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Help: Work Permit to LTVP LOC?

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Help: Work Permit to LTVP LOC?

Post by terrieamo » Sun, 29 Nov 2015 11:07 pm

hi all. i am married to sc and currently holding a work permit

recently, my LTVP has been approved in principle and waiting for me to complete formalities

may i know what will happen to my pass and my employment?

for my work permit:

do i return my work permit to ICA or MOM?

will i get the LTVP pass on the day of completing formalities? if not, when?

can i hold on to both work permit and LTVP pass at the same time? because i need my work permit to work...

for my employment:

am i still employed if i complete formalities and become a ltvp holder?

can i continue to work in my current job immediate after getting my ltvp? or do i have to stop work temporarily until my employer obtain a LOC for me?

if it is the later, does it mean that if i change complete formalities and hold an ltvp, and at the same time LOC is not approved, i will be out of my current job and become jobless?

sincerely looking for clarifications on the procedures of converting work permit to LTVP. what are the stages, what pass do i have to give up, what pass will i be holding, and how do i get to continue working...


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Re: Help: Work Permit to LTVP LOC?

Post by sundaymorningstaple » Mon, 30 Nov 2015 12:15 am

You will have to burn about a weeks annual leave as you will have to get your LTVP issued first and then have your employer file for the LoC immediately the LTVP is issued. The total time should be no more than a week to get the LoC issued. When it first started on 1 Feb 2015 there was a waiver issued which allowed the LTVP holder to continue working temporarily until the LoC was granted, but that was fazed out on 1 May 2015.
LTVP Holders on Work Visas

LTVP holders (i.e. those married to Singapore citizens and residents only) already holding a work visa can continue their employment on those until their expiry. Subsequently, a Letter of Consent (LOC) will be issued to them instead of a work visa if they want to continue working in Singapore.

The Ministry will no longer be issuing such work visas from May 1, 2015 and is encouraging foreign spouses on work visas to convert to LOC as soon as possible.

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Re: Help: Work Permit to LTVP LOC?

Post by BBCWatcher » Mon, 30 Nov 2015 8:21 am

The Christmas and New Year holidays are coming, and that could be an excellent time to transition depending on your employer's schedule. Try to get your employer ready to file for the Letter of Consent electronically as quickly as possible. Christmas is on a Friday this year (2015). EP Online (the electronic system your employer uses to apply for a Letter of Consent) is open on Thursday, December 24, until 8:00 p.m. (but they shouldn't wait until the last minute) and then also open on Saturday, December 26, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and again on Monday, December 28, from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. So if you could get your work permit cancelled and LTVP issued on the afternoon of December 24 (for example), and if your employer can get the LOC request filed through their EP Online account late that afternoon or evening, that should work well, and you'd stand a good chance of being back to work on Monday, January 4, 2016.

My wife had to go through this "shuffle." She had her employer on "standby," and her employer filed the LoC request via EP Online literally minutes after she switched. It did not take 7 days to approve in her case -- it was faster -- but the key is to get the application filed electronically as quickly as possible and to time everything depending on your and your employer's agreed schedule.

I should point out that technically Letters of Consent are discretionary. It is theoretically possible that the LoC will not be approved. That's reportedly rare.

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Re: Help: Work Permit to LTVP LOC?

Post by sundaymorningstaple » Mon, 30 Nov 2015 11:25 am

I only am aware of one such case so far (that was reported on this forum). I personally don't know of any myself, but apparently there are LoC's that have been rejected as they are being held to stricter criteria than a couple of years ago. But I'm not aware of any being rejected when converting from a currently held work visa (WP, S or EP) to the LoC. It wouldn't make too much sense if they are still in the same job as they have already been vetted for the work pass.

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Re: Help: Work Permit to LTVP LOC?

Post by yayi3210 » Wed, 02 Dec 2015 9:18 am

Post by terrieamo » Sun, 29 Nov 2015 11:07 pm

hi all. i am married to sc and currently holding a work permit

recently, my LTVP has been approved in principle and waiting for me to complete formalities

may i know what will happen to my pass and my employment?

for my work permit:

do i return my work permit to ICA or MOM?

will i get the LTVP pass on the day of completing formalities? if not, when?

can i hold on to both work permit and LTVP pass at the same time? because i need my work permit to work...

for my employment:

am i still employed if i complete formalities and become a ltvp holder?

can i continue to work in my current job immediate after getting my ltvp? or do i have to stop work temporarily until my employer obtain a LOC for me?

if it is the later, does it mean that if i change complete formalities and hold an ltvp, and at the same time LOC is not approved, i will be out of my current job and become jobless?

sincerely looking for clarifications on the procedures of converting work permit to LTVP. what are the stages, what pass do i have to give up, what pass will i be holding, and how do i get to continue working...
1. the ica will take back the work permit issued by MOM
2.Usually most of the time you will get it on the day of formalities unless they still want to check other things then they will issues a temperory pass to you.
3. no at any one time, you only allow to hold a pass not both
4. yes but you can not start working without a valid LOC. but you are still under the employment of the company unless the company state otherwise.
5. you can not start work without a valid LOC even if you have the LTVP. ICA usually will give a temperory LOC with last about 2 months for your employer to apply for new LOC.
6. Unless your employer dont want to wait and dismiss you


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Re: Help: Work Permit to LTVP LOC?

Post by yeshah02 » Thu, 03 Dec 2015 3:07 am

Hi my case is like this..
1.from ltvp to work permit.
2.from this year i have to apply ltvp again due to new rule,ltvp approved while holding my work permit.
3.during your ltvp formalities if still wroking at the same company ica officer will give you temporary 1 month valid LOC ,so your employer have 1 month time to apply your LOC
4,ica will take back you work permit.

Hopefully this will help you i just got mine may 2015.

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Re: Help: Work Permit to LTVP LOC?

Post by confusedman » Mon, 05 Aug 2019 4:45 pm

Sorry for bumping up an old thread. this is the thread i find most relevant to my enquiry but I have further questions about it.

I am SC and have applied LTVP+ for my wife. We got the AIP and our appointment to complete formalities is set on 27th AUG 2pm.

I have called MOM and ICA several times but i been getting different answers from different officers. I have sent emails to both ministries and awaiting their replies.

In summary. My questions are as below:

1) My wife has to work for half day on 27th ends at 1.30pm. Can the employer cancel SPass on exactly 27th 2pm so we can attend the appointment at 2.30pm and get the LTVP+ card?

2) Since my wife is currently a SPASS holder, MOM will automatically issue a "temporally approval letter" to be collected along with LTVP card for her to work for 30 days while waiting for employer to apply for Letter of Consent?
(i. some MOM officer told me they won't issue anything and my wife has to pause working until she got her LOC, but some other officer ASSURED me that MOM will issue a letter to allow her to work for 30 days without pausing)
(ii. when applying for LTVP, i selected "NO" on "Do you wish to apply to the Controller of Work Passes for a Preapproved Letter of Consent (PLOC) to work in Singapore?" due to my mistake. but the officers told me this is not relevant to the temporally approval letter)

3) Her employer told her that if she had to pause working due to the waiting for LOC, no only she has to be on unpaid leave, she also need to pay penalty to the employer (amount equivalent to the full salary of days absence) This sounds really odd to me, is this against any MOM regulations?

Thanks. I am anxious about this due to her employer's attitude. Hopefully you guys can advise before i got replies from MOM and ICA.

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Re: Help: Work Permit to LTVP LOC?

Post by confusedman » Wed, 07 Aug 2019 12:06 pm

I got a reply from ICA. Thought i would share here in case it helps anyone:

1) upon completion of formalities of the LTVP application, the SPass will be automatically cancelled once the LTVP is issued

2) When applicant reports to ICA to collect LTVP card, ICA will issue her a temporary approval letter on behalf of MOM allowing her to work for one month from the issuance date of her LTVP. If her employer would to continue employing er, he/she would need to submit and obtain an Letter of Consent for her from MOM before the one-month temporary approval expires.

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Re: Help: Work Permit to LTVP LOC?

Post by confusedman » Wed, 14 Aug 2019 5:00 pm

Adding MOM's answer for #3

If the work pass is required to be cancelled by MOM through no fault of the employee and the company, it would be considered as a frustration of contract. In this regard, there would be no obligation for either party to pay the other party with compensation in lieu of notice. The employee will be paid salary till his/her last day of employment.

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