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Condo Communities near AIS

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Gavin and Kate
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed, 18 May 2016 1:40 pm

Condo Communities near AIS

Post by Gavin and Kate » Wed, 18 May 2016 2:46 pm


My wife and I are moving to Singapore in late December 2016. Our three children will be attending the Australian International School (AIS). We would like to be walking distance from AIS as we are going to try and go without a car.

Can anyone recommend some good condos that are close by, are good for children and maybe have other families in them that also attend AIS?

Thank you!


ch chin
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Re: Condo Communities near AIS

Post by ch chin » Sat, 28 May 2016 3:17 pm

When we moved to Singapore in Sept 2015, we were registered with AIS and spent two months looking for a place close by without success. We finally decided to live in the Holland Road area and put our kids on the school bus instead, which turned out to be fine. In any event, we took our kids out of AIS after 1.5 terms (that's another story!) and they are now in a different school. Do not constrain your options by looking for something within walking distance (the only condo within walking distance is The Chuan). You can always consider the school bus, or you might end up like me and withdraw your kids from that school, in which case you would have tied yourself down to a 2-year lease in the area for nothing.

Gavin and Kate
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Joined: Wed, 18 May 2016 1:40 pm

Re: Condo Communities near AIS

Post by Gavin and Kate » Sat, 28 May 2016 4:26 pm

Our kids will be in preschool, year 2 and year 4, I'm not sure about outings kids that young on the bus.

ch chin
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Joined: Sat, 28 May 2016 3:12 pm

Re: Condo Communities near AIS

Post by ch chin » Sun, 29 May 2016 8:29 am

I understand how you feel about the bus thing. I was hesitant at first and did all the school runs myself, until I saw kids at pre-kindy getting on the bus! My kid was in Year 3. The bus system is very safe and orderly here and most expat kids take it. It's what happens once the bus drops your kids off at AIS that you might not be happy with. But like I said, that's another story altogether and only one of the many things we had issues with at the school.

The weather is hot and humid and rainy as in most tropical climates. What would you consider a tolerable walking distance? I would be happy walking 30 min in Australia but couldn't survive 10 Min here without ending up soaked in perspiration.

I'll send you a list of condos we looked at in the area later today.

tracey turk
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Re: Condo Communities near AIS

Post by tracey turk » Mon, 27 Mar 2017 7:32 am

ch chin wrote:When we moved to Singapore in Sept 2015, we were registered with AIS and spent two months looking for a place close by without success. We finally decided to live in the Holland Road area and put our kids on the school bus instead, which turned out to be fine. In any event, we took our kids out of AIS after 1.5 terms (that's another story!) and they are now in a different school. Do not constrain your options by looking for something within walking distance (the only condo within walking distance is The Chuan). You can always consider the school bus, or you might end up like me and withdraw your kids from that school, in which case you would have tied yourself down to a 2-year lease in the area for nothing.
Hi - we are thinking of AIS, can i ask why you moved your children out of that school? We are currently living in Sydney and my daughter has had 5 school moves in 6 years so if we move to Singapore i am extremely keen to make the right decision on school. She will be going into Year 8... Please help.
Tracey xx

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