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Which doctor

Post by lolita » Thu, 27 Apr 2006 12:07 am

jovinliu wrote:Rabbit,

Very proud of you! You are so far the most impressive plastic-surgery-ex-patient i had met! You are really confident and independent. Eventhough you had a depression during your recovery period, unlike some i know, you did not march into the doctor's office and demand he remove the implant or start scolding him (he must be thinking you are nuts if you do so).

Very detailed description (funny too!) in your posts, which i believe will help some ps-wannabes who plan to go korea for any surgery.

Overall, i am really glad and happy for you that you are starting to see results, and best of all, you are starting to like your new nose.

Bravo gal!


who is your doctor in taipei,is it Dr. Chang? I'm thinking of doing it there..whats the exchange rate and how much did you pay for it babe?Many many thanks.....

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Post by Rabbit » Fri, 28 Apr 2006 11:13 pm

Hi all,

Ah ya... a lot of skipping again.

So is there anyone wants Korean Won? Let me know la, am about to change the extra (ard SGD550) back to SGD despite the lost in exchange rate.

Another think I wld like to bring up today is.... It's not verified yet, but again, it aims to warn rhino wannabe to take note.

Today I went to a PS in SG to do a check up and removed the stitches at the back of my ear. I just ask if the bridge is ok and somehow he told that it doesn't feel like gortex as I requested!!!! Bcos gortex is suppose to be much softer, so the implant most likely is silicon.

I'm really upset when I hear that. Was it bcos I bargain and gotten the discount (but US$500 more for gortex and discount is only US$300, so they still over charged me US$200!!!), they just change the materials without my knowledge? That is very bad! Or the doc, when do the op has other concern and decided to change to silicon for a better result? Then he shld let me know post op!
Or it's gortex anyway?

Guys and gals, no need to post here to ask how ah, why ah etc. The post is already unecessary getting very long... I will email the doc and ask what happened. Will post the update here.

So the moral of this story is, do ask to see the material before the ops, probably will give you a better sense!

I'm a bit confuse here also... though if it's silicon, the current shape looks ok... My angry part is that's not what I asked for and wld be over charged in that sense, I shld at least be informed. :x


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Post by inwonderment » Fri, 28 Apr 2006 11:33 pm

Hi everyone!

I've just discovered this forum which is of so much help to me. I've just started to read some posts and realised that you all can help me so much with your experiences. So here I am asking for your help.

I had my first operation when i was small on my lips and it left a big scar running from my nose to my lips. In addition, I was born with a rather non-symmetrical nose too. I've been able to lead a normal life with this but my parents think it's time I think of having a plastic surgery to remove the scar and get my nose balanced. Singapore is one of the safest place where I think i can have the surgery. I've heard of some doctors such as Dr. Woffles Wu and Ivor Lim but I also heard that they might charge higher than some others for this.

So I would like to ask if anyone of you have gone thru the same procedure (or have friends who have), please give me some advices as to where should I start? Which doctors are good and charge more reasonably? If possible could you roughly let me know how much should i expect to pay to get the nose done, and to remove the scar? What can I expect from this operation? (like whether it's possible to remove the scar completely? ) and how long would it take to recover cos I have school too. I am thinking of doing it this summer.

I know I've asked too many questions. If you just know any information, please give me your advice. I would be greatly thankful for any help at all. Thanks alot in advance!

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Post by astar » Sat, 29 Apr 2006 3:31 am

i'm wonderment, u can try mederma for scars.. i've heard raves about it.. jsu a suggestion though cos i've not tried it personally..

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Post by Rabbit » Sat, 29 Apr 2006 3:31 am

Dear all,

Finally my pre and post op photos are ready. Pls. note that they are highly croped, but you can still be able to see the difference.

But once again, I think I have no regret for going for PS, but... pls. do think twice for putting implant as it's still anyway something foreign... ah ya... don't know why started to get worry again... Not sure this depression is a cycle or what... :)

As the forum is a bit "busy" nowadays with a lot of different kinds of readers, pls. pm me your email if you would like to have access to the album. Will remove the album by early to mid May 06 though.


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Post by leenaaaa » Sat, 29 Apr 2006 1:02 pm

Last edited by leenaaaa on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Rabbit » Sat, 29 Apr 2006 2:25 pm

Hi Leenaaaa,

Not at all. I got info from this forum and get to know some kind hearts that helped me along too, so was thinking of contribute back if possible. But I wonder if I've created some confusion here instead of help... so read my comment with your own judgement la...


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Post by Rabbit » Sun, 30 Apr 2006 12:33 am

Hi all,

It's me again. Still haven't got the reply from Dr. Kim of BK re the material used. But some readers of the forum told me that Dr. Kim usually use hard gortex which is hard like silicon... hope that's really the case. At least I got what I asked for.

This post aims to share with you all how and where the ear cartilage is harvested as someone asked me in the pm and I think it's quite interesting to share.

The cut (ie the wound) is at the back of the ear where the ear flap join the skull. The cartilage harvested is not those that is critical to hold the shape.

There's a bowl shape kind of cartilage right above your ear lobe right? That is not harvested! Otherwise the ear will lose shape. It's right above the bowl part, a piece around 1cm x 1cm or may be is 0.8 x 0.8cm is harvested.

Guess with Dr. Kim's skill, my open rhino scar was invisible after I remove stitches in 5 days (despite stretches when eating big fan tuan there after the surgery)... the wound at the back of the ear should look quite refine (sorry, can't see ma).

And if the feeling will really come back in 1 yr, to me, to me now think back, not so regretful la.

When I ask Dr. Kim, he told me that the function and shape will not change a bit, even family member or lover can't tell. I guess they all can tell la, if they touch. But if just look, will not be able to, that's true.

FYI pls.


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Re: Which doctor

Post by jovinliu » Sun, 30 Apr 2006 4:46 pm

My Doctor is Dr. Hsu. Exchange rate now? I am not sure. Should be about S$1 to NTD$19.8. Eyes NTD$18000 (Dr Hsu had increased his price to NTD$28000 now), nose NTD$28000.

lolita wrote:
jovinliu wrote:Rabbit,

Very proud of you! You are so far the most impressive plastic-surgery-ex-patient i had met! You are really confident and independent. Eventhough you had a depression during your recovery period, unlike some i know, you did not march into the doctor's office and demand he remove the implant or start scolding him (he must be thinking you are nuts if you do so).

Very detailed description (funny too!) in your posts, which i believe will help some ps-wannabes who plan to go korea for any surgery.

Overall, i am really glad and happy for you that you are starting to see results, and best of all, you are starting to like your new nose.

Bravo gal!


who is your doctor in taipei,is it Dr. Chang? I'm thinking of doing it there..whats the exchange rate and how much did you pay for it babe?Many many thanks.....
Hmmm... what should I do next? Cheekbone reduction maybe?

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harrow everyone!!!

Post by gartheven2000 » Mon, 01 May 2006 4:38 pm

hi everyone it's my first time posting here :wink: though i've read thru every page of the topic (and forgotten most of it too) Will just like to thank everyone for sharing the info here yah... :)

brief intro of myself: I'm a guy with small eyes, low bridge and a large nose, with short and weak eyebrows to boot; and these are exactly the features i'll like to change. Besides a consensus that i look much younger than my age, everyone also feel that my looks pass muster (as in look alrighty...they're not trying to be nice btw). I guess it's a case of the whole being more than the sum of parts. As someone very concerned (who isn't) about the long term health issues associated with implants and procedures, I'll like to find out more to make a better informed decision, hence my posting.

Rabbit, your recent account is very interesting and helpful :wink: especially about the rhinoplasty. Just like to find out some info lor...
1) given the extra surgery and cost, why did u opt for cartilage for the nose tip? Is there a compelling reason?
2) And also, what do u think of silicon and goretex?
3) have you experienced any breathing impedement or loss of feeling due to the rhinoplasty at the nose area?

Thanks very much for sharing! :D

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Post by tiki » Mon, 01 May 2006 5:07 pm

When one post a Doctor's name and rates does it mean it is advertising?

If so, shouldn't it be in the classified's section?

It is a thin line I reckon but please, 'powers that be' do enlighten me.

For if it is not advertising than I would like to post some in the other threads.

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Post by sundaymorningstaple » Mon, 01 May 2006 5:32 pm

tiki wrote:When one post a Doctor's name and rates does it mean it is advertising?

If so, shouldn't it be in the classified's section?

It is a thin line I reckon but please, 'powers that be' do enlighten me.

For if it is not advertising than I would like to post some in the other threads.

Well, the way I see it is that if the post is put up by someone representing the company directly the I would consider it advertising.

On the other hand, if it is just like the threads in the "Staying, Living" or Moving, Relocating to Singapore" threads where we ask other posters for their recommendations based on experience or hearsay, then that poster isn't in it for personal gain but to help another poster in the thread. Nobody has ever questioned it there. Why here? Now? Guess we should have posted this question long ago in the Staying, Living thread, yeah? :wink:

C'mon guys, give it a rest. Can or not! :cool:

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Post by tiki » Mon, 01 May 2006 5:48 pm

Cheers SMS.

Just that some of the names mentioned are personal friends of mine and even though it is a sort of free advert for them but some may not like it, know what I mean?

But thanks for the info and clearing the blurred fine line though.
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Post by Rabbit » Mon, 01 May 2006 7:32 pm

Hi Gartheven2000,

To answer your questions (with my limited knowledge)...
1) Yes, of course, who want to cut the cartilage when it's not need! Bcos I have upturn nose, so the cartilage is used, incl septal (inside the nose, ie the divider) and ear cartilage, for extending the length of the nose tip. Quoting Dr. Jung's statement in his web-site, nose tip should use autologous cartilage (ie your own cartilage).

If I can turn back the clock and choose again, I will choose donated rib for the bridge as well as it's not synthetic material, anyway is still smthg fr human, will degenerating with my age, but the bad part is the absorption rate may be high.

2) Mmm... the only diff I know of is, silicon is poreless, so if you don't like it, you can remove it later and gortex is semi porous, so your own thing will grow ard and into it, making it part of your body and fixed inside, so in long term, no movement. For Doc that use this material, they wld of course say it's gd, e.g. Dr. Jung, for Doc that use silicon, they say both are synthetic materials anyway, so equal chance of getting complication. So who's right who's wrong lei?...suggest you do your own research.

3) Just like what my last PS in SG told me, the nerve in the nose all goes into muscle, ie you won't ended up cutting 1 big nerve and that is, whole nose numb forever. Thus, so far after the surgery, my nose has feeling thru' out... but not my ear though... still waiting for it to come back, now the back of the edge a little part is back already.. :) still waiting...

Day 1 is ok (not swell fully yet), from day 2 to 7, I can't breath very normal, sometimes need to use mouth. Some nights I even woke up by my snore cos usually I don't hv that... ha ha ha... From day 11 onwards, all ok liao. For smell, it's not affected after the op at all, day 2 can smell nice food already.

Eyebrows ma, if you are vain enough, there's eyebrow tattoo, but be sure to choose a gd one so that you won't ended up like baazar auntie with green eyebrow. Nowadays, there are some just add colour to your existing eyebrow, the hair is still remaining there, so it's quite nice actually, saw some friends did it and after 2 yrs, I saw her, still nice.

As mentioned before, for guys, I think Dr. Jung in Seoul do a gd job, for gals... first I don't like it but now I think it's not bad too. Anyway, just in case it sounds like advertisement and I also didn't been there before anyway, here is the web-site, you see it for yourself la.

PS.: hi all, tmr I will resume work for 2 wks then fly to HK liao, so may not be accessing this forum often, hope you find my past posts interesting. Don't believe fully in me, try to do some homework and find out the info you need, cos it's your face ultimately. If you go to Dr. Jung or Dr. Kim ended up not nice, you can't burn my hse also... so you all think carefully and make your best choice, take care ya!


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Post by Vaucluse » Mon, 01 May 2006 8:10 pm

tiki wrote:Cheers SMS.

Just that some of the names mentioned are personal friends of mine and even though it is a sort of free advert for them but some may not like it, know what I mean?

But thanks for the info and clearing the blurred fine line though.

So, can get discount for me or not?

'nuff said Image

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