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My legal rights as an employee in Singapore

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Primrose Hill
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My legal rights as an employee in Singapore

Post by Primrose Hill » Fri, 19 Feb 2016 9:27 am

So, my dear friends, with the market in turmoil and I am working in the O&G, it has been "indicated" to me that I "will be" tapped on the shoulder; meaning last in first out.

I have worked here in Company B since I have landed myself here in SG. The boss do not allow much leeway in terms of attending freebie conferences whereby I am able to mingle with my peers.
Coupled with that I am not sure of the Singapore job market.
Also, what are my rights general as an employee here in SG?
Is there a set format of redundancy package? In London, financial services packages tend to be generally slightly better than the govt prescribed since there's goodwill involved etc. But not sure here.
Also, powers that be, I am getting vibes are getting quite nasty about these too; e.g rather than paying off someone, they are trying to put people on performance improvements even though the year end appraisals have been marked at met targets. Is that allowed?

Advise please and tons and tons of help, guidance and tlc

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Strong Eagle
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Re: My legal rights as an employee in Singapore

Post by Strong Eagle » Fri, 19 Feb 2016 9:51 am

Unless your salary is $4,500 or less, you are not covered by the employment act. Basically this means that EVERYTHING that defines the relationship between you and the employer has to be done in the employment contract.

No redundancy package defined in the contract? They can basically toss you out the door with your box full of cubicle items and they are done. You mostly don't have any rights, except those defined in the employment contract you signed.

Now, most larger companies do have to consider a couple of things. First is their marketplace reputation... it gets around pretty quickly that a company is screwing over its employees, and the MNC's that I am aware of have offered retrenchment packages of one sort or another. Second, if the layoffs involve very many staff, I expect, but do not know, that the gahmen might be inclined to lean on senior management so that there isn't a sudden influx of people without a job and no means of support.

Bottom line: If your company is trying to screw you they probably can, unless there is something in your employment contract to the contrary. Only you can know which way to jump... and... I think I'd be asking, "Are you going to lay me off?", and, "What kind of package will I get?"

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Re: My legal rights as an employee in Singapore

Post by PNGMK » Mon, 22 Feb 2016 4:55 pm

If they are an MNC I'd expect to try to negotiate for;

2 weeks per full year of service and all annual leave paid out. I've seen some more generous MNC's add on a gratuity, pro-rated bonus. One recent fellow where I worked walked out with 9 months pay for four years service.
I not lawyer/teacher/CPA.
You've been arrested? Law Society of Singapore can provide referrals.
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Primrose Hill
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Re: My legal rights as an employee in Singapore

Post by Primrose Hill » Mon, 22 Feb 2016 5:22 pm

How do I get that?

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Re: My legal rights as an employee in Singapore

Post by PNGMK » Mon, 22 Feb 2016 5:26 pm

Work for a reputable MNC that doesn't want glassdoor recommendations saying "don't work for these cheap pricks".
I not lawyer/teacher/CPA.
You've been arrested? Law Society of Singapore can provide referrals.
You want an International School job? School website or
Your rugrat needs a School? Avoid for profit schools
You need Tax advice? Ask a CPA
You ran away without doing NS? Shame on you!

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