Would like your advice (or hopefully experience) on this matter. My wife is Chinese from PRC, I'm Filipino. We want our baby to have a Chinese passport, but to have both English and Chinese names. I know that in SG, birth certificate can accommodate 2 types of names (i.e. John Tan Xiao Ming, where Tan is the last name, John is the western first name, and Xiao Ming is the Chinese first name), but here's my challenge:
1) The Chinese passport can only accommodate Chinese characters and their pinyin (romanized) equivalents (I.e. Tan Xiao Ming)
2) The Chinese passport can then only use my wife's last name (I.e. Tan)
3) We both would like to have my last name on an official document of the baby (I.e. Cruz)
So my questions are:
1) Could baby have a full "Western" name of John Tan-Cruz, where it is "translated" as John = Xiao Ming, Tan-Cruz = Tan?
2) Will Chinese embassy just pick out the Chinese characters without looking at the "English" translation?
Would appreciate any advice! (Hope my narration wasn't too confusing