Nope, if you read my previous post, I mentioned some large companies do ask and file the Previous pay slips, after the salary had been agreed upon and joined. Even though the previous pay has no influence in the new pay.mortlock2005 wrote:No idea what you mean ecureilx. I work for a very small company, and I don't waste my time advertising positions just to collect data.
I always wondered why !
In an ideal world, what you say maybe true. ...Strong Eagle wrote:No you don't. That's bullshit. Your first and foremost task is to find a qualified person. If you can't take the time to interview candidates and qualify them with respect to fit, skills, and experience BEFORE you need to know the salary details, then you really do qualify as one more swimmer in the turd bucket into which so many recruiters fall.mortlock2005 wrote:As an HR person, I really need to know either current salary or salary expectations.
Why aren't you seeking the qualified candidate first? You may have to let that person go because of salary issues, but again, why aren't you seeking the most qualified candidate first?
This is why most managers in any company hate HR with a passion... they think they need to know things that have jack shit with the person's ability to do the job... and seemingly have no clue as to how to identify essential skills. Instead it seems to be, "How much you make?"