And what will the guy do here for 5 months ... (assuming it's a guy ...sundaymorningstaple wrote:How are you going to join her? On what type of visa? Where are you from?
Yes, wonderful.thailen wrote:Answering your questions - she'll have a student visa, so I assume you're asking about me. I'm an American and yes, I'm considerably older than her. I'm a guy and like to talk about politics, the internet,, I drink an occasional beer, like to meet other expats, eat out occasionally and like trying new foods(not spicy) as well as enjoy nature and limited hiking, play street tennis(not seriously)...
Singapore has been traditionally looking carefully at long term residents here who don't have a valid reason to be here unless you have a family here or work or is an investor here, hence the concern that your visa runs may come to a screeching halt. That's what you need to worry about. Being here with a girl friend won't fly with suspicious immigration officers.thailen wrote:I have a non-immigrant(O) visa good for one year and renewable forever(so far)What's the difference about the age gap? Who cares? I'll check on Serviced Apartments, so thanks. I responded to "what will the guy do for 5 months" hoping there may be groups like expat orgs(we have two here in Pattaya,Thailand) that I can wire into. If not, so be it....
Well, there are hotels / rooms at 30 $ or so, but they are more or less pretty small in size, and the toilet has space for only one person to enter / exit.x9200 wrote:I recall some discussions where hotel rooms were mentioned for ca S$30 a day, providing it's a longer term stay (a month or more).
There are also some student hostels around and I think they are substantially cheaper, but somehow I think this is not the case where the love will conquer some critical cohabitational restrictions.
Cost of food is negligible. Cost of any alcohol based entertainment is not. A pint of beer is ca $5 in a store, triple to quintuple this in a pub, 0.7l of booze of Absolut class is S$50-75. Thai whisky is available, but only slightly cheaper than the more mainstream liquids. For social life just visit expat/tourist frequented venues. There are many of them and these will be your least concern.
And... a big bottle of Tiger is $5 to $6 at a hawker center. 75 cl bottles of liquor available from S$32 and up at Chandna Mart on Serangoon... my biz partner used to buy McAllan 18 for $95 per bottle there. JW Red for $32.ecureilx wrote:And alcohol - to OP.
In a bar, A mug of beer or A pint can start from 12 $ to 15 $
A bottle of Absolut (damn, what about a Wyborowa? ) in bars start from 150 $ upwards, and can reach 300 $ or so.
Not funny Mod, you just plugged an ad for the 'akka' shop (as an acquaintance used to call that shop)Strong Eagle wrote:And... a big bottle of Tiger is $5 to $6 at a hawker center. 75 cl bottles of liquor available from S$32 and up at Chandna Mart on Serangoon... my biz partner used to buy McAllan 18 for $95 per bottle there. JW Red for $32.ecureilx wrote:And alcohol - to OP.
In a bar, A mug of beer or A pint can start from 12 $ to 15 $
A bottle of Absolut (damn, what about a Wyborowa? ) in bars start from 150 $ upwards, and can reach 300 $ or so., ... 312!8i6656
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