thanks jovin for continuing to visit this form even tho you your nose succesfully done! Appreciate the information =)
Anyway since u guys are talking about dawn yang..
omg she has become plastic surgery's poster girl
or a 24/7 walking advertisment for dr martian huang (not 100% confirmed hes the one)
This is not a chinese nose! ... ton3su.jpg
Anyway i think her nose is incredible and she looks very beautifull now, abit plastic, but who cares!
Something tells me thah Dawn Yang is going to single handedly be responsible for the development of plastic surgery in Singapore. The local industy is going to be huge
And for those who wish to travel to Yanhee with us in Janurary, (we are all doing our noses) you can still join us by adding me to msn XXX
We have a group of 4 at the moment more or less confirmed going.