I am not very well read. Can you share the report on this matter ?ecureilx wrote:I have no idea how you miss the news articles about China having pushed out other exploration plans by directly and indirectly warning off the interested JV partners ...
That doesn't sound right - why would one assume that a talk can be a one-sided event without even giving a go ? Are you suggesting that the Pinoys, after having shown guts to go to court against China, now dare not even meet them on 1-to-1 talk ?ecureilx wrote:Have you thought of telling the Filipinos they are crazy to not jaw jaw (????) where they will end up losing ? What jaw jaw ? Where the big guy says the small guy is a bully and hence, everything must go to the big guy and since the small guy is a bully, but I am not a bully, here, let me build you a train line in Luzon or rehabilitate an airport or build a new sea port somewhere .. forget about asking anything else. Deal ?
$ is what the Philippines is lacking of. Perhaps business dealing and businessmen are the best candidate to work with Chinese. I think it is time they put politics aside and allow the enterprises and entrepreneurs to begin some REAL productive work.ecureilx wrote: The sources mentioned in your news article are primarily private businessmen who only see $$ . Enough said there.
After all, I also learn that much of the Philippines enterprises and economy are in the hands of local ethnic Chinese. So I guess there are more than a few common grounds for both sides to work towards rather allowing differences to be magnified by those elite ruling class in Manila.