Hi Friends,
I am working in singapore since may 2013, holding an employment pass. My current monthly salary is S$5000 (NET). Recently I have received an offer from multinational company offering similar salary of S$5000 (Basic)+ Comm.+ Bonus. I am really excited to accept the new offer as career growth and earning prospect is much wider and better. I want suggestion on the following issues.
1. When my new employer did the SAT (Self assessment tools) assessment with S$ 5000 salary, it shows that I am likely to eligible for S pass only. My own, I did the assessment and found out that with S$6000 salary I am eligible for both EP & S pass. but unfortunately, new employer doesn't offer more than S$5000 for this position. They said to apply S pass as SAT assessment not showing promising results. but they are open from any suggestion and feedback from my side on my profile and How can make the strong case for EP approval with S$ 5000 salary. I would like to know, If my new employer apply for EP with S$5000 salary what are the success chances? or its waste of time? better go for S pass with lower pay? but with higher commission and bonus.
2. I have also applied PR on last year november but so far no outcome on application. It will likely to take longer. I don't know weather, I have news on my PR application before may 2017 as my ep expiring in may 2017 I have to decide about new job offer and its implication on my PR application. I would like to know, If I accept the offer and degraded EP to S pass, does it affects my PR chances very badly?
My confusion is, I don't mind to get S pass instead of EP as earning prospect is much better and definitely I can make more than what I am making now. But if its affect my PR application than I have to think first?
I am master in business with 5+years of experience in sales & marketing. 3.5 years working experience in singapore. 28 years old, Single and paid 3 years income tax submitted with PR application.
Your prompt feedback and suggestion on above matter is highly appreciated. I hope the expert can clear my confusion and show me the clear way. Thank you for your time and attention.