Would you consider International Schools instead? Just a suggestion.Waterbottletale wrote:HI all,
We are non-PR from Australia, daughter sis her S-AEIS in 2/ 2016 April. She is pretty bright, she tops her current class in an International School but didn't get in? For those parents who got a placement in local school, please share your knowledge on how we get position ourselves better to get a place?
Send kids to do AEIS tuition classes? IF so which one do you recommend and which one we should stay away from?
OR should one be totally put off the idea of getting a place in local school ? As MOE made such drastic changes in limiting their placements for international students.
In 2/2016, we saw thousands of students entering into expo hall to do the entrance exam. After getting the negative result without any explanation neither, we ask MOE how many placements are actually made for offer but they are not allowed to reveal such information. Then we start to ponder what if there were only 30 spots, 50 spots or let's make it more generous 100 spots, but they have already collected $600 AEIS application fee on all the rest of 1000 students ( some flown in form overseas). MAny parents have given such high hopes with this AEIS opportunity. I wonder how feasible is this opportunity. When I told my friend, he made a comment, " Education should be made free for all children. " When I heard this, I chuckled. It is a lucrative business after all.
Agree. Stark difference on the costs involved between local and intl schools. But yes, International Schools are definitely an option that a lot of people look into.sundaymorningstaple wrote:They may not be on a fully found expat package. Therefore going to the International School could be outside of their budget. This is what normally drives the schooling decision, unless, of course, they are looking towards the future and possible PR / SC.
Congrats! Another 2 of my students also managed to get into local schools via AEIS. While I am going to miss having them in my school, it is great news for their parents and for them (since the local school is where they have always wanted to go to).OmoloevaLilia wrote:Hi everyone. My daughter sat for AEIS in September this year. It was our first attempt and luckily it was successful. We got a place in the school which only 500 hundred meters away from our house. We are so happy. So I want to say that it is possible to get place. Just keep trying!
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