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AirBnB wars heating up in my condo - MC on the warpath

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AirBnB wars heating up in my condo - MC on the warpath

Post by PNGMK » Tue, 23 Aug 2016 12:25 pm

Our MA is pretty much engaging in citizen's arrest of "illegal" short term AirBnB tenants and reporting them and their landlords to the URA. She is grabbing them (physically) and demanding their ID and any evidence of an AirBnB booking (most of them have a printout or a phone with the booking on it). She's also uncovered extremely illegal copying of condo keys, Condo cards and such other security risks used by the AirBnb tenants (presumably with the connivance of the landlords).

I would suggest to any readers thinking of using AirBnB either as a guest or LandLord to wait for the dust to settle and URA to get their freak ass into gear and come out with a definite policy or set of guidelines.
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Re: AirBnB wars heating up in my condo - MC on the warpath

Post by PNGMK » Tue, 23 Aug 2016 12:29 pm

If you wonder how she knows who an AirBnB'r is...

1. They wonder in dopily with a phone in their hand, rolling suitcase behind and clearly don't know the layout of the condo or the function of any the door keys or door systems. They don't move in with furniture or more than 1 suitcase.
2. They ignore all rules about swimming times, attire, use of life saving devices.
3. Some of them smoke where they shouldn't.
4. In a smaller condo (60 units) theyr'e strangers to people who have lived there mostly 5 years or more and they are not accompanied by a known neighbour.
5. They are using units that are known trouble spots (or have been vacant awhile).
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Re: AirBnB wars heating up in my condo - MC on the warpath

Post by Hidy Ho » Tue, 23 Aug 2016 5:39 pm

I know what AirBnB is but what does MA and MC stand for? Management something?

I don't have any experience with short-term renters here in SG but my place in Bangkok, I'm so very glad that the building started clamping down on short-term rentals. Those people abuse the place!!! I still remember two groups of Indians who rented two STUDIOs who leave their door open, let kids play on the hallway at midnight and leaving trash outside the door. I miss scantly bikini'd Euro honeys (usually topless) sunbathing on the pool deck though.

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Re: AirBnB wars heating up in my condo - MC on the warpath

Post by taxico » Tue, 23 Aug 2016 10:47 pm

Hidy Ho wrote:I know what AirBnB is but what does MA and MC stand for? Management something?
MC is the committee, usually consists of residents/condo owners.

MA is the agent that the MC has authorized to run the condo, usually a company.
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Re: AirBnB wars heating up in my condo - MC on the warpath

Post by martincymru » Wed, 24 Aug 2016 8:55 am

And when the guest does something really serious, either to the unit or the common area, that's when it starts to get really complex.
I went to a BnB group meeting in 2014 and I was the only one in a room of 100 to say BnB has potentially enormous contractual complexities for the unit owner. The meeting was like a religious festival ++. I was a pariah.

What about insurance breach (unit and common areas)?

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Re: AirBnB wars heating up in my condo - MC on the warpath

Post by PNGMK » Wed, 24 Aug 2016 9:34 am

Martin - you're right as what we have done (I'm on the MC) is push back charges and damages for anything a short term tenant has done back to common property onto the unit owner. Our by-laws are strong enough for us to do that and we have been looking into setting up caveats on the title where owners have not paid up.
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