I think the poster was asking about Exit Permit which we receive only ONE time after getting the PR.malcontent wrote: ↑Sun, 06 Dec 2020 2:42 pmThe licenses were still paper when I arrived in the 90’s, and conversion from a foreign license was still a breeze, just show and go.
The REP is supposedly electronic now, but other countries still demand to see it, so I print at 70% of the original size, cut it, fold it and staple to a page in the passport - fits nicely.
Explain to ICA. Saw on the forum where one of them got a temporary waiver and must show it for verification later.jhc3838 wrote: ↑Sun, 06 Dec 2020 6:11 pmHey guys,
I had my IPA last week. The formalities asked to bring the original copies of my documents to the appointment. However, all of those (Degree, transcript, brith cert) are in my home country. Is this a strict requirement that you must bring those to ICA?
Thanks lots in advance.
Yesmalcontent wrote: ↑Sun, 06 Dec 2020 5:54 pmIs an exit permit different than a reentry permit (REP)? I don’t recall seeing any “exit permit” when my daughter got PR nine years ago, my wife who got PR in the 80’s also has no clue.
If I remember right, there were few scenarios like cancel PR, where you are expected to return the Exit Permit.
Personally I keep scanned copies of all official and important documents/IC...in a folder in my mobile Phone.
Yes - I think it's a bit more streamlined though. You shouldn't have to go anywhere now.Kevinsmith08 wrote: ↑Sat, 23 Jan 2021 11:41 amAwesome guide, so thank you.. Just one question - let's say I'm a 1st Gen male then I'll be exempted from NS, but I guess have to wait for their letter and then go and apply right?
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