Thank you for starting this forum which is very informative.
I have some questions which I hope you can help answer:
1. If a PR serves NS, they will be offered citizenship after that. What happens if he turns it down? Will he be blacklisted for life?
2. If a PR serves NS, then lives abroad for 5 years, he may lose his PR. Are there any case studies of this? What would be the criteria for regaining PR?
3. If someone applies for PR as an adult, gets it and receives a letter inviting him to become a citizen, but does not respond, what are the implications? This was 20 years ago. Upon a recent renewal, he was given a brochure on the benefits of citizenship. Does this count as "turning down citizenship?" Will he be blacklisted?
4. Friends are PRs but didn't apply for PR for their two sons, who are on student passes in International School. Does that mean after the age of 21 their sons can never live or work here again, as all passes will be denied?
5. Or does that only apply to those who went to local school here?
6. If their sons offer to serve NS after university, is that even possible and could they live here again?
Many thanks for your help!