Both my sons attend an International School and have been happy here in Singapore for the past 3+ years - they follow the IB Primary Years Programme. They are aged 9 and 10.
Next year we will be returning to the UK in the spring and so for my oldest the Key Stage 2 SATs exams will be just a few weeks away. These exams are important in that they are used by secondary schools to place children in classes that are set by ability. I think they should be ok in Maths and Science as there seems to be so many online resources for these subjects, but English seems to be more difficult.
I am finding it really hard to find any home tutors that have experience with the UK Primary curriculum. We are looking, ideally, for someone to tutor both boys once per week in preparation for the Key Stage 2 English and Grammar test (which is new and by all accounts fiendishly difficult!).
Any help or ideas most welcome.