One man's opinion, but a good opinion piece it is. While the events may not happen, the various hot spots around the world today, could very well reach a confluence that could easily trigger another WW. I wish everybody could just take a couple of steps back and see the bigger picture. It might not be Brexit or Trump, It could be China and/or N.Korea coupled with Trump or with Russia or with Brexit. So many hot spots with a multitude of downstream disruptions to so many. All we need a Locust Plague to add tinder to the fire (or something like Zika or a resurgence of one of the medical scourges that are trying to make a comeback in certain areas. Fortunately it is only an opinion piece. As a species, we don't seem to learn by our mistakes.
Who knows, maybe that is an inbred trait designed to deliberately keep our population in check. Wars tend to decimate populations.