Pride...yeah right.JR8 wrote: If he's British do you think he might have inherited some pride...*sniped*

Pride...yeah right.JR8 wrote: If he's British do you think he might have inherited some pride...*sniped*
...this seems to be the case today, not just with Christianity.Strong Eagle wrote:Absolutely, positively. Earliest Christians emerged in about 50 AD. There were numerous different sects, none with a written bible, all, to varying degrees incorporating the Tanakh as part of their scripture. By the end of the first century Christianity was recognized as a religion separate from Judaism.TMD wrote:Imperial Christianity created by the Romans ?!
But Christianity was not at all homogeneous. There were many different belief systems based upon the different teachings and understandings of the apostles. Nevertheless, there grew a rough governing structure such that the elders could make decisions that were binding on all the various sects.
In 311, Roman Emperor Constantine legalized Christianity. In 325, Constantine convened the Council of Nicaea, where he basically instructed all the elders of the sects to get their act together, to start behaving and believing as a single unified body... or else. This is where the Christian church formally declares Jesus as the Son of God, and publishes the Nicene Creed, a document that formalizes the beliefs of Christians. This is where the roles of the church hierarchy are also defined.
In 381, the Holy Spirit is added to the Nicene Creed, and Rome, via an edict by Emperor Theodosiu, adopts Christianity as the official state religion, and makes it superior to all others. Thus began the dance of power between church and state, a power relationship that essentially remained unchanged as Christianity spread throughout Europe, with heads of the church anointing kings and heads of state granting great powers of control to the church... at least until King Henry VIII essentially told the Pope to piss off when he founded the Anglican church.
That's the short version. Modern Christianity is most definitely a Roman construct.
Ah, so Singaporean, so vague and non-committal. I do hope you're not sniping thereTMD wrote:Pride...yeah right.JR8 wrote: If he's British do you think he might have inherited some pride...*sniped*
Let's just say I know when to stop a conversation when a pattern shows up.JR8 wrote:Ah, so Singaporean, so vague and non-committal. I do hope you're not sniping thereTMD wrote:Pride...yeah right.JR8 wrote: If he's British do you think he might have inherited some pride...*sniped*
More seriously, what do you disagree with - you don't say?
If you have an opinion or information that you would like to share, just say it. There will always be people who will agree and disagree with whatever is written. Just stop this kind of shitty mind game. You may not see it from a third person. It is manipulative to write this way. Keep it simple, man!TMD wrote:Let's just say I know when to stop a conversation when a pattern shows up.JR8 wrote:Ah, so Singaporean, so vague and non-committal. I do hope you're not sniping thereTMD wrote: Pride...yeah right.
More seriously, what do you disagree with - you don't say?
You get to keep your opinion while I express my observation - Does that bothers you ?
I already have, and the unsurprising JR8's latest response precisely explains it all.earthfriendly wrote:If you have an opinion or information that you would like to share, just say it. There will always be people who will agree and disagree with whatever is written. Just stop this kind of shitty mind game. You may not see it from a third person. It is manipulative to write this way. Keep it simple, man!
Is there an unwritten rule in this forum that advise posters whom to ignore and that "local syntax" isn't welcomed here ? Like hear from the mod himself.sundaymorningstaple wrote:EF, basically, what TMD is saying is it's perfectly okay, and even desirable for all our regulars to ignore his posts and not to even be baited to answer them as he is not actually trying to be a part of the forum at all, but is just trolling, trying to get a rise out of people, with his 'observations'. It's sad, however that he give credence to the stereotype of some of locals who occasionally show up here. Especially, with his local syntax when writing like "does that bother's' you?"
Looks like the Chinese Govt is battening down the hatches in preparation for some tough news economically.earthfriendly wrote:It is no longer safe to be a book seller in Chinese territories. Better stick with selling char kway teow. These jokers! ... terms.html
Happy Days for the masses in this part of the world.It also allows investigators to dispense with formal inquests into killings by the police or armed forces in those areas
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