there are in fact many things for an expat to consider while overseas:
1. An expat's medical cover may be excellent in home country, but not useful in Singapore (e.g. free medical in Russia, but if I have a medical emergency here, I won't want to be forced to rush back before I get treatment)
2. If an expat travels a lot outside home country, then the next port of call after Singapore may not be home - is the medical cover then portable?
3. If I buy a term life that is 5-10 years, it should be because I have liabilities to match in 5-10 years (normally may be longer e.g. kids), not because I am in Singapore for 5-10 years.
4. Other areas of planning may be in tax - how to save on tax
5. Other finance-related matters such as ensuring a diplomatic clause in rental agreements, and not over-committing to rental expense (because
International School fees are great, and what if you have 3 kids?)
6. Many expats ignore retirement planning - they may have CPF-like programs in their countries, but since they aren't in their country, it isn't compulsory for them
Expat or local, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.