Hello! I'm just wondering if anyone can advise me on this -
A bit of background: I just turned 21, have been living in Singapore for as long as I know - even did kindergarten at PAP; did secondary school and tertiary education here. I currently just graduated and have a diploma from a government school (not private basically). I'm a Malaysian citizen, as are the rest of my family (including a 17 year old brother at poly now). Mother is not working, father is making a pretty decent salary and worked in civil service for a number of years (education). We are all Singapore PRs, and I have been since... kindergarten? I don't know, but definitely by lower primary because I remember it on my passport lol.
I've wanted to apply for citizenship for some time now before this place is all I know, friends and family are here, plan to continue a life here etc... enrolling into university next year (in Singapore), but am present on a gap year of sorts (working part time until I find a full-time job). Lastly, my race is Indian - half indian, if it matters (which it does, I know). I haven't previously applied since I have to wait till I'm 21 to legally do so, but knowing this... what are my chances? I know that I can't submit any of that emotional I can recite the pledge too! or sing Home by Kit Chan or anything, so based on my tangible information, what do you suggest? Thank you!
Edit: am a female, so NS does not apply