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I am 75 can I get a long term sposal visa?

Relocating, travelling or planning to make Singapore home? Discuss the criterias, passes or visa that is required.
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Re: I am 75 can I get a long term sposal visa?

Post by Kleef » Sat, 15 Jul 2017 12:30 pm

Thank you everyone for your input, it is most appreicative. When there is a job offer, what are the criteria? It would be a 'job' in senior administration, maybe something like Senior administrator for Customer Development & Sales Techniques . . or something on those lines. What sort of checks are made?

How would we go about making an appeal for the LTVP? I ahve no idea? What points should I raise?

Going back to the UK is really not an option. All the advice I have been given from people there is "Don't try". The Welfare system is very overstretched, and the Welfare housing situation (which I would need help) has been put on immense strain due to the Grenfel Tower bllock fire and the 250 other Towers considered an imminent danger. They need almost 1 million apartments urgently. So if I can't get help, I will be almost like a Stateless person,

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Re: I am 75 can I get a long term sposal visa?

Post by Kleef » Sat, 15 Jul 2017 1:43 pm

As far as Medisave is concerned, I have BUPA Insurance coverage, albeit with a 2000 Sterling deductible, so that point is covered. Can anyone give me advice as to how to appeal - what to say - what to provide - appeal directly in person, if so where and how? - any help . . .please!

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Re: I am 75 can I get a long term sposal visa?

Post by ecureilx » Sat, 15 Jul 2017 2:27 pm

Kleef wrote: How would we go about making an appeal for the LTVP? I ahve no idea? What points should I raise?
Your wife can meet the MP and lodge an appeal. Or resubmit the LTVP application.

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Re: I am 75 can I get a long term sposal visa?

Post by x9200 » Sat, 15 Jul 2017 6:58 pm

I would try first to see an officer (NOT the front desk clerk) at ICA. Maybe, just maybe some reasons / suggestions will be given. Your situation is pretty specific so they may be willing to discuss. Nothing to lose except a few hours of time.

From what you wrote, I would emphasize on your ability to sustain your living in SG even without any help from your wife - she is on a PT job, what may alone could be a reason of rejection if some half blind clerk processed your application. I would also mention the Bupa coverage. But if possible, try to get some info first.

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Re: I am 75 can I get a long term sposal visa?

Post by Kleef » Sat, 15 Jul 2017 7:22 pm

Thank you for your suggestion. It is actually the first one to give me hope! I don't know if you read that I lost pretty much all I had, savings - investment and more importantly two private pensions to the Madoff Ponzi scheme. Enough said on that, it still puts me in the deepest depression. Anyway, it would not take a lot to sustain me. My wife has a small HDB so no rent, food is cheap and plentiful, I am insured for Health up to around $1.5 million, and I get a massive 105 sterling a month pension!. We have some money in the bank, so I would not be a burden to the State. Far more importantly to me, I would not be a burden to my wife, if I was going to be, I would hand in my dinner pail :)

So; I presume what you suggest is go to immigration at ICA? How do I ensure I see someone who can answer my questions and maybe even help? You say 'get info first' I may be obtuse, so may I ask what info you would suggest. I guess I would only have one shot at this, so must have all my ducks in a row!

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Re: I am 75 can I get a long term sposal visa?

Post by ecureilx » Sat, 15 Jul 2017 7:49 pm

Kleef wrote: So; I presume what you suggest is go to immigration at ICA? How do I ensure I see someone who can answer my questions and maybe even help? You say 'get info first' I may be obtuse, so may I ask what info you would suggest. I guess I would only have one shot at this, so must have all my ducks in a row!
bring your wife along, tell the Queue counter that you need to meet an officer regarding appeal for LTVP. Even if they say you should apply online, tell them you would like to talk to the officer. You may need to wait for a while.

Preferably let your wife do the talking.

I don't quite agree on the burden to the state thing as my pastor mentor, on his RAF pension, and small church allowance, got his PR renewed when he was 70 plus though initially ICA said NO. He was living rent free and essentially had no expenses.

Since your wife is citizen means ICA can't decide you are a burden. Unlike the 'other' poster implied.

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Re: I am 75 can I get a long term sposal visa?

Post by Kleef » Sat, 15 Jul 2017 8:15 pm

Thank you so much - one more question. I plan to go to a friend in Oz before my current visa runs out in October. I can stay there for up to three months. Would it make sense to start the LTVP application closer to the departure time so that I can say application pending when I return in December or January? Or bite the bullet and start the ball rolling soon?

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Re: I am 75 can I get a long term sposal visa?

Post by x9200 » Sat, 15 Jul 2017 8:29 pm

Sorry to hear that Kleef, I missed the point on your pension.
Still, going there and listen if they have anything to say may be a good tactics.
I also think this burden thing, while it is very likely a factor, it more IMHO applies to the population as a whole rather than an individual especially of your profile. As ecureilx said, your spouse is an SG citizen and even if there are some considerations of how one may contribute to the system, this would look just bad if you were de facto refused to live in the country with your Singaporean wife. In the cases of the marriage, I believe the number of excuses that could be used are rather limited: (1) marriage of convenience; (2) inability to sustain the family; (3) and offense against the system (criminal, serious immigration offense). If your wife has a job that pays excess of 3k (how much she earns now, BTW?), you, in principle, should be on clear to get LTVP.

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Re: I am 75 can I get a long term sposal visa?

Post by Kleef » Sat, 15 Jul 2017 8:39 pm

Right now her salary is really low, but she is looking around at other options. Maybe we should wait until she has at least the glimmer of a better paying job, although with her education level probably more like 2000 than 3000. Bcosts are very low, utilities mainly, her mother lives five floors up and most of the eating is done there. I am going to try my religious minister at the UHC to see if a letter from him would help - would it? - do you know what the requirements are for someone to act as a sponsor? All this typing, if it was safe I would give you my phone number :D

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Re: I am 75 can I get a long term sposal visa?

Post by ecureilx » Sat, 15 Jul 2017 8:52 pm

Kleef wrote:Right now her salary is really low, but she is looking around at other options. Maybe we should wait until she has at least the glimmer of a better paying job, although with her education level probably more like 2000 than 3000. Bcosts are very low, utilities mainly, her mother lives five floors up and most of the eating is done there. I am going to try my religious minister at the UHC to see if a letter from him would help - would it? - do you know what the requirements are for someone to act as a sponsor? All this typing, if it was safe I would give you my phone number :D
Your wife is the best sponsor one can hope for. And Singapore won't allow unrelated parties as sponsors.

As of now, I personally wont fret much about pay.

I know folks earning much less who got LTVP for their spouse including a Taxi driver with no fixed income.

Go direct, or appeal via MP.

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Re: I am 75 can I get a long term sposal visa?

Post by Kleef » Sat, 15 Jul 2017 8:58 pm

Thank you once again for your time, advice and patience. Back to F1 qualifying - no TV but thanks to some great websites :)

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Re: I am 75 can I get a long term sposal visa?

Post by ecureilx » Sun, 16 Jul 2017 2:09 am

Kleef wrote:Thank you once again for your time, advice and patience. Back to F1 qualifying - no TV but thanks to some great websites :)

Race day is 9 pm SGT?

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Re: I am 75 can I get a long term sposal visa?

Post by Kleef » Sun, 16 Jul 2017 8:35 am

Ye sit is - pre-race is 8pm. Mens findals start at 9 pm as well so I will have two windows open and can enjoy both. If you want to get all sports via internet we will have to speak, figure out how without compromising privacy :) Any suggestions

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Re: I am 75 can I get a long term sposal visa?

Post by Kleef » Mon, 17 Jul 2017 7:18 am

I have had a thought, probably a silly one, but here goes. Does anybody think that I could get assistance and suggestions form the British Embassy here? I know that they can't influence the decisions but I am sure that they know people and possibly one of those people would be sympathetic and amenable?

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Re: I am 75 can I get a long term sposal visa?

Post by Kleef » Mon, 17 Jul 2017 7:23 am

My biggest worry - current worry is this: I am planning right now on going to Australia around October 8th when my current visa expires, and staying for up to thee months. If I return and try to come into Singapore again, would they let me in? I doubt it as I would have done two three month stints since April 1st - (I knew I should have chose a different starting date!!) what would they do - send me back to Australia? I am not Australian so not likely, Send me back to the UK. The airfare would be horrendous booking that way, and what do I do when I get there? I cannot afford the super high rents, I would need to go on welfare, have them find me a apartment etc, etc. I really am at my wits end, scared beyond belief, and with the darkest of thoughts on how to resolve things so I don't need accommodation any more. I hope someone can give me hope

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