Hello everyone,
I've recently come back from visiting a friend in Singapore, and I absolutely loved the place. He recommended me to these forums after visiting, and on my return to the UK, I am convinced that I would like to relocate there. I really appreciate any help on my situation, because I am not sure how easy it is to do.
I’m aware that many people are sent to Singapore by working for large international companies, so in my situation, it could be a little harder to get my foot in the door.
I am a senior web developer, which are usually sought after but after looking at a couple job sites, I couldn’t find a great deal. Just an abundance of banking and other financial services roles, I’m hoping that I was looking in the wrong place.
I’d really appreciate if could anyone help direct me to a more suitable job site for such skills, or perhaps names of LinkedIn recruiters in Singapore that could help?
Apologies if this isn't the correct forum to post this in!
Many thanks,