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Post by sgal » Sun, 19 Mar 2006 8:03 pm

sundaymorningstaple wrote:
sgal wrote:Fact is - and I repeat that - the majority of SPGs are malay woman - if youre a man and didnt notice that I guess you didnt had much fun yet in Spore.
Actually, fact is, you sound like you are not even a real adult yet. Having been here as an adult well over 2 decades I can assure you that the reverse is actually the fact. The percentages of SPGs are the same as the percentages of the races on this island. It's called the law of averages. I think it's about time you grew up. And I agree with EADG, how on earth did you manange to change fancy to F.... ? :???: Or are you just bad at reading comprehension as it appears you are.
Hiding behind statistics soft boy?
my brother owns 4 pubs here in Spore. all right his perception might be wrong. ok my perception is wrong. ask most chinese: all right they are wrong and biased. Well then ask the malay guys themselves: lots of them wont deny the fact I mentioned. Anyone who has the slightest idea of the difference (no generalization) of malay/indonesion charakter of easy goingness in many respects and the rather reserved and conservative nature of chinese woman would by means of commonsense conclude (in the absence of statistical evidence) that at least there could be some truth to it. But you caus act smart - generalizations are not acceptable for academics. You dont know anything about Spore - pitiful boy after such a long time staying here. I dont like softies like you - proposing political correctness` in order to stand morally above the rest.

Try you little - we call it soft coc!. Try: Approach 20 indonesian / malay woman and 20 chinese. I bet you a hundred bucks that even you pitiful boy will get rather a malay/indonesian for a one night stand than a chinese.

You talk about something the huge majority in Spore would tell you otherwise : act smart ang moh cau. your english is better no doubt , but your arguments underline your lack of experience in Spore.
You talk smart and make a bloody fool out of yourself.

To serve your cliche-from now onwards I will laugh as well about stupid caucs. Issue closed. Soft Coc! Go to mummy now and cry...

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Post by EADG » Sun, 19 Mar 2006 8:04 pm

sundaymorningstaple wrote:
tiki wrote:..perhaps she should try changing position so some blood might actually flow to the brain.
You actually think that will help? She's already confused. A little brain food would probably be more that she could handle.
a little brain is exactly her problem!

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Post by EADG » Sun, 19 Mar 2006 8:16 pm

sgal wrote:
sundaymorningstaple wrote:
sgal wrote:Fact is - and I repeat that - the majority of SPGs are malay woman - if youre a man and didnt notice that I guess you didnt had much fun yet in Spore.
Actually, fact is, you sound like you are not even a real adult yet. Having been here as an adult well over 2 decades I can assure you that the reverse is actually the fact. The percentages of SPGs are the same as the percentages of the races on this island. It's called the law of averages. I think it's about time you grew up. And I agree with EADG, how on earth did you manange to change fancy to F.... ? :???: Or are you just bad at reading comprehension as it appears you are.
Hiding behind statistics soft boy?
my brother owns 4 pubs here in Spore. all right his perception might be wrong. ok my perception is wrong. ask most chinese: all right they are wrong and biased. Well then...generalizations are not acceptable for academics....

Try you little - we call it soft coc!...You talk about something the huge majority in Spore would tell you otherwise...You talk smart and make a bloody fool out of yourself...To serve your cliche-from now onwards I will laugh as well about stupid caucs. Issue closed. Soft Coc! Go to mummy now and cry...
guess this doesn't say much about the kind of pubs your brother runs

..and what runs in the family, ......

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Post by jksg » Sun, 19 Mar 2006 8:21 pm

EADG wrote:
sundaymorningstaple wrote:
tiki wrote:..perhaps she should try changing position so some blood might actually flow to the brain.
You actually think that will help? She's already confused. A little brain food would probably be more that she could handle.
Sgal! These smart guys surrendered as demonstrated by these sort of comments. If they are right then most Singaporeans are completely wrong.

Luckily we have caucs teaching us a comparative perspective on Asian mentalities and culture. Luckily Singapore has these sort of talents. Without you talented guys we wouldnt even be able to comprehend our own cutural framework.
Lets laugh about the long noses. :) . Cmon. Everybody.

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Post by sundaymorningstaple » Sun, 19 Mar 2006 8:43 pm

I was going to print a witty reply but said why bother, they wouldn't understand that either.

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Post by sgal » Sun, 19 Mar 2006 10:06 pm

jksg wrote:
EADG wrote:
sundaymorningstaple wrote: You actually think that will help? She's already confused. A little brain food would probably be more that she could handle.
Sgal! These smart guys surrendered as demonstrated by these sort of comments. If they are right then most Singaporeans are completely wrong.

Luckily we have caucs teaching us a comparative perspective on Asian mentalities and culture. Luckily Singapore has these sort of talents. Without you talented guys we wouldnt even be able to comprehend our own cutural framework.
Lets laugh about the long noses. :) . Cmon. Everybody.
JKSG - thats what we do. 2 more Singaporean laughing about caucs. These super smart guys work hard at it. :???: Thats the level you need to address them - their intellectual scope seems too small to tackle an issue by arguments :???: . No generalization otherwise they start all over again...coz they generalize that its wrong to generalize even if applicable Treat them like children. Long live the long noses.
:D :D

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Post by sgal » Sun, 19 Mar 2006 10:08 pm

So slow my dear???? Ey Tiki is a monkey is it??? silly name hehehehehe
I like to play on the playground with the longnoses.

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Post by jksg » Sun, 19 Mar 2006 10:11 pm

sgal wrote:So slow my dear???? Ey Tiki is a monkey is it??? silly name hehehehehe
I like to play on the playground with the longnoses.
Relax I am here.Sorry I cant stop laughing.Im so childish.
Tiki is not a monkey I think --- its a donkey

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Post by sapphire » Sun, 19 Mar 2006 10:14 pm

Umm...excuse me, but what's a coc?
It's not getting any smarter out there. You have to come to terms with stupidity, and make it work for you.

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Post by sgal » Sun, 19 Mar 2006 10:18 pm

jksg wrote:
sgal wrote:So slow my dear???? Ey Tiki is a monkey is it??? silly name hehehehehe
I like to play on the playground with the longnoses.
Relax I am here.Sorry I cant stop laughing.Im so childish.
Tiki is not a monkey I think --- its a donkey
Ok lets move on to forum K4 its getting boring here and these long noses start to cry with mummy. Lets make them happy, before Singaporeans start to laugh about them on monday morning again. What pity.
Bye Bye to all long noses:cool:

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Post by jksg » Sun, 19 Mar 2006 10:28 pm

sgal wrote:
jksg wrote:
sgal wrote:So slow my dear???? Ey Tiki is a monkey is it??? silly name hehehehehe
I like to play on the playground with the longnoses.
Relax I am here.Sorry I cant stop laughing.Im so childish.
Tiki is not a monkey I think --- its a donkey
Ok lets move on to forum K4 its getting boring here and these long noses start to cry with mummy. Lets make them happy, before Singaporeans start to laugh about them on monday morning again. What pity.
Bye Bye to all long noses:cool:
Okela. they didnt beat us in arguments, changed the game and lost as well in the playground. Now they cry.
Sorry guys - that we made your long noses bleeding. Goodbye everybody. :P
Now my tears are rolling over my cheek. Monday morning I will have lots to laugh again at Raffles place. You know what I mean??????

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Post by rike » Sun, 19 Mar 2006 11:26 pm

:( Please calm down everybody. Both sides gotten nasty. Both sides overshot. Mutual respect is imperative in a multicultural society. Please Locals and Expatriates do restrain yourself. Good nite to all of you: be it Locals, Expats or SPGs. Have sweet dreams and treat people with the due respect. :wink:

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Post by MobyDog » Mon, 20 Mar 2006 12:34 am

EADG wrote:
MobyDog wrote:Well, I hate to tell you this. But majority of the "decent" Japanese girls in Japan do not fancy foreigners.. I'm afraid. It seems, they are very reserved towards Caucasian.
well I hate to tell you that this doesnt jive with my 14 years experience
MobyDog wrote:In fact in Japan, many service shops do not serve foreigners, unless you speaks some Japanese.
in fact they bend over backwards to accomodate foreigners

Are we talking about same kind of services here.... because my entire post refers only to the sex oriented kind. Don't many of those shops tends to deny you entry if you don't speak Japanese or have a japanese friend with you ?

However, once entry granted... they have the most unique themes and the greatest services on Planet Earth.

Of course, being general about it. Japanese are very accomendating if you'er a guest or customer. They have exceptional customer services.
you must have been cruising Mos Burger or some other High School hangout....
Strangely ... no, but mostly in the streets and hang-out joints.
MobyDog wrote:Japanese girls have great skills - the best in Asia - I might add.
ok, experience dictates I hafta agree here, a generalisation perhaps but so far a pretty damn accurate one
MobyDog wrote:But when they leaves Japan..They are very easy to approach and to engage.
I have had mostly different experiences
I do really find them accomendating and sporting, had four such experience in Singapore and one in Phuket... Oh.. had two Koreans too - Universities students. :D
MobyDog wrote:Note : I am just generalising here, there are exceptions and not every Japanese girls are like what I describe here.
granted my experiences were mostly in Tokyo, if you were in the boonies that may be the case still
[/quote]Perhaps, maybe because my classmate brought me around for a month. We attract different crowd.

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Post by EADG » Mon, 20 Mar 2006 12:56 am

MobyDog wrote: Are we talking about same kind of services here.... because my entire post refers only to the sex oriented kind.
apparently not

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Post by EADG » Mon, 20 Mar 2006 1:01 am

anyone here who *doesn't* think jksg, rike, and sgal are the same person desperately trying to defend an already weak point?

suspicious similarities in the handle names, amount of posts, posting times, joiner times, stupidity, apparent age levels, poor English, defensiveness, etc.

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