Hiding behind statistics soft boy?sundaymorningstaple wrote:Actually, fact is, you sound like you are not even a real adult yet. Having been here as an adult well over 2 decades I can assure you that the reverse is actually the fact. The percentages of SPGs are the same as the percentages of the races on this island. It's called the law of averages. I think it's about time you grew up. And I agree with EADG, how on earth did you manange to change fancy to F.... ?sgal wrote:Fact is - and I repeat that - the majority of SPGs are malay woman - if youre a man and didnt notice that I guess you didnt had much fun yet in Spore.Or are you just bad at reading comprehension as it appears you are.
my brother owns 4 pubs here in Spore. all right his perception might be wrong. ok my perception is wrong. ask most chinese: all right they are wrong and biased. Well then ask the malay guys themselves: lots of them wont deny the fact I mentioned. Anyone who has the slightest idea of the difference (no generalization) of malay/indonesion charakter of easy goingness in many respects and the rather reserved and conservative nature of chinese woman would by means of commonsense conclude (in the absence of statistical evidence) that at least there could be some truth to it. But you caus act smart - generalizations are not acceptable for academics. You dont know anything about Spore - pitiful boy after such a long time staying here. I dont like softies like you - proposing political correctness` in order to stand morally above the rest.
Try you little - we call it soft coc!. Try: Approach 20 indonesian / malay woman and 20 chinese. I bet you a hundred bucks that even you pitiful boy will get rather a malay/indonesian for a one night stand than a chinese.
You talk about something the huge majority in Spore would tell you otherwise : act smart ang moh cau. your english is better no doubt , but your arguments underline your lack of experience in Spore.
You talk smart and make a bloody fool out of yourself.
To serve your cliche-from now onwards I will laugh as well about stupid caucs. Issue closed. Soft Coc! Go to mummy now and cry...