Hi good day,
I realy need advice on my current situation. I flew singapore last august 1st since my company granted my leave for 2 months. Since recently had my hand surgery so my doctor advice not to use of my hand before its completly healed. So my boyfriend booked a ticket for me for 4 days with hotel reservation. So immigration gave me 30 days of stay but i need to go back with in that week so since i had 2 months approved leave we decided that i just stay in singapore during that month but i dont have any plans of looking for jobs in singapore. I once been granted a TEP pass (Trainee employment pass) for 1 year way back 2011 but after my pass expires i went back to philippines. Yearly visit singapore for short vacation like 1 week or 4 days since my boyfriend is singaporean. So after 1 month before september we went to johor to celebrate my bday and ofcourse to extend my stay. I have a confirmed return ticket to manila, immigration did questioned me and answer all those question plus present them all my documents that iam employed in the philippines for almost 3 years so they let me in and gave another month of stay... so i contacted my supervisor that i will use 1 more month of my leave so he agree's and expect me to return to manila last week of september since i need to go to work 1st week of october but before that me and my friend decided to visit bangkok for shopping and food so before my pass ended we went to bangkok sept 22 and went back to singapore sept 25 since my confirmed ticket is sept 26 just 1 day diff. So immigration ask me to go to the office and check some documents i have. They suspect that im looking for employment, i dod experience the same as many foreign people when they basicaly went for questioned by ica and stuff.. so wat they did they rebooked my ticket and have me stayed at the office so no chance of telling my boyfriend that i need to go back to manila and also told them that i just need to get my stuff to my boyfriends place and tomorow i will return to manila but they didnt let me . So i waited in the room for about 3 or 4 hours with diff people most of them are vietnamese i even helped one of the vietnamese there coz we both inside of the question room and she cant speak english so she show me a photo and ask if ever immigration will let me out help her find this person and tell her that she is still inside. But unfortunately immigration also needs to send me to manila so what i did i contacted my friedn and send her then picture to help the vietnamese. So to cut the story short they gave me a paper that indicates that i was refused to enter singapore. So my question is?
1. How many months or years do i need to wait until i can enter singapore?
2. I know i need to write a letter to ica for appeal of ever i want to enter singapore, Can i tell them that i need to visit my boyfriend since we are planning now to get married?
3. We are planning to get married in Batam indonesia this december and the flight will be troublesome if im going to bali or jakarta because the most convenient way for me is to fly to singapore and from singapore we go to batam indonesia . Can i write a letter that me and my boyfried will be in batam so i just need to be in singapore for just 1 day and also 1 day wen i return back to manila after my marriage since we both agreed that we will be getting married in batam indonesia . Can i use this as my reason for my letter of appeal?
Thank you so much!