thinkster wrote:Right on worldguy... I know just what you're talking about. I left America 10 years back, and only visted once, enough to make that my last (hopefully) trip there ever. But I do want to speak the flip side, in that, at least in America, African-Americans tend to use their colour as a defence as well. I can count one one hand the number of African-Americans that put colour aside and just were themselves. The rest were shelled-up, resentful and rude... and I'm talking both while in jail and on the street (I've been both). I thought shitty about myself, because I was not liking African-Americans, then after 8 years in Europe, I discovered Africa-europeans and African-Africans, and not one of them EVER played the race card and all were very open. So yes, African-Americans are more defensive because of that fascist society's treatment of them, but also, most African-Americans never seem able to forget all that.
My family is multi-racial; french-european, Baja Californian, and Jamaican, even a couple Japanese by marriage. I was once asked out by a girl while I lived in New Orleans and at dinner, she kept going on about "white-man this and white-man that" and when I told her I don't believe in racialism (the belief that there are races, not cultures) she said, "Nahnah , you can take away my name, you can take away my language, but you can't take away my colour."... I guess not.
But what I advocate is educating people the we all live on one planet, and belong to the same species, and need to wake up to what we're doing. I'm glad you got out of the USSA, it is a downhill mess there and I can't stand it. Peace out!
Yeh, the whole "Race" thing is so blown out of proportion in the States. So much about nothing. Americans are obsessed with "Race". There are just too many psychological issues that have been created within "Black" culture stemming from the treatment of Blacks.
I've had beer cans thrown at me, called every racist word in the book, my life threatened, friendships and relationships ended because I am black in the U.S. I was constantly pulled over by the police in "white" neighborhoods, even while just taking a casual walk. My favorite is having car doors locked on me in public parking lots. You guys from the states know what I am talking about. For many Blacks it gets to their heads being treated that way. For me I was smarter than that and found relief abroad. I have had the best relationships abroad. No race crap to deal with.
See, many Blacks just can't figure out why Whites don't like them considering they control everything in the U.S. Then they get all these issues in their heads and their confused about their identities. Then that provides more ammunition for the Whites to use against them. You know, theives, rappers, gangsters, etc. They just live the stereotype because they try to find an identity in a country set up for the Whites. Then that just keeps them from getting good jobs, imprisonment, etc. It is a downward spiral.
And please don't ask a Native American how they feel about how they are treated. They probably wouldn't tell you because there isn't a whole lot of trust left there. They do express it to those who come from similar backgrounds of treatment though.
Anyway, it might be a good experience for caucasions to experience some racism to know how it feels. The only thing is they will never get it to the extent as the kind in the States.
I have traveled to many countries around the world frequently. In North America, South America, Asia, Europe and Australia/New Zealand and the U.S. is the most hypocritical as far as that goes.
I am not racist by any means. Even though I have had many bad things done to me by White people I don't hate. I have friends from all nationalities and have dated all colors.