Hi all , I'm a local sg guy , my spouse to be is from china . She has no background issues and had never been refused into entering singapore . We had already planned and register for our marraige on 22 June . She arrived Singapore on may 2 , we went to ica to extend her short term pass this morning as the online application failed . To my disappointment , the officer only gave her an extension of 15 days till June 12th .he told us to come back to apply for another extension on June 12 . Ive brought black and white documents (rom notice) but to no avail , we didn't get more days . As I had made the venue booking and intend to invite my spouse to be parents over to witness our rom , proper planning needs to be done . However , how can we plan perfectly with such uncertainty on the dates given by the officer ? im disappointed as everything has to be cancelled if the next extension on June 12 doesn't goes through . 1)I would like to know if anyone can advice on the chance of extension .2)may I know the norm of the number of days usually given for extension of visit passes .3)i would also like to know if this extension of 15 days is reasonable or logical in my case .its impossible for me to visit ica every 15 days! 4) how should we proceed after our rom .
( my spouse to be was a former wp holder and had attained the approval to marry given by mom . Our pre marraige assessment has also been approved by ica )
Thank you everyone for your help .
Please take care and have a good day !
Appreciate it !