x9200 wrote:Wd40 wrote:Today's solar eclipse was interesting. The brightness outside and the trees etc looked exactly like how Europe looks in bright sunshine. It actually looked beautiful. I think the beautiful landscape of Europe has something to do with the amount of sunlight and the colour of the sunshine. Asian just doesn't look as beautiful.
It shines at a different angle. Here it is hitting down right on top of your head thanks to the vicinity of the equator.
Sounds like AMS turned you into one of them there damn hippies WD! ;-D
I think the light is different, also it's easy to forget that in EU almost no windows have a UV coating on them which changes the colour spectrum you see. Plus the foliage is different, far more seasonal foliage, with deciduous trees etc, so as the flora re-emerges from winter it becomes a riot of vivid dayglo green. A similar colour to a field of freshly sprouted rice.