Hi morkin
On each occasion when I was "Told to go back to my own country." It was more like "F off to where you come from." "Go back to China/Japan you f ing chink." "Get out of our country you chinky c##t"etc etc. So it might be slightly linked to race or at least the way I look. Sometimes it might be entrenched racism or sometimes it may just be a convenient starting point to act like a knob.
Similar things were said with the racially motivated attack. As they tried to "Kick this chinks head in and show him that he doesn't belong in our country." They all grassed up each other and all 14 of them admitted it was racially motivated. I was alone and some people are really hard in gangs of 14. Problem for them was, I was just as hard on my own.
Same with being spat at in NZ. The guy saw my wife and I walk past and deliberately ran out of the pub/bar, told me and my wife where to go in a similar fashion as stated above before aiming his spittle as us. He was a poor shot!
Same with the lady who wound down her car window shouting where she wanted me to go while her wing mirror almost hit me as she accelerated away. She was slowing down until she made eye contact with me while I was midway on the zebra crossing. Must've wanted my attention I suppose.
Then some of the drivers/passengers either doing the same as the lady mentioned above or pushing the corners of their eyes up and down to mimmick someone of oriental features. There was some obligatory "making funny noises to mimmick some oriental language" as well. Before trying to run me off the road of course.
"Banana boy" (yellow on the outside and white on the inside) was used during rude put downs in HK to discriminate "westernised" Chinese. I had more probs with HK Chinese than with most white expats who treated me like any other guy. The terms and conditions of work pre-1997 was rather geared up for expats. Home leave, gratuities etc the "extras" that locals never had access to. Things have changed I think post-1997. Not sure in other fields of work though. Seems from reading some of these threads, win some lose some really on work packages. (Trying to look at it while sitting on the fence just hurts your arse!!!) It does suck when people do less and earn more when doing a similar job role. Know the feeling all too well.
So yes this is life, doesn't mean we have to accept or
condone it. And like I (and many of these posters) have said, it comes from people of all walks of life. Other things do happen in life, but I did only list some of the racially motivated ones. Even though bits are unclear in my original entry. Hope this clarifies the "racial parts" morkin. But I do agree some people will do these types of acts regardless, just like what happened to you in the park. Losers with nothing better to do.
Sad things happen, but like you, I keep smiling too.

Just glad most of my life is cool.
What Kung Fu/martial arts do you do (morkin and r007r)? I'm into Wing Chun, Pak Mei and Full contact karate. Been doing it (on/off) for about 24 years now. Keeps my "one-pac" in shape, but I think mother nature is winning!!!
Big up r007r. I'm with you. A smile and an open mind/heart/spirit is universal! But I too won't sit back and do nothing, when something is obviously wrong and imminent (not just racism). Then when the desired effect is reached and equilibrium/parity is restored, discipline takes over and decorum rules.
Live in peace and reap the wealth of positive human prosperity around us.