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by firemedic » Mon, 17 Oct 2016 4:44 pm
If I have a budget of 3000 for rent every month, should I get a 3000 furnished or 2500 unfurnished and get 500 a month in rental furniture? It seems the term "furnished
condos" are very different from ad to ad.
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by dynoto » Fri, 21 Oct 2016 8:32 pm
Generally buying your own furniture is cheaper in long run (we're talking about 2 years minimum)
But if youre that kind of person who move houses quite often and unwilling to deal with hassle of moving furniture s then i suggest to spend more for furnished houses
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by brian_singapore » Sun, 23 Oct 2016 1:58 pm
One drawback of furnished is it gives the landlord a lot more opportunity to find reasons to with hold your deposit for damaged furniture.
If the dofference is 500 a month, my personal preference is to buy my own.
As per above, length of stay in SG and frequency of moves would be an important factor.
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by Strong Eagle » Mon, 24 Oct 2016 3:13 am
The other problem in buying "furnished" is you end up with all the old crap the landlord doesn't want. Buy some stuff at Ikea... or do a search for furniture rental in Singapore... at least you'll get the furniture you want and not the tossed off dregs that the LL wants to charge you $500 a month for.
Note that in many ads, "furnished" doesn't mean beds and couches, it means white goods like a stove, refrigerator, washer, and dryer. Unless these have been lying around since the Japanese invasion, paying for these items as part of the rent is a good idea, but be sure to be clear in the lease about who pays for failed equipment and/or repairs.
Furniture and appliances
Replies: 2
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Should I bring my appliances and furniture over to Singapore or are they affordable in Singapore?
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Appliances like white goods I would not as condo's usually come with them already.
Furniture on the other hand really depends on what you have...
- 2 Replies
Last post by Wong_Jnr
Mon, 29 Jun 2020 9:44 am
Where's a good place to find information on furniture shop's reputation
Replies: 1
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Planning to buy some furniture items, where's a good place to find out more about the shop's reputation ie: quality, delivery timeline, etc?
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For the most part unless there is a niche website dedicated to reviewing such stores your best bet would be to look at the google reviews. They are...
- 1 Replies
Last post by Lisafuller
Fri, 15 Jan 2021 2:06 pm
Shipping loose furniture to Singapore via Vpost, thoughts?
Replies: 3
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Hi All, wondering if anyone has experience with Vpost before?
I am renovating my house and would like to ship some items from overseas. Wanted to...
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Just an addendum to the observer's post which is currently accurate......
From January 1, 2023 , the government will extend GST to low-value goods...
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Last post by sundaymorningstaple
Mon, 12 Jul 2021 10:59 am
Forwarding services for furniture (from US/Australia)
Replies: 3
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Does anyone have recommendations for reliable forwarding services that can ship bulky item (e.g. sofa/dining set) from the US/Australia to Singapore?...
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I used Anglo Pacific/Allied Pickford.
I’ve received all of my air freighted items, including an expensive PC, Stokke crib/high chair. All without...
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Last post by Sunjackal
Tue, 07 Sep 2021 11:23 am
Moving Budget for Furniture - Who to Contact
Replies: 1
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Hi there
Were you given a budget to buy furniture when you moved to Singapore?
If so, were you given a specific company that managed the allowance...
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I’m not sure that’s a thing here, unless you hire an interior designer and have them furnish your house for you.
- 1 Replies
Last post by Lisafuller
Wed, 22 Sep 2021 2:38 am
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