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Meaningful Choices

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Meaningful Choices

Meaningful Choices

Post by Meaningful Choices » Sat, 05 Feb 2005 4:23 pm

Meaningful Choices

Every action you take has consequences. That may at first seem to be a burden, but it is actually very empowering.

For consequences are what make progress possible. It is in the consequences that life's treasures are to be found.

Yes, many of life's consequences are burdensome. Yet a life with no consequences at all would carry with it a far greater and unbearable burden.

If there were no consequences, there would be no pathway to desired results. Without consequences, true achievement would be impossible.

Though some of them are painful, consequences ultimately point you in a positive direction. By experiencing consequences, both the positive and the negative ones, you learn which actions to take.

Though consequences can make life difficult, they also make it rich. For consequences give real meaning and value to the choices that you make.

-- Ralph Marston

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