Siv wrote:You really can't have it both ways.
Probably not over the medium to long term. However, ICA describes exactly what they need (by law) when one of its PRs moves outside Singapore. Also, Singapore now effectively charges a monthly "maintenance fee" (or "membership fee") for PR (and citizenship), so it's certainly not free to be a PR or citizen no matter where you live. (Ecureilx provides a couple more examples of ongoing PR-related costs.) As long as a PR notifies ICA of his/her current residence within 28 days of each and every move, and as long as the PR keeps paying MediShield Life premiums, and as long as the PR complies with all other legal requirements, no problem. That's the deal.
True, that PR "party" won't last forever. It'll last up to about 4.9 years. I'm highly confident the Singapore government understands how this all works, and I'm highly confident the government can defend its own interests as it sees them.
It's not a perfect analogy, but I wish nobody would smoke tobacco (or anything else). That's my personal opinion. Nonetheless, the fact is it's legal to smoke (taxed) tobacco. It's also legal for a Singapore PR to live outside Singapore. If you smoke you die sooner, on average. If you live outside Singapore as a PR, your PR status dies sooner, on average.