Let's bring it closer to home. I have had my nephew and his little girl living with me since the PI sent her back, because the child was born to a PI mother in Singapore with a SG Father (my nephew). They were legally married (and still are). The gave the mother a LTVP for 1 years while she was pregnant and for a while after. come time for renewal they banished her back to the PI where she is today (the 1 year old baby went with here but after a year, the baby was not allowed to stay any longer as she didn't have a valid visa as she was only a 1+ year old baby. My nephew had to go to the PI to get the little girl and they have been living with me since. The mother's evil deed? She married my nephew in the PI and when they came to Singapore, it was found out that she had been here 5 or 6 years earlier on a WP and they didn't get permission from the MOM, even though they were in the PI at the time. (the mother, by the way, used to teach English in the 'peens and had a college degree but apparently took what she could find in Singapore as it was still much better than what she could get in the 'peens back then.) Singapore has a pretty hard heart.
There is also another case of a ship's captain but a search of the forum might turn it up (case I know about). To long to add to this.