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Plastic and cosmetic surgery abroad

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Plastic and cosmetic surgery abroad

Post by elena » Thu, 29 Apr 2004 4:05 pm

Hi everbody, I am new to this forum, but its rather usefull so far.
I am planning to have a tummy tuck and lipo toward the end of the year and was researching the options. Should I go back to Europe to have it done, or do it in Singapore. I went to see Dr Woffles and all looks well, though expensive and he was a bit arrogant. Dont want to do it in Bangkok as I hear to many bad stories from there. Last week I was watching Fasttrack on BBC world and they featured a company in Penang called Beautiful Holidays, it looked great and the quote I got from them is intresting. Has anybody been there or have friends who have been there?? Would love to know about your experience! :P Thanks

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Post by Yewon » Fri, 30 Apr 2004 12:50 pm

I had mine done in Singapore and it was a huge failure even after three revisions!
Don't want to name names but just to let u know, my doctor'c clinic is located in Mt E.
I will rather go Thailand than Malaysia and my frd had an eye and nose job there and it's great.
If cost and language is not a problem, I will definately recommend Korea as the place for plastic surgery.
I seriously regret not having it done there...I will definately not have any plastic surgery done in Singapore ever again!!!


Post by jeannie » Fri, 30 Apr 2004 9:14 pm

was it eyelid surgery that you did? Mine was a mess, indeed.

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Post by Yewon » Sat, 01 May 2004 3:59 pm

jeannie wrote:was it eyelid surgery that you did? Mine was a mess, indeed.
Yup and truth be told, I will never trust Singaporean plastic surgeons anymore.
Friends was commenting that I look better before the surgery.
I went under the recommendation of a friend who told me that surgeons from Mt E are specialist in their field.
Bah...what a load of crap (this comment is directed only at my plastic surgeon)

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Post by frensall » Mon, 03 May 2004 4:58 pm

my advise scout around first but heard some fair bit about the low standard of plastic surgery here. :shock:


Post by shoop » Wed, 12 May 2004 10:49 am

hi, i'm interested in getting a nose job and some other procedures in S.korea. but how do i get info about it? from where? from whom? and cost of the procedure? how do i overcome the language barrier?


Plastic Surgery

Post by Nony » Wed, 19 May 2004 9:42 am

Have you guys try Jakarta? Apparently there is an exclusive Boutique Clinic there which cater for Cosmetic & Beauty Enhancement. They have the most advanced laser machines, top Dermatologist & Cosmetic Surgeon practice there. A lot of positive writing about the Puan Jakarta Boutique Clinic so far. And importantly the service quality is 5 stars and pricing is very competitive. A lot of Indonesian used to travel to Singapore to do the procedures nowdays turn their back to Singapore. Their website is not great, however it give us a broad view of the clinic.


Boutique Clinic in Jakarta

Post by Elli » Wed, 19 May 2004 9:50 am

6 months ago I visited Jakarta with my Husband, a wife from my husband associated in Indonesia brought me to the Puan Clinic. The place and service is fantastic. Even the roads are jammed, once I enter the waiting room, I felt so relax. I did a Non-ablative Rejuvenation to my face. Cost only 1.5million which is less then S$300, importantly perfomed by the leading Dermatologist there. I came back in couple of weeks for botox and another rejuvenation. Since then everytime my Husband on business trip there, I follow him. My advise if you need to see the leading doctors, please booked couple weeks ahead as she is very busy.... Good Luck :lol:


Plastic surgeon in mt e

Post by yylee8 » Wed, 09 Jun 2004 10:22 am

Yewon wrote:I had mine done in Singapore and it was a huge failure even after three revisions!
Don't want to name names but just to let u know, my doctor'c clinic is located in Mt E.
I will rather go Thailand than Malaysia and my frd had an eye and nose job there and it's great.
If cost and language is not a problem, I will definately recommend Korea as the place for plastic surgery.
I seriously regret not having it done there...I will definately not have any plastic surgery done in Singapore ever again!!!
Hi Yewon
Can you please tell me who is the surgeon that did this in mt e. I am going to have my double eyelid and eyebad removal with Dr Chan in mt e. Please advise me if i should go ahead. Hopefully is not the doctor that you are talking about. Thanks


Please help

Post by yylee8 » Wed, 09 Jun 2004 10:25 am

Yewon wrote:
jeannie wrote:was it eyelid surgery that you did? Mine was a mess, indeed.
Yup and truth be told, I will never trust Singaporean plastic surgeons anymore.
Friends was commenting that I look better before the surgery.
I went under the recommendation of a friend who told me that surgeons from Mt E are specialist in their field.
Bah...what a load of crap (this comment is directed only at my plastic surgeon)
Hi Jeannie

Who is your doctor? I am not sure whether i should go ahead with my surgery next week in Mt E Dr Chan. Who is the other good surgeon around. Please advise. Thanks


plastic surgery

Post by inamaste » Fri, 11 Jun 2004 8:19 am

I am considering having breast implants, from the feedback re the surgeons in sigapore it doesnt seem good, is any one able to provide some suggestions, thanks

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Post by NBB » Fri, 11 Jun 2004 12:37 pm

I have a suggestion. And I'm not trying to be condescending. But perhaps consider not having breast implants.

I mean, I can only speak for myself, although countless of my (male) friends concur with me that they would have no problems whatsoever if their gf has less than ample breasts. But, if at some point in their relationship she were to spring on them she's got implants, or is considering implants, they'd be a little unpleasantly surprised.

I think we'd always prefer modest but natural breasts over surgically enhanced breasts that feel and look less natural. Plus the idea that there's this foreign matter inside her, the girl they love,.... I don't know, it just doesn't do it for me. :(

Believe me, guys don't go Pavlovian gaga over big boobs. In spite of the media-truth put out in Singapore and abroad.

Again, I'm not claiming to represent an entire male cross-section here. And perhaps you want to do this for noone lese but you. Perfectly viable. But if you're in a bind over this, then by all means have another glance at this post. It's the real-world truth.

Either way, wish you well. Let us know how you get on, can?



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Post by Bafana » Fri, 11 Jun 2004 3:44 pm


Interesting point of view...

I thought it was the beauty on the inside we were supposed to love??? :wink:

For my 2 cents worth I have to agree with you in that I prefer normal breasts as opposed to the silicon enhanced type especially in a long term relationship (Big or small does'nt matter).

However if a girl has had breast implants it would not make me love her any less or make me dissappointed, it would probably just make me more curious...

I think if someone wants to change their appearance in a way that makes them happier then thats OK with me as I would rather be with someone who was happy with the way they are - If that means she gets breast implants then so be it...


Post by STOP » Mon, 14 Jun 2004 11:06 pm

Do outer appearences really matter?
You are made the way you are, having plastiv surgery is like putting on a mask. What if it turns out worse then before? My advice, don't do it. Shine from within, that's what matters

ziggy cooper

Cosmetic Surgery holidays

Post by ziggy cooper » Wed, 23 Jun 2004 11:17 am

I'm not sure about Beautiful Holidays, I enquired about a few things and they took ages to get back to me and then they didn't sound sure about their response. Also, you have to pay 100% upfront, even before you see the surgeon.

I went on a holiday with Gorgeous Getaways in Malaysia, they were unreal, so friendly and organised, they just did everything. I really chose them because that had a great amount of treatments and diet and fitness programs, and the accommodation at the Shangri-la was great.

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