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Need advise regarding NS, citizenship

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Need advise regarding NS, citizenship

Post by looking4ans » Fri, 24 Mar 2017 6:35 am

Hello all, I am trying to get some answers to a few particularly sticky qns. So I will first lay out the background information.

I am a Singaporean, 43 this year, and have worked in Singapore for some time before moving to the US 6 years ago. Last year, I decided to naturalized and as such entered the "grey area" so of being a persons holding a dual citizenship in the eyes of Singapore. I know this is illegal, but so far, I have not had any problems getting in and out of Singapore. Just a matter of being more careful and manage the various passports carefully. But I think the situation is getting muddied.

Because I didn't want the Singapore government to trace me, I did state that I was leaving for a job in the US. I just applied for an exit permit and just kept renewing it. Recently, despite being 43 this year, I received a letter from the military to go for reservist. Now, keep in mind that I have not attended any reservist or IPPT for that matter since I left the military when I was 20 (for the US for studies). I know I was told when I got commissioned as an officer, I would have to serve till 50, but that is a full 23 years ago. I have already sold most of my military stuff to the rag and bone dealer, and I think even the sword and other things like that small pocket guides that they pass out in OCS, I think I either ebayed them or CLed them. This is the first problem.

The 2nd problem, I got married a couple of years back, and had a son, both of which I conveniently forgot report to the Singapore embassy here. A fellow Singaporean friend of mine told me that I should report it so that my son could gain access to the Singapore passport, but that would mean that he might have to give up his US and Norwegian passport when he is 21, or has times changed in Singapore? So that brings me to my question.

1) What are my liabilities with regards to reservist, how is it that they can forget me for 23 years and then call me back? Is this even legal?

2) On the odd chance that I go back just to do a week or 2 of reservist, can I turn up in jeans and tshirt as I do not have my military fatigues any longer? Is that still that place above a market that sells them?

3) Is it legal not to register my son with the Singapore embassy? We are happy in the US, and I seriously do not foresee any reason to relocate back to Singapore. My only reasons for visiting Singapore these days are usually to sign some contracts as I have a HDB and 2 condos that I bought which are being rented out.

4) Would it be possible to convert my Singapore citizenship to a Permanent residency? Have anyone had any experience with that?

I would sincerely appreciate any advise or personal experience in any of the above.

Many Thanks

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Re: Need advise regarding NS, citizenship

Post by taxico » Fri, 24 Mar 2017 3:49 pm

looking4ans wrote:Hello all, I am trying to get some answers to a few particularly sticky qns. So I will first lay out the background information.

I am a Singaporean, 43 this year, and have worked in Singapore for some time before moving to the US 6 years ago. Last year, I decided to naturalized and as such entered the "grey area" so of being a persons holding a dual citizenship in the eyes of Singapore. I know this is illegal, but so far, I have not had any problems getting in and out of Singapore. Just a matter of being more careful and manage the various passports carefully. But I think the situation is getting muddied.

Because I didn't want the Singapore government to trace me, I did state that I was leaving for a job in the US. I just applied for an exit permit and just kept renewing it. Recently, despite being 43 this year, I received a letter from the military to go for reservist. Now, keep in mind that I have not attended any reservist or IPPT for that matter since I left the military when I was 20 (for the US for studies). I know I was told when I got commissioned as an officer, I would have to serve till 50, but that is a full 23 years ago. I have already sold most of my military stuff to the rag and bone dealer, and I think even the sword and other things like that small pocket guides that they pass out in OCS, I think I either ebayed them or CLed them. This is the first problem.

The 2nd problem, I got married a couple of years back, and had a son, both of which I conveniently forgot report to the Singapore embassy here. A fellow Singaporean friend of mine told me that I should report it so that my son could gain access to the Singapore passport, but that would mean that he might have to give up his US and Norwegian passport when he is 21, or has times changed in Singapore? So that brings me to my question.

1) What are my liabilities with regards to reservist, how is it that they can forget me for 23 years and then call me back? Is this even legal?

2) On the odd chance that I go back just to do a week or 2 of reservist, can I turn up in jeans and tshirt as I do not have my military fatigues any longer? Is that still that place above a market that sells them?

3) Is it legal not to register my son with the Singapore embassy? We are happy in the US, and I seriously do not foresee any reason to relocate back to Singapore. My only reasons for visiting Singapore these days are usually to sign some contracts as I have a HDB and 2 condos that I bought which are being rented out.

4) Would it be possible to convert my Singapore citizenship to a Permanent residency? Have anyone had any experience with that?

I would sincerely appreciate any advise or personal experience in any of the above.

Many Thanks
this should probably be moved to the Strictly Speaking section.
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Re: Need advise regarding NS, citizenship

Post by taxico » Fri, 24 Mar 2017 3:58 pm

looking4ans wrote:Because I didn't want the Singapore government to trace me, I did state that I was leaving for a job in the US. I just applied for an exit permit and just kept renewing it. Recently, despite being 43 this year, I received a letter from the military to go for reservist.

1) What are my liabilities with regards to reservist, how is it that they can forget me for 23 years and then call me back? Is this even legal?

2) On the odd chance that I go back just to do a week or 2 of reservist, can I turn up in jeans and tshirt as I do not have my military fatigues any longer? Is that still that place above a market that sells them?
where and when did you receive your ICT notification? you are allowed to apply for deferment, bearing in mind you are notified quite far in advance...

yes, it's legal for them to call you up even when you are 49 yo.

you can turn up in civies if you have no time to go to the emart (store) to get kitted out - you have an allowance with emart so you don't have to pay (for most of it).

sword aside, even if you have them, all your old stuff is no longer suitable for use today.

if you get questioned, just say your uniform no longer fits. you are an LTA after all, so not many people will give you trouble about it.
looking4ans wrote:The 2nd problem, I got married a couple of years back, and had a son, both of which I conveniently forgot report to the Singapore embassy here. A fellow Singaporean friend of mine told me that I should report it so that my son could gain access to the Singapore passport, but that would mean that he might have to give up his US and Norwegian passport when he is 21, or has times changed in Singapore?

3) Is it legal not to register my son with the Singapore embassy? We are happy in the US, and I seriously do not foresee any reason to relocate back to Singapore. My only reasons for visiting Singapore these days are usually to sign some contracts as I have a HDB and 2 condos that I bought which are being rented out.
it is legal not to register his birth with the SG embassy.

you need a (good) reason why you did not register your child within 12 months' from his birth if you want to do so after the 12th month.
looking4ans wrote:4) Would it be possible to convert my Singapore citizenship to a Permanent residency? Have anyone had any experience with that?
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Re: Need advise regarding NS, citizenship

Post by sundaymorningstaple » Fri, 24 Mar 2017 10:09 pm

I'd say Taxico has it covered pretty succinctly. :-k

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Re: Need advise regarding NS, citizenship

Post by PNGMK » Sun, 26 Mar 2017 9:26 am

OP - I would add that you should try to attend the call up - the attendance keeps you looking 'normal' and off the radar so to speak. I suspect it will be your last before pass out.
I not lawyer/teacher/CPA.
You've been arrested? Law Society of Singapore can provide referrals.
You want an International School job? School website or
Your rugrat needs a School? Avoid for profit schools
You need Tax advice? Ask a CPA
You ran away without doing NS? Shame on you!

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