Singapore Expats

Which company - Rent a car (Volvo X90 or Plymouth Voyager )

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need a car

Which company - Rent a car (Volvo X90 or Plymouth Voyager )

Post by need a car » Wed, 09 Feb 2005 12:44 pm

I need to arrange a long-term rent/lease of a car (Volvo X90 or Plymouth Voyager).
Searching net now.
Any recommendations - which companies to prefer / avoid?



Post by CarLover » Thu, 10 Feb 2005 3:04 pm

Hi there,

Sounds like you're from the States/Canada but that's just a guess...(Plymouth is a very North American-ish brand....)

There's no Plymouth brand here but the Voyager is marketed under the Chrysler brand. I think it's essentially the same vehicle with some cosmetic differences.

If it's a 7 seater you're after, there are many other options, some of which you might not have seen in the country you are coming from. There are some JDM (Japan Domestic Models) that are imported grey into this market which can be quite attractive. There are the Korean options as well...which if you buy pre-owned, do not depreciate as rapidly as the other brands.

I think at this point in time when pre-owned car prices in Singapore are at an all time low, it's worth doing the sums to see if buying pre-owned is viable for you. The most important considerations in a transient resident's case would be the time horizon you're looking at, your specific needs, overall costs, cash flow and depreciation. Once you've put these pieces together, you can work out which option is better for you...

If you need more help, please post a reply to this message, maybe leaving your email address and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.


need a car

Post by need a car » Thu, 10 Feb 2005 9:12 pm

thanks. I need to RENT / LEASE this car, not buy...
Just heard Avis has the Volvo in the fleet.


Post by CarLover » Sat, 12 Feb 2005 11:14 am

Hi :)

Most leasing companies will buy the car for you depending on the length of your lease. So if you walk into any of them, say you want a Volvo XC90, the will work out the sums for you, give you a quote and then buy the car for you. In this regard, if you really must lease, the best bet is to send an email to each of the major leasing companies ( telling them your requirements and they should revert to you with a lease amount. As far as I know, they will factor in your lease length, the cost of acquisition, potential loss upon disposal, etc before quoting you.

Alternatively, you can adopt a strategy to see if they have any existing ones in their fleet for short term hire (this means the vehicle is available), get a quote and then later see whether or not they will give it to you on a long term lease. This might be a cheaper alternative.

Avis is probably not the most affordable option but if you are on a company budget, it's not an issue I guess.

Good luck! :)

Posts: 54
Joined: Thu, 06 May 2004 6:45 pm

Car lease

Post by jivintan » Wed, 16 Feb 2005 3:28 pm

Need a car,

what's your budget and term of lease?


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