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What's the Procedure and Requirements for Extension of Stay?

Relocating, travelling or planning to make Singapore home? Discuss the criterias, passes or visa that is required.
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What's the Procedure and Requirements for Extension of Stay?

Post by thailen » Mon, 13 Feb 2017 8:10 pm

I have received two offers of sponsorship for an extension of stay in Singapore, following my arrival in September for 90 days(I'm American). What do I tell these people re what they must do, the cost and the time the application takes to go into effect.

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Re: What's the Procedure and Requirements for Extension of Stay?

Post by PNGMK » Mon, 13 Feb 2017 8:25 pm

"halp me"?

I think it's $30. They do it online.
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Re: RE: Re: What's the Procedure and Requirements for Extension of Stay?

Post by ecureilx » Mon, 13 Feb 2017 10:54 pm

PNGMK wrote:"halp me"?

I think it's $30. They do it online.
And Any travel agent can also extend using Singpass !

Ps upon expiry of the initial 90 day visa, an extension is not guaranteed. It may not be granted, as some immigration law states stays over 120 days must be via an appropriate long term pass.

And doing a visa run (as mentioned before) may get you another 90 day, or a 30 day stay. Again, depends on your luck.

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Re: What's the Procedure and Requirements for Extension of Stay?

Post by thailen » Tue, 14 Feb 2017 10:00 am

You are correct about the requirements for a long-term visa. They conveniently left out the details on the page I clicked on. Thanks for clearing that up. So back to the short-term extension of stay. You say I could get a 30-89 day extension. But according to that page(see below) I'm restricted to 30 days unless I fulfill the two conditions listed under (b), which I obviously cannot meet. Does the final statement below say even if I can't meet the conditions under (b), I can STILL show up at ICA with my sponsor to apply for 89 days? Comment?
If you fulfill all the following conditions, you can submit an application online.
a) You have not previously obtained an extension of stay on this trip
b) You wish to extend your stay up to 89 days from date of entry to Singapore
c) Your visit pass has a remaining validity of at least 3 working days from date of submission. (Note: Working days are from Monday to Saturday, excluding public holidays)
d) You will not return to Singapore within 5 days from the departure date of your current trip

If you confirm that you fulfill all the above conditions and agree that you will not be seeking any (further) extension after this application, irrespective of the outcome, you may
a) Click Extension up to 30 days link in the main menu if you wish to apply for extension up to 30 days from expiry of current visit pass
b) Click Extension up to 89 days link in the main menu if you wish to apply for extension up to 89 days from date of entry and fulfill the following criteria:-
(i) You are a foreigner with family ties where your immediate family members are Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident and you are able to furnish original supporting documentary evidence to establish relationship; or
(ii) You are a foreigner who is seeking medical treatment in Singapore and are able to furnish original letter from a Singapore registered doctor to support your extension of stay.
Travellers who do not fulfill the above conditions would need to apply for an extension in person at the Visitor Services Centre (4th Storey), ICA Building.

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Re: What's the Procedure and Requirements for Extension of Stay?

Post by PNGMK » Tue, 14 Feb 2017 12:13 pm

What do you want us to say? You've done the research - the answer is pretty plain. Singapore doesn't want people living in Singapore for long periods on a short term visit pass.
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Re: RE: Re: What's the Procedure and Requirements for Extension of Stay?

Post by ecureilx » Tue, 14 Feb 2017 1:43 pm

PNGMK wrote:What do you want us to say? You've done the research - the answer is pretty plain. Singapore doesn't want people living in Singapore for long periods on a short term visit pass.

And definitely not to spend quality time with girl friend, unless there is baby making for a future citizen child ;)

That's in jest ;)

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Re: What's the Procedure and Requirements for Extension of Stay?

Post by okonu » Tue, 14 Feb 2017 3:00 pm

Yes, you can still turn up and ask for extension >30 days. But it would be silly to plan on it being granted.

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Re: What's the Procedure and Requirements for Extension of Stay?

Post by thailen » Wed, 15 Feb 2017 8:03 pm

One potential sponsor said she couldn't do it because she would have to put up a financial bond! That sounds like a copout to me, since I looked at your and others' comments about their requirements and nothing suggested a financial stake or guarantee. I could understand if this involved more than one person seeking 30-89 days extension, maybe a corporate takeover of her apartment or a pyromaniac with a history of setting fire to rented apartments...

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Re: RE: Re: What's the Procedure and Requirements for Extension of Stay?

Post by ecureilx » Wed, 15 Feb 2017 9:22 pm

thailen wrote:One potential sponsor said she couldn't do it because she would have to put up a financial bond! That sounds like a copout to me, since I looked at your and others' comments about their requirements and nothing suggested a financial stake or guarantee. I could understand if this involved more than one person seeking 30-89 days extension, maybe a corporate takeover of her apartment or a pyromaniac with a history of setting fire to rented apartments...

Did you really miss the part about who can be sponsor ? It's not much about the financial part, truth be told, your prospective sponsor did figure out she can't sponsor you for a 6 month stay.

Visa extensions to 90 day too require a Singpass holder / sponsor who has to give an undertaking. Maybe that too scared away the sponsor :)

To repeat PNGMK's words, Singapore is not fond of allowing folks without a valid reason to stay for extended periods of time.

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Re: What's the Procedure and Requirements for Extension of Stay?

Post by thailen » Thu, 16 Feb 2017 10:29 am

Please explain what "has to have an undertaking" means.

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Re: What's the Procedure and Requirements for Extension of Stay?

Post by PNGMK » Thu, 16 Feb 2017 10:51 am

'undertaking' as in an implied responsibility for the sponsored foreigner; i.e. financial/medical/legal. Given what you seem to be, I'm not surprised no one wants that on their cards.
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Re: What's the Procedure and Requirements for Extension of Stay?

Post by thailen » Thu, 16 Feb 2017 12:16 pm

I'll ignore your aspersions on my financial/medical/legal condition. By the way, I am in a secure and generous income category(and I'm retired; my income is oddly from rental properties in the U.S.) My medical condition is excellent and I am not now and never have been in any legal trouble.
I will point out, however, that one owner/manager has already agreed to sponsor me. I was only passing along what another owner/manager wrote and that's why I asked. My experience in life has been that no matter how trivial a question may be, if you don't ask, you'll never get an answer. Even in areas where I have some experience, training and knowledge, I know I don't have all the answers.
Have a nice day.

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Re: What's the Procedure and Requirements for Extension of Stay?

Post by PNGMK » Thu, 16 Feb 2017 3:34 pm

medical: you get sick? who pays?
arrested: who bails you?
money problems because your ATM card doesn't work or you forgot the pin: who pays?

It's not a trivial issue to be a sponsor or to accept the 'underwriting' of a visitor.
I not lawyer/teacher/CPA.
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Re: What's the Procedure and Requirements for Extension of Stay?

Post by thailen » Thu, 16 Feb 2017 7:12 pm

No.1: I don't get sick; if I did, I have enough money to pay for either a doctor or hospital visit. Anything less than a triple heart bypass or stroke, if serious, I fly back to the states where I get free medical treatment under Medicare and Medigap.
2: I don't get arrested
3. My bank has a branch in Singapore; If my ATM card from that bank doesn't work, I have a U.S. ATM card; If that doesn't work, I have two credit cards

So far, the first sponsor has enough trust to accdept sponsorship. She would have three months to observe and determine if I'm a good risk. My paying her up front for 3 three months should help her make that determination.

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Re: RE: Re: What's the Procedure and Requirements for Extension of Stay?

Post by ecureilx » Thu, 16 Feb 2017 10:47 pm

thailen wrote:No.1: I don't get sick; if I did, I have enough money to pay for either a doctor or hospital visit. Anything less than a triple heart bypass or stroke, if serious, I fly back to the states where I get free medical treatment under Medicare and Medigap.
2: I don't get arrested
3. My bank has a branch in Singapore; If my ATM card from that bank doesn't work, I have a U.S. ATM card; If that doesn't work, I have two credit cards

So far, the first sponsor has enough trust to accdept sponsorship. She would have three months to observe and determine if I'm a good risk. My paying her up front for 3 three months should help her make that determination.

Maybe your financial wealth moves things in Thailand but not in Singapore... or who knows ?

Just saying.

So how much do you plan on paying the 'sponsor' ? Though the word sponsor pretty much Means nothing much in Singapore, unlike in Thailand, Philippines or USA.

PS. It's not about how healthy as an Ox you are or you have loads of money. Singapore is Singapore. Such guarantees don't excite the govt. Or immigration here.

PS, regularly ICA refuses entry to folks who have excellent credit card, have loads of stamps of western countries, but have unexplained travel pattern, or stay in Singapore without a valid reason.

Though Good luck to you. ICA maybe awed by your wealth. Truth be told.

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