Almost certainly 12 months is not enforceable. It is either 6 or 3 months (IIRC more likely the later) and is probably to some extent circumstantial. I would suggest to visit a lawyer and pay this $100-300, just to be sure or ask somebody from HR that you think may know and will be honest with you.Zeke wrote:Hello everyone,
I was offered a new contract by my employer and they added the following clause to the contract. From what i understand it shows that if i quit or get fired i can not work for any competitor for 12 or 6 or 3 or 1 month (?) Dont understand what will determine the period.
I asked my collegues and i am the only one who has it....I am an analyst for a broker and even the sales people have just 1 month guardian leave...
Any ideas if it is enforceable especially for 12 months?
"You may not - for the duration of the non-compete period manage, be employed by, directly or indirectly assist or be interested in any business in the restricted territory that essentially and materially computer with the activities of the company and/or any related corporation in the restricted territory.
The non-compete period means:
a) a period of 12 months from the date of termination of your employment but if that period causes a restriction in clause above to be held to be legally unenforceable, then:
b) a period of 6 months from the termination eaten, but if that period causes a restriction in clause above to be held to be legally unenforceable, then:
c) a period of 3 months from the termination date, but if that period causes a restriction in clause above to be legally unenforceable, then:
d) a period of 1 month from the termination date"
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