would this visa be for aussies only? that was what i was told it would be (quid pro quo) back in June...PNGMK wrote:Joseph Ziegler (Austrade Singapore - Landing Pad Manager) mentioned it in an Austcham meeting. I think the new visa is has multiple add-ons to address the issues real entrepreneurs have coming into Singapore (it sounded as though the visa addressed the real issues of cost for start up managers including access to local schools and housing cost issues being addressed).Strong Eagle wrote:I am most curious to know what this is about. Sounds like a return to Entrepass of 2000-2005 where an idea, a biz plan, and a decent resume could get you in the door.PNGMK wrote:The entrepass is not the visa I am referring to. The new visa coming has a lot more open requirements.
also, there're changes to the Entrepass announced yesterday for start-ups.