You never said where your girlfriend is from ?Thatguy wrote:Hi All,
Wanted to seek your opinions on the current situation my GF and I are in.
My GF was in Singapore in and out since June this year on 90 day SVPs. However, on our return from a short break away in early December, she was pulled aside at ICA clearance. I was there, so I went to speak to the ICA senior officer and he asked me is she with me. To which I responded with a resounding YES. The officer responded with "if you weren't here, I would have sent her back". He then sent my GF on her way through with a 7 day SVP.
I understand that there are rules such as a Visitor may not exceed a period of 6 months stay in Singapore over a year.
Note: However, my GF had worked in SG before for a few years. She is a teacher
My questions to the experts on the forum are:
1. Does being pulled aside and allowed to enter Singapore constitute a black-listing of any sort? My research has proved inconclusive and I would like some certainty in this regard.
2. Timing for next visit. At this stage I plan to have my GF visit me after a period of at least 3 months. Does this sound sane at all? I guess this can be answered by addressing my next final question...
3. With the maximum visit threshold of 6 months in a 12 month period (OR is it a calendar year?), when do they calculate this from? Is there an exact point in time?
Many thanks for your support.
Thanks for your response.ecureilx wrote:You never said where your girlfriend is from ?Thatguy wrote:Hi All,
Wanted to seek your opinions on the current situation my GF and I are in.
My GF was in Singapore in and out since June this year on 90 day SVPs. However, on our return from a short break away in early December, she was pulled aside at ICA clearance. I was there, so I went to speak to the ICA senior officer and he asked me is she with me. To which I responded with a resounding YES. The officer responded with "if you weren't here, I would have sent her back". He then sent my GF on her way through with a 7 day SVP.
I understand that there are rules such as a Visitor may not exceed a period of 6 months stay in Singapore over a year.
Note: However, my GF had worked in SG before for a few years. She is a teacher
My questions to the experts on the forum are:
1. Does being pulled aside and allowed to enter Singapore constitute a black-listing of any sort? My research has proved inconclusive and I would like some certainty in this regard.
2. Timing for next visit. At this stage I plan to have my GF visit me after a period of at least 3 months. Does this sound sane at all? I guess this can be answered by addressing my next final question...
3. With the maximum visit threshold of 6 months in a 12 month period (OR is it a calendar year?), when do they calculate this from? Is there an exact point in time?
Many thanks for your support.
And how many times she been visiting Singapore after she stopped working?
And how short was the left sojourn ?
And was she doing visa runs without going back to her home country ?
In the past former pass holders were treated better upon their return to Singapore but of late they too are subject to the same scrutiny as many freelancing females arriving in Singapore.
For 1) no, but she's likely to be given the lovely 7 day visa on her next visit
For 2) no such 'timing' but the longer she stays away, the better it is (if your love can stand the separation...)
For 3) no formula, once she is being monitored + based on her passport, she maybe refused entry on her next visit or not.
ICA keeps their cards close so nobody can play the system. Hence you take your chances.
90 day visa ? Is she holding a US or European passport?
Firstly there is no "threshold" - That's from what I know about how ICA folks possibly identify possible abuses or violations of visit visa.Thatguy wrote:
Thanks for your response.
She is from the Republic of Korea.
She has been travelling back and forth with me, so she had never breached the 90 day SVP (thought the 6/12 month threshold was breached recently)
Last trip out was for Five days.
Not really Visa runs, she follows me wherever I go for business/ meetings. Either SEA or NEA. I travel frequently.
Do these data points affect what you had already pointed out in anyway?
+1sundaymorningstaple wrote: I don't understand why people insist of jeopardizing their future when it's so easy just to get married. If it isn't on the cards, then leave her and find a local girl. Why take a chance on messing up her life and possibly even yours in the process.
Don't worry, you will wake up one dayThatguy wrote:Thank you gentlemen. Isn't is sick what we guys do for the sake of love?
Or, as an old friend of mine put it one day, "... the things a man will do for a little bit of pussy."Thatguy wrote:Thank you gentlemen. Isn't is sick what we guys do for the sake of love?
No. Just romantic.Thatguy wrote:Isn't is sick what we guys do for the sake of love?
So trueBBCWatcher wrote:Malaysia and Indonesia are reasonably convenient. There are many countries (and "Special Administrative Regions") between Singapore and Korea, each with its own immigration "zone." The same issues apply: foreigners (including you) can abuse their tourist privileges in any country/region. So don't do that. Stay out more than you're in (and preferably much better than that), and don't enter any country/region too many times. Note that airside hotels don't involve clearing immigration, and there are a few between Singapore and Korea. Taipei has one to pick an example. If you're on a business trip to city X, then she may be able to visit you without necessarily clearing immigration. (No, I've never done that. But it's an option.)
Or perhaps she can qualify on her own to relocate to Singapore, Johor Bahru, Bintan, or Batam -- but you aren't assured entry to the last three.
From Mehran Karimi Nasseri via Tom Hanks. Many marriages don't last as long as Nasseri's airside stay in Terminal 1 of Charles de Gaulle International Airport. Nasseri holds the record for longest stay at an airport.ecureilx wrote:but I do like the hotel of meeting in air side hotels (where do you get such amazing ideas ? )
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