. i was thinking of doing liposuction on the face to remove the fats but i am not sure if there is such a thing. Can any kind soul here please advice? thanks a million~

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Post by black_creamer » Mon, 05 Jun 2006 3:11 pm

Hmmm..this thread has gotten pretty quiet.... :-| Anyone else who has recently done their rhinoplasty and have experiences/pictures to share?

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Post by shashi » Fri, 09 Jun 2006 3:16 am

jovinliu wrote:Wah lao! How come before makeup and after makeup, this girl looks so different?!?!!?! ... /my_photos
Hi Jovin,

You are super with all the infomation given to all of us in the forum. I'm interested in going to your PS in taiwan to do eyelid + nose reduction & higher bridge and if got xtra $$$ face lipo. Do you know how much is it going to cost me? Thanks again. Btw, I've email Yanhee and Dr. Sukit refused to do my nose after I send him my pictures. There's another Doc in BKK DR. Pichet (don't know if you heard about him), he does alot of sex change op so I don't have confidence he can do nose job very well. I did ask him to show me pic of his work. Can email you if you want to see it. Anyway, if I wan to go to Dr Jiang, do I have to book in advance cos I really wan to do it asap. My email address is [email protected] if you want to talk thru email.

ps: Nice eyes!!! Are you happy with them?
Thanks again. :lol:

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Re: Taiwan is the best and safe

Post by shashi » Fri, 09 Jun 2006 5:02 am

babyevil85 wrote:For my exp i felt that taiwan is the best and the safest place to make plastic surgery .. Anyone wan to go taiwan with me cos i know a good place

When are you going cos I'm very interested to go. Hope I'm not too late. I'm planning to go by 15 June

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Re: Taiwan is the best and safe

Post by young_princess » Fri, 09 Jun 2006 2:11 pm

shashi wrote:
babyevil85 wrote:For my exp i felt that taiwan is the best and the safest place to make plastic surgery .. Anyone wan to go taiwan with me cos i know a good place

When are you going cos I'm very interested to go. Hope I'm not too late. I'm planning to go by 15 June
shashi, which doc are u going to? and what procedures?

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