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Create a website that earn money while under employed

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Create a website that earn money while under employed

Post by hamutaro » Fri, 17 Feb 2017 12:17 pm

Can I start a website/blog and earn money in Singapore-:
1. while still under employed?
2. without register my business?
3. do I need to be Sole-Proprietorship?
4. still getting income from the site after I moved back to my home country?

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Strong Eagle
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Re: Create a website that earn money while under employed

Post by Strong Eagle » Fri, 17 Feb 2017 11:22 pm

hamutaro wrote:Can I start a website/blog and earn money in Singapore-:
1. while still under employed?
2. without register my business?
3. do I need to be Sole-Proprietorship?
4. still getting income from the site after I moved back to my home country?
If your website will be providing goods and services NOT in Singapore in any way, then you can run it and you don't need to set up any kind of business entity. You do, however, have to pay Singapore income tax on the money you earn.

However, if you do something like host your website on Singapore based servers, or you offer your goods and services in Singapore then you need a Singapore registered business entity. And you need a work pass tied to that entity. And in general, if you already have a work pass, you cannot get a second one. You must leave the employment you currently have.

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