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by Strong Eagle » Thu, 07 Apr 2016 8:13 pm
Because pilot training and testing suck. Because aircraft safety inspections suck. Because money is handed over under the table to people who are supposed to ensure that neither of those suck.
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by rajagainstthemachine » Thu, 07 Apr 2016 10:20 pm
even garuda indonesia was under the blacklist until recently.
To get there early is on time and showing up on time is late
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by JR8 » Fri, 08 Apr 2016 6:01 pm
'Do it or do not do it: You will regret both' - Kierkegaard
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by taxico » Fri, 08 Apr 2016 7:42 pm
Aut viam ad caelum inveniam aut faciam
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by Wd40 » Sat, 09 Apr 2016 10:59 am
rajagainstthemachine wrote:sundaymorningstaple wrote:Lot of buts there. Butts can be a nice topic

thats one of the things you miss when you go to other countries ( esp India) and you come back here and you see shorts and near skimpy clothing and you go aaaah i've missed this.

Not just India. Europe too, it's so freaking cold, everyone is covered up head to toe. But, then rarely you see one of those chicks in shorts inspite of the cold and it's so refreshing.
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by Wd40 » Sun, 10 Apr 2016 7:04 pm
Found Erdinger dunkel dark wheat beer at a food court nr my house. Tastes nice. 500ml bottle costs $7.
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by Wd40 » Sun, 10 Apr 2016 8:38 pm
In the 7 yrs that I have been in Singapore, its wierd, that I only realized last week that there is a channel called cHK. Last week watched the movie "Once upon a time in Shanghai" I normally dont watch movies, but while swapping channels this caught my eye and watched it till the end, was quite an interesting movie. But not that great, some parts of it you could make out didnt look real, it clearly felt fake. The martial arts though was top class, left me spell bound. Now watching cHK again and another action movie. Are all Hong Kong movies martial arts or action?
When we were kids in India, we watched all these kung foo movies and use to think all Chinese do martial arts, lol.
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by JR8 » Tue, 12 Apr 2016 3:54 am
Wd40 wrote:Found Erdinger dunkel dark wheat beer at a food court nr my house. Tastes nice. 500ml bottle costs $7.
V strange you found it in a food-court, dunkel wheat beer, plus quite cheap for that quality of brewer in SG. V good deal at that px, and quite obscure type of beer.... why do you think they stocked it?
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by nakatago » Tue, 12 Apr 2016 6:10 am
JR8 wrote:Wd40 wrote:Found Erdinger dunkel dark wheat beer at a food court nr my house. Tastes nice. 500ml bottle costs $7.
V strange you found it in a food-court, dunkel wheat beer, plus quite cheap for that quality of brewer in SG. V good deal at that px, and quite obscure type of beer.... why do you think they stocked it?
They're quite more common than most people think in hawker centers, even in the heartlands. There's apparently a demand and people have a more varied taste for beer than previously believed.
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by x9200 » Tue, 12 Apr 2016 8:16 am
Yep, I think the same^
I know only a few, but I believe there are many "beer stalls" in many very local hawker centers some of them serving pretty rare stuff like big bottle Chimays
This indicates too the need must be there.
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by nakatago » Tue, 12 Apr 2016 8:28 am
x9200 wrote:Yep, I think the same^
I know only a few, but I believe there are many "beer stalls" in many very local hawker centers some of them serving pretty rare stuff like big bottle Chimays
This indicates too the need must be there.
I have a tripel at home. Small bottle only, though.

"A quokka is what would happen if there was an anime about kangaroos."
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by rajagainstthemachine » Tue, 12 Apr 2016 10:30 am
JR8 wrote:Wd40 wrote:Found Erdinger dunkel dark wheat beer at a food court nr my house. Tastes nice. 500ml bottle costs $7.
V strange you found it in a food-court, dunkel wheat beer, plus quite cheap for that quality of brewer in SG. V good deal at that px, and quite obscure type of beer.... why do you think they stocked it?
you also get Paulaner, some fairprices esp one in Bukit timah also sell a large diverse bunch of beers.
To get there early is on time and showing up on time is late
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by x9200 » Tue, 12 Apr 2016 10:58 am
rajagainstthemachine wrote:JR8 wrote:Wd40 wrote:Found Erdinger dunkel dark wheat beer at a food court nr my house. Tastes nice. 500ml bottle costs $7.
V strange you found it in a food-court, dunkel wheat beer, plus quite cheap for that quality of brewer in SG. V good deal at that px, and quite obscure type of beer.... why do you think they stocked it?
you also get Paulaner, some fairprices esp one in Bukit timah also sell a large diverse bunch of beers.
The one in Bkt Timach Shopping Center, the Fairprice Finest is pretty poor in terms of beer choices but pretty good in general (very close to CS). It regularilly has wine deals, especially if you are looking for cheap, drinkable kinds but you don't need to prove to the world you are a sommelier.
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by nakatago » Tue, 12 Apr 2016 11:16 am
x9200 wrote:It regularilly has wine deals, especially if you are looking for cheap, drinkable kinds but you don't need to prove to the world you are a sommelier.
Drinkable is good enough.
I've been to a winery that has their tawny available in
comically large containers, which of course for "cheap" wine, made it even cheaper. Thing is, it's
really good wine. I only went for the 2L bottle though only because the 10L container would've been ridiculously heavy to lug around.
"A quokka is what would happen if there was an anime about kangaroos."
SAS vs CIS vs UWC any thoughts on differences
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We are moving with 2 kids grade 4 and 7 to Singapore and have narrowed down schools to SAS or CanadianIntl school or UWC.wondering if anyone can help...
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Hopefully PNGMK will drop in and help you out with regard for schools. Maybe others as well
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Last post by sundaymorningstaple
Wed, 11 Mar 2020 11:54 pm
Your thoughts on the appeal of living in Robertson Quay?
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Is this article for real? (I've been living in Newton for 2 years, didn't know Robertson Quay condos were that big a deal and that cheap!)
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Matter of opinion and interests. If RQ is your idea of daily eating out and drinks (when it opens up someday) by all means. Not my preferred hood,...
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Last post by ProvenPracticalFlexible
Sat, 23 May 2020 3:52 pm
Third-Party Courier:VPost Thoughts?
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I really like VPost. They have never lost an item and their charges and reshipping works.
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Used these recently
My favorite is buyandship. Pure weight, not volumetric.
Alternative is Amazon’s direct shipping
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Last post by Lisafuller
Sun, 27 Jun 2021 3:49 pm
Shipping loose furniture to Singapore via Vpost, thoughts?
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Hi All, wondering if anyone has experience with Vpost before?
I am renovating my house and would like to ship some items from overseas. Wanted to...
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Just an addendum to the observer's post which is currently accurate......
From January 1, 2023 , the government will extend GST to low-value goods...
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Last post by sundaymorningstaple
Mon, 12 Jul 2021 10:59 am
Thoughts on VPost courier service
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Alternatives have been known to be cheaper.
Amazon prime
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Yes I have. Prime, 3 wishlist a month. 2.99 flat.
Lots of rules, slow. Cheap.
I see. Thanks!
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Last post by Lisafuller
Mon, 18 Oct 2021 10:20 pm
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