Hi all,
Any help/clarification appreciated. Forgive me as there will be some overlap with existing posts.
My girlfriend (of 9yrs) and I are planning to move to Singapore in July. She has secured a job as a speech therapist and will qualify for an Employment pass. I am still job hunting (I've a PhD in Geotechnical Engineering and a Degree in Structural Engineering, 5 years work experience so solid CV but noting biting yet). I am still hopeful to get something before we go (any advice in this department also appreciated) but we are starting to look at contingency plans in case I do not have a job secured in time.
1) If I go over on the 30-90 day visitor pass can I actively search for work over there?
2) How often are LTVP applications successful? From other threads there are lots of issues with common law marriage (also they are not recognised in Ireland) certs etc. And her employer would have to be willing to apply for one also - correct? Can I apply for jobs while over there on this Visa or is it considered a breach of the rules? I understand that I cannot get any part-time (eg bar) work while on this visa also/
Thanks in advance.