No I don't. There is no easy way for a third party to vet schools. As a parent I would recommend:sundaymorningstaple wrote:Mayby PNGMK knows, but my children are all married and the one that has children will have a couple more years to worry about it, but they will go through the local system.
1. Looking for plagiarized textbooks (sign of financial distress). Canadian did this for awhile.
2. Relying on online programs too much (say more than 1/4 of your kids time) - common tactic to reduce teaching overhead.
3. Combing classes to the point of ridiculousness (sticking 8th grade geometry students in with 11th grade calculus as per one International School).
4. Revising schedules to reduce contact time (a strategy to stretch teachers more)
5. Not openly stating when they last were vetted for accrediatation
6. Hiring friends and family instead of professionals (shockingly common). ASK to see your teacher's credentials and CERTIFICATION to combat this. Another cheapout scam.
7. No clear plan for the next campus