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Change of Residential Address(SG-Johor Bahru)

Relocating, travelling or planning to make Singapore home? Discuss the criterias, passes or visa that is required.
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Re: Change of Residential Address(SG-Johor Bahru)

Post by x9200 » Wed, 09 Mar 2016 6:21 pm

lolz10 wrote:And yes, not staying in Singapore doesn't mean I'm not working in Singapore. I am Malaysian anyway in reply to ecureilx. I can't get you all to step in my shoes as everyone has own perceptions but there is one thing everyone does.
Everyone is trying to give the best for family.
Of course. But this is within personal ethical limits (for example). True, nobody is in your shoes, you could be saving lives.

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Re: Change of Residential Address(SG-Johor Bahru)

Post by rajagainstthemachine » Wed, 09 Mar 2016 6:50 pm

lolz10 wrote:First of all, I have been working in Singapore and staying in Singapore since 2012.
I am moving out to JB is because of my family. My wife has been transferred to work in JB from KL. With this situation, to save rental fee, I choose to move out to JB and travel in and out Singapore. (We just got married less than a year anyway :) )
The local address given is my relative's house just FYI.
I can travel to the house if there's any important letter but only time consuming. Therefore, I would like to change the residential address. Is that wrong by all mean?
why do you need a Singapore PR if your sole intention is to live in Malaysia? you want to take advantage of SG PR and want the advantage of living in Malaysia, in effect you want to get the best of both worlds.
and scam both systems..
To get there early is on time and showing up on time is late

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Re: RE: Re: Change of Residential Address(SG-Johor Bahru)

Post by ecureilx » Wed, 09 Mar 2016 10:17 pm

rajagainstthemachine wrote: why do you need a Singapore PR if your sole intention is to live in Malaysia? you want to take advantage of SG PR and want the advantage of living in Malaysia, in effect you want to get the best of both worlds.
and scam both systems..
He didn't have a need to stay in JB till now .. to be fair.

It does make sense to save on rental if you have an option and need to live in JB.

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Re: Change of Residential Address(SG-Johor Bahru)

Post by BBCWatcher » Thu, 10 Mar 2016 2:18 am

Answering the question asked, ICA helpfully tells you exactly what to do. Follow their instructions.

Please note that you may have difficulty renewing your Re-Entry Permit (REP) when the time comes if you have not been an actual resident of Singapore before applying for renewal. If you are physically outside Singapore when your REP expires, or if you leave Singapore without a valid REP, your PR status is lost. You will continue to pay MediShield Life premiums for as long as you hold PR status, so there is an ongoing cost to hang onto PR.

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Re: Change of Residential Address(SG-Johor Bahru)

Post by Siv » Thu, 10 Mar 2016 8:34 am

MANY MANY people (especially Malaysians residing in Johor) apply for PR using either a relative/close friend address. This seems to be somewhat of a norm. Reasons for doing it ? CPF, kids schooling, not paying VEP.....pick one. :D

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Re: Change of Residential Address(SG-Johor Bahru)

Post by Siv » Thu, 10 Mar 2016 8:41 am

To me, its simple.

If you don't RESIDE in the country, you really have no business even thinking of becoming a Permanent RESIDENT of that country.

Seriously stop giving excuses. If your situation has changed since you got PR, then just jolly well renounce it and move back across the border. You really can't have it both ways.

I work in SG and live in JB. I will only apply for PR the day I can bring my whole family across and live here. Till then, I lose CPF, so be it. I will use the advantage of earning in SGD to just pay into my EPF in Malaysia. Best I can do.

Sorry, man....but I am just calling it as I see it. No offense.

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Re: Change of Residential Address(SG-Johor Bahru)

Post by ecureilx » Thu, 10 Mar 2016 9:56 am

Siv wrote:MANY MANY people (especially Malaysians residing in Johor) apply for PR using either a relative/close friend address. This seems to be somewhat of a norm. Reasons for doing it ? CPF, kids schooling, not paying VEP.....pick one. :D
Well, on the flipside - getting a PR = can't drive a MY Plate car into SG, CPF locked till 55 :p

But living in MY, you can still get your 1 RM Medical and 2 RM Specialist treatments :D

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Re: Change of Residential Address(SG-Johor Bahru)

Post by BBCWatcher » Thu, 10 Mar 2016 10:27 am

Siv wrote:You really can't have it both ways.
Probably not over the medium to long term. However, ICA describes exactly what they need (by law) when one of its PRs moves outside Singapore. Also, Singapore now effectively charges a monthly "maintenance fee" (or "membership fee") for PR (and citizenship), so it's certainly not free to be a PR or citizen no matter where you live. (Ecureilx provides a couple more examples of ongoing PR-related costs.) As long as a PR notifies ICA of his/her current residence within 28 days of each and every move, and as long as the PR keeps paying MediShield Life premiums, and as long as the PR complies with all other legal requirements, no problem. That's the deal.

True, that PR "party" won't last forever. It'll last up to about 4.9 years. I'm highly confident the Singapore government understands how this all works, and I'm highly confident the government can defend its own interests as it sees them.

It's not a perfect analogy, but I wish nobody would smoke tobacco (or anything else). That's my personal opinion. Nonetheless, the fact is it's legal to smoke (taxed) tobacco. It's also legal for a Singapore PR to live outside Singapore. If you smoke you die sooner, on average. If you live outside Singapore as a PR, your PR status dies sooner, on average.

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